Administrative Procedures
Employee Travel Expense and Reimbursement
Procedure Number: 5.8.1-P
Current Effective Date: 08/01/2023
Original Effective Date: 01/01/2015
Revision Dates: 07/01/2016, 10/01/2017; 07/01/2019, 3/20/2020, 12/07/2020, 07/23/2021, 04/18/2022, 05/01/2022, 06/15/2022, 01/01/2023, 08/01/2023
Revision Number: 11
Revision Summary: update to BA850 process
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
References: Includes Prior Business Procedure 8.4
1. Purpose
To outline requirements for reimbursement by KCTCS for out-of-pocket expenses incurred while on official KCTCS business travel and other purchases made for approved bona fide business purposes.
2. Scope
This is a mandatory procedure that applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. Pre-Travel Authorization Requirements
In-state travel:
- No authorization form is required to be attached for the System Office audit level. However, all employees traveling on KCTCS business or who expect reimbursement from KCTCS for travel expenses shall have supervisory approval. Otherwise, KCTCS may deny the reimbursement request in whole or in part.
Out-of-state travel:
- All overnight out-of-state travel reimbursement requests shall have a BA25 (Out-of-State
Travel Authorization) form attached, signed and dated by the college president/System
Office cabinet member and by the employee traveling.
- Both the event and the lodging shall be outside of Kentucky to be considered out-of-state travel.
3.3 Out-of-country travel:
Out-of-country travel:
- All out-of-country travel reimbursement requests shall have a BA26 (Out-of-Country
Travel Authorization) form attached, signed and dated by the college president/System
Office cabinet member, the KCTCS Chancellor, and by the employee traveling.
- See Administrative Policy (Travel Abroad Policy) and Administrative Procedure (Travel Abroad Review and Approval Procedure).
- See Administrative Policy (Travel Abroad Policy) and Administrative Procedure (Travel Abroad Review and Approval Procedure).
- See Administrative Procedure 5.2.1-P (Insurance), Section 8 (International), for securing international travel insurance.
- Travel dates and destination shall be given to the KCTCS Office of Facilities Support
Services at least 30 days prior to travel for insurance purposes.
- See section 3.5 of this procedure for additional requirements regarding student international
- Out-of-country travel using federal funds shall adhere to the Fly America Act in accordance with Title 49 of the US Code, Subtitle VII, Part A, subpart I, Chapter 401, 40118, Government Financed Air Transportation.
Exceptions and requirements:
- Travel arrangements shall be made using the most economical and feasible means available.
- KCTCS will only reimburse for most economical forms of travel, regardless of the amount
submitted for reimbursement.
- KCTCS will only reimburse for most economical forms of travel, regardless of the amount
submitted for reimbursement.
- Exceptions to this or any other procedure shall have written approval from the KCTCS
Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO.
- Requests should include sufficient information and justification for KCTCS Business
Services to discern the necessity and bona fide business purpose for the request.
- Example: Requests for a direct-bill to KCTCS for lodging arrangements for a group.
- See Administrative Procedure 5.1.16-P (Direct Billing or Procurement Card Purchase of Accommodations or Meals).
- Requests shall go through the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO.
- Example: Rental car.
- See Administrative Procedure 5.1.17-P (Rental Vehicles).
- Shall attach approval from college president/KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO.
- Example: Moving expenses and travel related to moving.
- Refer to Administrative Procedure 5.8.2-P (Moving and Temporary Assignment Expense Reimbursement).
- KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO shall approve.
- Example: Requests for a direct-bill to KCTCS for lodging arrangements for a group.
Additional KCTCS International travel abroad requirements:
- Travelers submitting expense reports associated with travel/study abroad programs
shall have complied with the KCTCS Travel Abroad Policy and Procedure.
- KCTCS may deny any expenses submitted for reimbursement or payment in connection with
travel abroad programs not in compliance with applicable policy and procedure.
- KCTCS may deny any expenses submitted for reimbursement or payment in connection with
travel abroad programs not in compliance with applicable policy and procedure.
- KCTCS students traveling out-of-country per a recognized approved KCTCS study abroad
program shall complete a KCTCS Insurance Form and Emergency Contact Information Form.
- Funds collected for student international travel/study abroad shall be coordinated with and maintained by a third-party agency such as a travel agency (i.e., Education First Study Tours, Kentucky Institute for International Studies) or College Foundation.
- Faculty/staff who are coordinating international student travel may not hold travel
funds collected for student travel in a personal checking account or banking account
under that faculty or staff member’s name. Doing so violates Administrative Procedure 5.3.9-P (Cash Accounting & Handling) provisions regulating cash handling.
- Stipends paid to the travel coordinator: If a faculty or staff member receives a stipend
beyond the cost of travel for serving as the international travel/study abroad leader,
those funds are taxable under IRS code and regulation. The third-party agency shall
submit a 1099 for tax purposes for that individual.
- Colleges that create student organizations that maintain funds for international travel/study abroad shall follow guidelines under Administrative Procedure 5.7.11-P (Student Organization Compliance and Repair).
4. Deadlines
All expense reimbursement reports should be submitted within 45 days of the travel or purchase.
- Fiscal year-end (June 30) deadlines may be shorter than 45 days.
- KCTCS year-end processing deadlines are distributed well in advance to all departments by the office of the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO.
5. Mileage
Mileage is not reimbursed for commuting between the employee’s home and primary work location.
KCTCS or state-owned vehicles with fuel credit cards should be used if available and feasible.
Personal vehicle use while on official KCTCS business is reimbursed at a rate of $0.52 per mile (2022); between the employee’s official work location and the destination, unless the employee left from home and home was closer to the destination.
Mileage to and from the airport for out-of-state trips is calculated the same as in Paragraph 5.3 above regardless of the day of the week or time of day.
- Only one round trip is reimbursable.
Mileage reimbursement can be requested for preapproved travel using a personal vehicle for KCTCS business, and covered under KCTCS’ accountable travel plan.
Employees who choose to drive a personal vehicle, when flying would have been more economical, will be reimbursed the amount of one coach airline ticket.
- No other expenses will be considered as part of the coach airline ticket quote – for
example, baggage fees, parking, and mileage to the airport.
- Employee shall provide all pricing details for both modes of travel for comparison.
Vicinity mileage exceeding 20 total miles shall be listed separately, with originating and destination locations specified.
Mileage will be verified and calculated by the GPS Mileage Calculator in PeopleSoft by utilizing Oracle Maps when seeking reimbursement. The expense type Mileage should be selected and the Mileage Calculator fields completed. A single trip or round trip can be submitted for reimbursement. To calculate the miles, follow the process outlines below:
- Enter the starting point address in the Start Point Field. The format shall be Address,
City, State. Example: 300 North Main Street, Versailles, KY or 300 North Main St,
Versailles, KY.
- Mileage shall be calculated from employee's workstation unless employee traveled from
home, in the event that home was closer.
- Mileage shall be calculated from employee's workstation unless employee traveled from
home, in the event that home was closer.
- Enter the ending point address in the End Point field. The format shall be Address,
City, State. Example: 300 North Main Street, Versailles, KY or 300 North Main St,
Versailles KY. Click Calculate GPS Distance.
- When seeking reimbursement for a round trip, select the plus sign in order to select
the date of the return trip and the expense type as Mileage. Follow the above format
to enter starting and end point and click Calculate GPS Distance. If the address
is not entered in the same manner for both (such as not spelling Street or using an
abbreviation for Street "St") then the mileage calculated may be slightly different
in the calculation by a few miles.
- The traveler has the option to override the number of calculated miles by deleting what populated in the Miles field and entering a value. If this option is chosen, then the traveler will be required to enter the reason that calculated mileage was overridden in the GPS Amt Override Comment field.
KCTCS encourages colleges to consider normal travel requirements of an employee’s job in compensation considerations. Colleges are encouraged to limit the utilization of KCTCS vehicles and mileage reimbursements to unusual travel needs outside of the employee’s regular day-to-day duties. When an employee shall utilize KCTCS vehicles or be reimbursed mileage, the following applies:
- Travel between worksites in the course of a workday is included in the KCTCS accountable
plan and may be reimbursed as a non-taxable event at the college’s discretion.
- KCTCS vehicles may also be used under the KCTCS accountable plan, at the college’s
discretion, when an employee travels between worksites in the normal course of their
- If commuting is reimbursed or a KCTCS vehicle is used to commute, the college will report the corresponding mileage reimbursed or vehicle usage to payroll to allow for taxable wages to be assigned.
6. Air Travel
A KCTCS procurement card (procard) should be used to purchase airline tickets.
- Refer to Administrative Procedure 5.4.2-P (Procurement Card) for additional information on airline ticket purchases.
- Employees without access to a KCTCS procard should contact their local college business
office for instructions.
- If it is impossible or impractical to use a procard, approval for reimbursement from the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO shall be requested in advance and evidence thereof attached to the employee’s expense report.
Commercial airline travel shall be at the coach/economy class (lowest) rate.
- Additional or optional expenses are not reimbursable with the exception of baggage
fees for one piece of non-overweight checked luggage.
- Frequent-flyer miles and airline travel vouchers are not reimbursable to employees
for travel in connection with KCTCS business.
- KCTCS does not purchase airline vouchers or frequent-flyer miles.
Airfare purchases are to be charged to the fiscal year in which the travel occurs.
- If the travel occurs in a future fiscal year, the employee should contact KCTCS Financial Services for the reclassification of the expense to a prepaid expense for the next fiscal year.
7. Other Transportation
Travelers should use their best judgment to select the most economical form of transportation possible. The KCTCS Office of Business Services will only reimburse for most economical forms of travel, regardless of the amount submitted for reimbursement.
Ground transportation:
- All ground transportation expenses shall be necessary to the bona fide business purpose.
- Transportation costs for going to dinner and other personal choices is not reimbursable by KCTCS.
7.3 Rental cars:
Rental cars:
- See Administrative Procedure 5.1.17-P (Rental Vehicles) before renting a vehicle.
- Email approval from the college president or KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business
Services/COO shall be attached.
- College Presidents shall obtain approval from the KCTCS Vice President of Administrative Services or the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO before renting a vehicle.
Shuttle services to and from airport/hotel:
- Shuttle services are not an allowable item to be charged on the procard.
- KCTCS employee should seek reimbursement through regular KCTCS reimbursement process for shuttle charges.
8. Lodging
A KCTCS procurement card (procard) should be used to pay necessary overnight stays for colleges participating in the procard lodging program. Colleges not participating in the procard lodging program should have employees secure and pay for approved lodging with their personal credit cards and then seek reimbursement.
- Lodging shall be more than 40 miles from the closer of the employee’s work location
or home.
- Employees may not use the procard or claim reimbursement for incidental hotel expenses
such as food, early check-in fee, room upgrades, etc.
- Wifi may be reimbursed or paid on procard if a necessary business purpose is documented
and approved by the employee’s supervisor.
- Wifi may be reimbursed or paid on procard if a necessary business purpose is documented
and approved by the employee’s supervisor.
- Employees should obtain pre-approval from supervisor prior to arranging lodging.
- A fully itemized receipt shall be obtained for hotel charges.
- Direct billing for multiple travelers (more than four) to the same event is the preferred
- Prepaid lodging shall be recorded in the year-end closing process if the travel occurs in a subsequent fiscal year.
The following procedures apply to KCTCS procard use for lodging:
- Lodging on procard is available to only KCTCS employees on approved work travel status.
- College employees without access to a KCTCS procard should contact the college business
office and System Office employees should contact Business Services for instructions.
- If it is impossible or impractical to use a procard, approval for reimbursement from
the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO shall be attached.
- If a credit card authorization form is required, the cardholder shall not include
full credit card # (only last 4 digits) nor furnish the 3 digit security code.
- The cardholder shall contact the hotel via phone after faxing the credit card authorization
form and provide additional information verbally.
- Traveler should verify with the hotel that all information has been provided and the
hotel has the information on file for the reservation.
- The KCTCS employee shall present a personal form of payment (personal credit card)
at the time of check-in at hotel for all incidentals.
- When required by the lodging establishment, the traveler’s lodging stay may be posted
to the procard in advance, provided there is a full refund cancelation policy in place.
- Parking at the hotel is an allowable procard item if on the hotel bill.
- The employee should sign the itemized hotel receipt as proof of review and documentation.
- Employees may use the KCTCS procard for bundled air flight/hotel accommodations with
proof of cost savings.
- Employees may use procard for conference registrations that include lodging and meal deposit if these items cannot be excluded from the registration.
The following criteria shall apply when using alternative lodging, such as Airbnb or a similar service to arrange overnight accommodations.
- Employees are encouraged to exercise caution when considering alternative lodging.
Use of such lodging will be at the employee’s own risk.
- Employees staying in alternative lodging shall act lawfully and professionally and
treat the property with respect. Employees may be personally liable for any property
loss or damage caused by their own negligence or misconduct.
- Employees using alternative lodging remain subject to all KCTCS policies and procedure
including 2.0.2-P Employee Responsibilities and Corrective Action; 3.3.1-P Anti-harassment & Discrimination Procedure; 3.3.1A-P Title IX Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedure and 6.6-P Student Harassment or Discrimination Grievance Procedure. Additionally, employees shall ensure compliance with Administrative Procedure 5.1.20-P, in determining if alternative lodging could be deemed as a conflict of interest.
- Employees shall use their KCTCS email when making alternative lodging arrangements.
- Employees are responsible for ensuring with the lodging provider that the appropriate
tax exemptions are applied.
- Employees shall make sure the potential property satisfies the following requirements:
- The rental of the property as alternative lodging is legal in the destination area.
- The cost of the alternative lodging is less than a standard hotel in the same area
considering total cost, including cost of transportation. Such alternative lodgings
are typically apartments/condos near larger urban locations, and since they are residential
in nature, may result in increased travel time and higher transportation costs. This
additional travel cost shall be included in the calculation when comparing lodging
costs. Employees choosing to stay in alternative lodging shall obtain prior approval
from the Chief College Business Officer and include supporting documentation of the
alternative lodging’s lower cost.
- Be aware that alternative lodgings typically do not have set check-in or check-out
times, amenities, instructions, etc. and each listing follows its own rules that could
be misrepresented by the host. KCTCS/the College accepts no liability for damages
resulting from fraud or misrepresentation by the property managers.
- Employees are encouraged to use filters when searching for alternative lodging properties
to ensure that the potential property has adequate safety and accessibility features.
Employees are also encouraged to communicate directly with the property owner prior
to reserving the properties to eliminate any misunderstandings about the property.
- Employees should only stay in properties in safe, well-populated areas.
- For safety and security purposes, employees are discouraged from staying in alternative
lodging in which the host will be present.
- If, at any point during the stay, the employee finds the property unsafe or otherwise
inadequate, the employee will be responsible for arranging other accommodations. The
employee shall notify their supervisor with the change to their accommodation as soon
as possible.
- Alternative lodging is prohibited for trips where adults and minors are lodging in
the same location.
- Employees are prohibited from selecting alternative lodging as a mechanism to permit family or other non-KCTCS individuals to travel with them.
9. Meals
Employees are reimbursed a per diem amount for meals that were not provided or included in conference registrations and that occurred while on official overnight business travel.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code limits the maximum reimbursable expenses for meals on departure and return days to 75% of the amount on other days as a fringe benefit without taxation. These rates include tax and gratuity:
- In-state overnight travel: Breakfast $11; Lunch $14; Dinner $24; Breakfast and Lunch
$25; Breakfast and Dinner $35; Lunch and Dinner $38; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
- On departure/return days, the maximum amount to be claimed is $37.
- On other (in between) days the max is $49.
- Out-of-state overnight travel: Breakfast $12; Lunch $15; Dinner $29; Breakfast and
Lunch $27; Breakfast and Dinner $41; Lunch and Dinner $44; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
- On departure/return days, the maximum amount to be claimed is $42.
- On other (in-between) days the max is $56.
- Out-of-country travel: The employee may choose one of two methods of meal reimbursement,
to be used for the entire trip.
- Method 1 - Per Diem: Breakfast $12; Lunch $22; Dinner $40; Breakfast and Lunch $34;
Breakfast and Dinner $52; Lunch and Dinner $62; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner $74.
- On departure/return days, the maximum amount to be claimed is $56.
- On other (in-between) days the max is $74.
- Method 2 - Actual cost: Actual cost of meals, with receipts attached, up to a maximum
of: Breakfast $17; Lunch $22; Dinner $42; Breakfast and Lunch $39; Breakfast and Dinner
$59; Lunch and Dinner $64; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner $81.
- On departure/return days, the maximum amount to be claimed is $61
- On other (in-between) days the max is $81.
- Method 1 - Per Diem: Breakfast $12; Lunch $22; Dinner $40; Breakfast and Lunch $34;
Breakfast and Dinner $52; Lunch and Dinner $62; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner $74.
10. Registration Fees
A KCTCS procurement card (procard) should be used to pay conference and professional meeting registration fees in advance of the event.
- If this is not possible, the reason for using a personal payment method shall be approved in advance by the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO.
Payment for registration fees shall be charged to the fiscal year in which the travel occurs.
- If the travel occurs in a future fiscal year, the employee should contact KCTCS General Accounting Services staff for the reclassification of the expense to a pre-paid expense for the next fiscal year.
Registration for conferences that include memberships as part of the registration may be charged to a KCTCS procard.
- An exception is not needed to pay for these bundled registrations/memberships.
- The bona fide benefit to KCTCS shall be clearly stated.
11. Other Reimbursable Expenses
- Airport parking will be reimbursed at the lowest “economy” rate available at that
- Hotel Parking:
- Parking will be paid by employee and submitted for reimbursement if not charged on the hotel bill.
- Hotel parking may be charged to a procard if included on the hotel invoice.
- Valet parking will only be reimbursed with accompanying circumstantial justification (e.g., availability, safety, or security), which will be reviewed by the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO.
- Reimbursement for telephone, internet, and fax charges is for necessary official business
- Telephone calls to the employee’s operating unit should be made through a KCTCS-issued
cell phone or KCTCS 800/877/888-numbers when available.
- KCTCS 800/877/888-numbers are only valid to use when traveling within the United States.
Out-of-country travelers will not be able to call the toll-free numbers.
- KCTCS 800/877/888-numbers are only valid to use when traveling within the United States.
Out-of-country travelers will not be able to call the toll-free numbers.
- The employee is allowed one “safe arrival” phone call after arrival at the destination when traveling out-of-state, not to exceed five minutes, if needed.
Professional and membership dues (not bundled with registration) shall be paid by the employee and reimbursed, per IRS code, to be nontaxable.
- These purchases should be approved in advance, with the bona fide benefit to KCTCS clearly stated.
- Tips for taxi and similar necessary ground transportation expenses used for official
KCTCS business are reimbursable at a rate of 15-20% maximum.
- If a receipt is required to be attached (over $20), the tip shall be included on the
- Tips for meals are included in the per diem and are not independently reimbursable.
- Tips for necessary baggage handling and maid service may be reimbursed at a maximum
rate of $2 per occurrence.
- No other tips are reimbursable with the exception of unusual circumstances in which
a substantial tip is required or justified.
- A justification shall be included for the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO’s review.
Group meals:
- Refer to Administrative Procedure 5.1.13-P (Employee Meals and Refreshments) and Administrative Procedure 5.1.14-P (Non-employee Meals, Refreshments, and Accommodations).
- Examples:
- Working meals
- Special event meals
- Refreshments
- Retirements.
- Attach a completed BA850 form or include all information from that form on the expense report.
Passport fees are not an allowable KCTCS expense and are not reimbursable.
Currency exchange fees:
- Employees should obtain foreign currency at a local bank without an exchange fee whenever
- All reimbursements should be based on the currency exchange rate in effect on the
day of return from the foreign country.
- Employees shall submit reimbursement claims in US Dollars.
Other items purchased:
- Shall include the bona fide business purpose and the reason for not using a procard.
12. Receipts and Other Documentation
Receipts or other credible evidence of payment for all expenses greater than $20 (other than mileage and per diem meals) shall be attached and are considered the official document of record for audit purposes.
An agenda or similar document should be attached when necessary to clarify the nature of the event; dates, times, and location of the event; or to verify provided meals.
An agenda for all college presidents’ and cabinet members’ travel shall be attached.
13. Exceptions
The KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO may approve reasonable exceptions to these procedures.
- Each request for exception should include supporting explanation/documentation and
will be reviewed on an individual, stand-alone basis.
- Requests without explanation/documentation will not be considered.
The request for exception should be made prior to the travel and shall be in writing (email will suffice).
- Exceptions requested after travel has occurred should contain a statement of details
as to why prior approval was not feasible.
- The request shall contain:
- Applicable employee’s name and worksite
- Nature of the exception being requested
- Bona fide business purpose
- Benefit to KCTCS
- If the exception is approved, it should be attached to the employee’s expense report when submitted.
Only the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO may approve exceptions to the travel procedures.
Interpretations of this procedure will be made by the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO with advice from the KCTCS Vice President of Administrative Services as necessary.
- These determinations will be final and conclusive.
KCTCS shall not, without advanced written approval, pay for or reimburse employees, consultants, or others acting on its behalf for expenses associated with the purchase, use, or consumption of:
- Alcoholic beverages.
- Tobacco products, medications, or controlled substances.
- Excessive or extravagant meals.
- First-class or upgraded air travel or hotel accommodations.
- Premium, luxury, or specialty automobile rentals.
- Entertainment.
- Any other cost or expense that does not reasonably promote KCTCS’ legitimate business interests.
All payable or reimbursable expenses shall, in the sole judgment of KCTCS, be both reasonable and necessary to promote legitimate business interests.
- Prohibited expenses above shall not be placed on institution issued credit cards unless preapproved in writing by KCTCS Office of Business Services.
14. Reimbursement Procedure and Schedule
- Claims are entered into the Travel and Expense module in PeopleSoft by the employee
or their designee.
- The request will be processed through PeopleSoft workflow approval from the employee
to the employee’s supervisor, to the college or departmental auditor/reviewer, to
KCTCS System Office of Procurement to Payment.
- Each approving authority is responsible for ensuring that the expense report conforms
to the provisions of this procedure and that all expenses are as economical as reasonably
- Each approver should, as necessary, return the expense report to the employee for
corrections or additional justification/ documentation.
- The reimbursement will be paid by ACH direct deposit in the twice-weekly payment cycle.
- The employee will receive an email notification prior to the deposit.
- The actual deposit will occur one to four days following the email notification – usually the next business day.
- Claims are submitted on the Travel Expense Voucher (BA3)
- The BA3 form shall include:
- Name, current address, status or official relationship of the individual submitting the travel voucher.
- Documentation of the KCTCS business purpose for the travel.
- A Travel Voucher Continuation Form (BA3a) and Travel Voucher-Other Expenses Form (BA3b)
may also be used as needed.
- The claims are uploaded to the Travel and Reimbursement Team Site on SharePoint by
the college travel auditor or System Office budget owner.
- Each approving authority shall be responsible for ensuring that each expense form
conforms to the provisions of this procedure and that all expenses are as economical
as reasonably feasible.
- KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services will make the final approval to the
non-employee expense claim for reimbursement and enter it into PeopleSoft.
- For any non-employee that does not have direct deposit established with KCTCS, a check will be mailed directly to the payee’s address listed on the travel expense form in the weekly payment cycle.