Administrative Procedures
Rental Vehicles
Procedure Number: 5.1.17-P
Current Effective Date: 06/01/2018
Original Effective Date: 07/01/2008
Revision Dates: 07/01/2008, 10/28/2009, 01/20/2017
Revision Number: 3
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: System Director of Facility Services
1. Purpose
To outline the procedure and requirements for KCTCS’ vehicle rentals.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. General
The most economical means of transportation should be used when traveling on KCTCS business.
- The most economical means of transportation is determined based upon the total cost of the travel, efficient use of staff time, and appropriate approvals.
- The most practical vehicle should be rented, but generally nothing above a standard/intermediate car should be rented unless there is a business reason for the larger vehicle.
It is the practice of KCTCS not to rent vehicles unless it is more effective compared to other available transportation; therefore, where and when possible, KCTCS vehicles are to be used (if available and feasible) versus renting a vehicle.
Vehicles rented for KCTCS business shall be used only in an official capacity.
- Personal use of a vehicle rented for KCTCS business for any reason other than official KCTCS business is strictly prohibited.
4. Rental of Vehicles
Some situations may require renting a vehicle.
- Examples may include, but are not limited to:
- Transportation of a visiting accreditation team. Example Southern Association of Colleges and Schools – Commission on Colleges
- Official college tours
- Transporting of materials
- In such instances, the prior written approval of the college president/CEO or their designee must be obtained and attached to the rental vehicle receipt and associated pay documentation for purposes of audit verification.
5. Rental of Vehicles for Local Travel
If a KCTCS vehicle is not available, an employee should use their personal vehicle and submit an expense report for reimbursement.
If the following conditions are met, a college president/CEO or their designee may grant written approval to rent a vehicle.
- The use of the employee’s car would not be suitable based on the number of individuals traveling, safety, or be economical as compared to renting a vehicle.
- The available KCTCS vehicle is determined to be unsuitable due to size or safety.
The written approval and rental receipt must be attached to the Expense Report regardless of how payment was made.
- Payment for rental of vehicles, unless for group transportation purposes, shall be personal payment with the employee making a request for reimbursement.
- For vehicle rental for group transportation a procard may be used.
- In either instance, an original copy of the invoice must be attached with explanation as to the necessity of the rental.
Fuel for a rental/leased vehicle:
- Employee should use a personal credit/debit card and seek reimbursement for fuel.
The most economical class of vehicle, as determined by the number of employees traveling in the vehicle, type and quantity of the materials being transported, etc. is to be rented using the KCTCS price contract with Enterprise Rent-a-Car for vehicle rental (unless a less expensive option is documented and approved prior to the rental).
- KCTCS Business Rental ID # XZ58043.
- Details about the program and instructions are available at https://legacy.enterprise.com/car_rental/deeplinkmap.do?bid=028&refId=KCTCS10.
6. Rental Cars While on Travel Status
It is the practice of KCTCS that its employees use public transportation while on travel status.
- Employees are to use shuttle buses, subways and/or taxis for transportation while
traveling, except in special and unique situations described below.
- The distance from the arrival airport to accommodations and then tothe meeting location is of sufficient distance that public transportation is not feasible, i. e., 25 miles.
- There is a reasonable distance (5 miles or greater) between the accommodations and the meeting location and public transportation,including the use of a taxi not being feasible.
- Local transportation is not available or is not cost effective given the circumstances.
- Written approval as defined in business procedure 5.8.1-P (Travel Expense and Reimbursement) for out-of-state authorization with employee justification must be attached to the travel voucher (BA3) or to the procurement card cardholder’s statement. See Business Procedure 5.8.1-P and Form BA3.
The only days that the expenses of a rental care are reimbursable are the following:
- Arrival day
- Departure day
- Meeting days
Rental fees for days between the arrival day and the meeting days are not reimbursable, nor are the rental fees for days between the last meeting day and the departure day reimbursable.
Expenses for a rental vehicle outside KCTCS business procedures is considered a personal expense to the employee and not reimbursable.
In a situation where a rental vehicle is used while on travel status other than the point of departure from their primary work location or residence, employees are encouraged to use a personal credit card and seek reimbursement.
7. Rental Vehicle Insurance
Employees should be aware that if a vehicle is rented, the rates under the KCTCS price contract for vehicle rental includes:
- Full value damage waiver and vehicle insurance
- $1.0 million combined single limit Business Travel Liability insurance which covers any third party.
Box truck rentals are not included in this coverage, therefore coverage should be purchased at the time of rental.
8. Rental of Passenger Vans
It is recognized that a passenger van will often be the most effective means of transportation for certain activities and events involving employees and/or students.
KCTCS has uniform standards of usage in an effort to maximize the safety of those utilizing a van.
- The rental of 15-passenger vans is not permitted for reasons of liability exposure and due to KCTCS insurance requiring drivers to take a van driving certification course given by the Kentucky Department of Transportation.
- Passengers are limited to 11 without cargo/luggage or 9 withcargo/luggage.
- All passengers must wear seat belts.
- Transportation of all cargo/luggage is prohibited on the roof - No roof racks may be used.
- Cargo inside the van must be stacked no higher than the top of the van seats.
Questions regarding the use of rental of a passenger van are to be directed to the KCTCS Office of Facilities Support Services.