Administrative Procedures
Direct Billing or Procurement Card Purchase of Accommodations or Meal
Procedure Number: 5.1.16-P
Current Effective Date: 07/31/2023
Original Effective Date: 04/01/2009
Revision Dates: 07/01/2013, 09/25/2018, 07/23/2021, 01/01/2023, 07/31/203
Revision Number: 5
Revision Summary: Updated to reflect BA850 processes
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
1. Purpose
To address the processes of paying for accommodations and meals in advance for KCTCS employees.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. General
It is the practice of KCTCS not to pay in advance for any goods and services.
It is also the practice of KCTCS not to pay in advance for accommodations or meals for employees on travel status.
- However, in situations of special circumstance, the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO can approve exceptions to this practice.
4. Accommodations for the Board of Regents
A representative of the KCTCS President’s office may either direct bill or prepay the accommodation charge for members of the board and official guests.
Only the payment of accommodations is approved.
- Payment for meals or other incidentals is not included within this approval.
5. Accommodations for College Guests
A college may either direct bill or prepay the accommodation charge using a level III procurement card for a college guest who is not receiving any additional compensation from KCTCS.
- Additional compensation is defined as someone who is charging KCTCS a fee, or is receiving
an honorarium.
- Refer to Administrative Procedure 5.4.22-P for additional information.
- This does not include payment for meals or other incidentals.
The accommodations for Accreditation Teams can be prepaid via the procurement card or direct billed by the college.
- Only accommodations are approved for direct billing or prepayment.
- This does not include payment for meals or other incidentals.
- Refer to Administrative Procedures 5.1.14-P and 5.8.1-P for additional information.
6. Accommodations for Events
The event coordinator may request the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO or College President to approve direct billing or procurement card advance payment for employees’ accommodations.
The KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO or College President may grant approval subject to the following conditions:
- The lodging must be charged to one chartstring.
- The event coordinator must provide the list of attendees to the reimbursement auditor
for the chartstring being expensed to ensure that accommodations are not included
on their expense reports.
- Account 50110 for in-state events should be used and 50120 for out of state events must be used.
7. Meals for KCTCS Events
The event coordinator may request the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO or College President to approve direct billing or procurement card advance payment.
- The event must comply with the requirements of Administrative Procedure 5.1.13-P.
The KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO or College President may grant approval subject to the following conditions:
- The meal must be charged to one chartstring.
- An eBA850 Form must be submitted in PeopleSoft if using the procard to pay for the
meal, or a manual BA850 form must be used if paying by PAY Voucher or requisition.
- The event organizer must attach a list of attending employees who are on travel status
to the eBA850 or manual BA850. See Administrative Procedure 5.1.13-P, sections 4.10 or 4.11 for full details.
- This list must include at a minimum the employee’s name and work location.
The amount paid per meal cannot exceed the meal allowances specified in Administrative Procedure 5.1.13-P without written approval of the KCTCS System Director of Business Services.
- Meals for these events must be charged to account 50260.