Non-Employee Meals, Refreshments and Accommodations | KCTCS

Administrative Procedures

Non-Employee Meals, Refreshments and Accommodations

Procedure Number: 5.1.14-P

Current Effective Date: 07/31/2023

Original Effective Date: 10/01/2013

Revision Dates: 07/01/2014, 09/25/2018, 07/23/2021, 05/01/2022, 07/31/2023

Revision Number: 5

Revision Summary: update to BA850 processes

Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services


1. Purpose

To address the processes of providing meals, refreshments and accommodations to non-KCTCS employees.

2. Scope

This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees and non-KCTCS employees as employees and non-employees are defined in section nine of this procedure.

3. General


KCTCS policy is not to provide meals or accommodations to non-employees except in necessitating situations. Such situations are described below:

  1. In general, approval for meals and accommodations for non-employees can be prior to of after the event. Employees should check with their college business office for approval requirements.

  2. Purchase of alcoholic beverages as part of the dinner meal is not normal, nor customary per KCTCS policies, practices or procedures.
    1. The purchase of alcoholic beverages must be approved per Administrative Procedure 5.4.17-P Alcoholic Beverages Use.


A KCTCS procurement card must be authorized by Administrative Procedure 5.4.2-P to purchase refreshments, meals, or accommodation using an eBA850 Form submitted in PeopleSoft. See Administrative Procedure 5.1.13-P, section 4.10 for requirements.

  1. Because of the security features built into a procurement card, a Level I or II card will only work for refreshments at merchants such as a grocery store.

  2. Supplies related to the purchase of ingredients for a meal may also be purchased with a Level I or II procurement card.

  3. A Level II or III card may be used to pay caterers for meals, depending on how the caterer is classified, e.g., merchant category code - MCC. A Level III card is required for use at a restaurant and other merchants classified as a dining establishment.

4. Student Meals and Refreshments


Student meals and refreshments may be provided for orientation, cultural, or graduation receptions and similar occasions. 

  1. This expenditure may require the prior approval of the College President/CEO. Employees should check with their college business office for requirements.

  2. Meals or refreshments provided to students in a non-travel status should be charged to account 50270.

  3. The maximum amount of expenditure per occurrence is $3,000.
    1. Exceptions to this dollar threshold should be requested (prior to the event) to the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO.

  4. All goods purchased must conform to the purchasing procedures in Section 5.4 of the KCTCS Administrative Procedures.

  5. A procurement card that is authorized for food purchases may be used for these expenditures.

  6. The prior written approval authority must be attached to the itemized receipt.

  7. Paying for student meals and refreshments may be done using a procard or a PAY Voucher or requisition. Administrative Procedure 5.1.13-P describes the requirements for each manner of payment.
    1. When using a procard, see section 4.10 for requirements.
    2. When using a PAY Voucher or Requisition, see section 4.11.


Fees for some non-traditional classes may include the cost of meals or refreshments.

  1. Example: classes requiring all day attendance in which attendees leave and return is not advantageous to completing the materials within normal work schedules.

  2. Colleges may provide meals and/or refreshments with a cost not to exceed the amount that was included in the class fees for this purpose.
    1. These meals or refreshments provided to students should be charged to account 50270.
    2. A procurement card may be used for these types of purchases.
    3. In such an instance, an itemized receipt must be attached to the cardholders statement.

  3. See Administrative Procedure 5.1.13-P for requirements for using the eBA850 for procard payments, or BA850 for PAY Vouchers and requisitions. 


Meals may be provided to students, who as a regular part of a program have the occasion to be in travel status (overnight). Examples are:

  • Orientation visits to another college.
  • Field trips to other firms and organizations that are related to their normal course of instruction.


If not charged to a college procurement card, reimbursement for such activity may be submitted on a travel voucher with the students’ names, and receipts attached.

  1. In such an instance, student should be indicated on the travel voucher, either by writing student or checking the appropriate box, if available.

  2. The department head who has management and budget authority of the program should sign the travel voucher as the approving authority.

  3. If not paid by direct deposit (ACH), then have a reimbursement check cut.

  4. In addition, this type of expense may not exceed the normal meal allowance as stated in the KCTCS travel procedures.

  5. Such meals related to travel status are to be charged to account 50130.


  1. Students whose travel does not require an overnight stay may be entitled to meals if the activity is part of a program or grant specifically funded to support those activities for students.
    1. In such an instance, written documentation per the grant award/proposal must be attached to the cardholders pay statement.

  2. Any request for exception should be routed through the College’s business office, prior to being sent to the KCTCS System Director for Business Services for approval.
    1. The request should include a description of the activity along with the date of travel and statement that the activity is an approved expenditure in the XX Program.
    2. The request should include all trip details and the specific items they are requesting an exception for.
    3. Meals should be charged to account 50130 if overnight stay is required.

5. Official Guests of KCTCS On-Campus Meals


A College President/CEO may provide on-campus refreshments or meals (dinner included) for an Advisory Board or Board of Directors.

  1. Such refreshments and meals should not exceed $1,000.00 per occurrence.

  2. Account 50240 (Other Guest Expenses) should be used to charge these expenses.

  3. If a meal is provided, an eBA850 form (procard) or a manual BA850 (PAY Voucher, requisition, or request for reimbursement) must be submitted in PeopleSoft with required supporting documentation. (See Administrative Procedure  5.1.13-P section 4.10 or 4.11 for requirements).
    1. Failure to fully complete the eBA850 or BA850 may result in a reduction of the requested reimbursement or suspension of procurement card privileges.


A College President/CEO may authorize a college to host a conference or general community meeting.

  1. In the spirit of community and public relations, refreshments may be provided but is not to exceed $3,000, without prior written approval by the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO.

  2. A procurement card may be used for payment.

  3. An eBA850 form (procard) or a manual BA850 (PAY Voucher, requisition, or request for reimbursement) must be submitted in PeopleSoft with required supporting documentation. (See Administrative Procedure  5.1.13-P section 4.10 or 4.11 for requirements).

  4. Request for exceptions must be in writing (e-mail will suffice) prior to the event and are to be directed to the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO.

6. Official Guests of KCTCS Off-Campus Meals


A College President/CEO, KCTCS Vice President or Chancellor may authorize off-campus meals for official guests that are hosted by a member(s) of the college faculty or staff, subject to the amounts and approval authority listed below.

  1. Employee meals are not to be reimbursed unless the employee was acting as a host or co-host. Generally, there must not be more hosts or co-hosts than the number of guests.

  2. The amount of such a meal is not to exceed $40.00 per person, including gratuity.


A KCTCS procurement card may be used for these expenses if the guest meets the requirements described in Administrative Procedure 5.4.2-P, Section 4 Custodial Procurement Cards.

  1. An eBA850 or manual BA850 must be completed with an itemized receipt and supporting documentation as to the bona fide business purpose, along with the agenda and the list of attendees.

  2. Failure to fully complete the eBA850 or manual BA850 may result in a reduction of the requested reimbursement or suspension of procurement card privileges.

  3. In either case, expenditures must charge account 50240.


On occasion, off-site working meetings hosted by a staff or faculty member that will include KCTCS employees not acting as a co-host and guests may be in the best interest of KCTCS.

  1. These employee meals are not eligible for reimbursement unless an exception is approved in writing by the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO.

  2. A procurement card may be used in these situations, if the guest meets the requirements stated in Administrative Procedure 5.4.2-P, Section 4 Custodial Procurement Cards.

  3. An eBA850 (procard) or manual BA850 (requesting reimbursement) must be completed with an itemized receipt and supporting documentation as to the bona fide business purpose, along with the agenda and the list of attendees.
    1. Failure to fully complete eBA850 or manual BA850 may result in a reduction of the requested reimbursement, violation notice or suspension of procurement card privileges.

  4. The cost of each meal should not exceed $40.00 per person, including gratuity.

7. Off-Campus Meals Hosted by College President/CEO, KCTCS Vice President or Chancellor


A College President/CEO or KCTCS Vice President or Chancellor may need to provide an off-campus meal for a guest or guests of KCTCS when deemed the normal and acceptable business practice and in the best interest of KCTCS.

  1. The amount of such meal is not to exceed $50.00 per person, including gratuity.
  2. Generally, these meals are subject to reimbursement.

  3. A KCTCS procurement card authorized for food purchases may be used for these expenses if the guest meets the requirements described in Administrative Procedure 5.4.2-P, Section 4 Custodial Procurement Cards.

  4. The host must complete and submit an eBA850 or manual BA850 with an itemized receipt and supporting documentation as to the bona fide business purpose, along with the agenda and list of attendees.
    1. Failure to fully complete eBA850 or manual BA850 may result in a reduction of the requested reimbursement, violation notice or suspension of procurement card privileges per Administrative Procedure 5.4.2-P (Procurement Card).


Care must be exercised to avoid duplicating meals for KCTCS employees in travel status.


8. Accreditation Teams


Meals for accreditation team members should be charged to account 50240.


An eBA850 (procard) or or manual BA850 (when requesting reimbursement) must be completed with an itemized receipt and supporting documentation as to the bona fide business purpose, along with the agenda and list of attendees.

  1. Failure to fully complete the eBA850 or manual BA850 may result in a reduction of the requested reimbursement, violation notice or suspension of procurement card privileges.


Accommodations for team members should be charged to account 50970.

  1. The purpose of the accommodations should be noted on the accommodations receipt.

9. Additional Non-Employees Definitions



  1. A member of the KCTCS Board of Regents may submit authorized expenses using a Travel Voucher Form (BA3) per Administrative Procedure 5.8.1-P Section 14.2.

  2. Board members are reimbursed at the KCTCS rates listed in the KCTCS Travel Procedure.

  3. Exceptions are to be directed to the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO.


COLLEGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS or ADVISORY BOARD (Reference Administrative Procedures 5.1.14-P and 5.4.2-P)

  1. Meals and refreshments may be provided at official meetings as authorized by Administrative Procedure 5.1.14-P.

  2. A PAY voucher request (BA850) or procurement card (eBA850) may be used for payment of refreshments or working meals. See Administrative Procedure 5.1.13-P section 4.10 or 4.11 for required supporting documentation.

  3. Regardless of payment method, supporting documentation including the bona fide business purpose must be included with an itemized receipt, agenda and list of attendees and retained as the payment documentation.

  4. Failure to fully complete the eBA850 or manual BA850 may result in a violation notice or suspension of procurement card privileges.



  1. An individual employed by KCTCS as a consultant may invoice for expenses as specified in the personal service contract that describes the service to be provided and the fees and expenses that may be invoiced.

  2. A consultant must submit an invoice to the KCTCS contact that is responsible for the consultant’s services.

  3. The KCTCS contact should submit a PAY voucher (BA850) attaching the original copy of the invoice and reference to the personal service contract.

  4. KCTCS will reimburse according to existing per diem rates in Administrative Procedure    5.8.1-P.

  5. See Administrative Procedures 5.4.15-P and 5.4.12-P for additional compliance information.



  1. Necessary expenses may be paid to individuals addressing various assemblies of students and staff.

  2. Requests for payments should be submitted using a voucher and a Substitute W9 form.

  3. The speaker’s fee, if any, and any associated travel expenses may be subject to 1099 reporting.

  4. Refer to Administrative Procedure 5.4.26-P Speaker’s Fee and Incentives for Sponsored Activity Participants for additional information.



  1. Meals and refreshments may be provided at meetings that are in the best interest of KCTCS.

  2. A PAY voucher request (BA850 Form) or procurement card (eBA850 Form) may be used, if the requirements stated in Administrative Procedure 5.4.2-P are met. Supporting documentation as described in section 4.10 and 4.11 of Procedure 5.1.13-P is required.
  3. If an individual who is a member of one of the above groups is a guest of

    the college, the host should submit a Guest Expense Voucher (BA4) if payment is paid not using a KCTCS procurement card for any authorized expenditures as authorized in Administrative Procedure 5.1.14-P.

  4. Failure to fully complete the eBA850 or manual BA850may result in a reduction of the requested reimbursement, violation notice or suspension of procurement card privileges.



  1. Reference Administrative Procedure 5.3.9-P (Cash Accounting & Handling) and Administrative Procedure 5.4.2-P (Procurement Card).  Expenditures for these participants, as authorized in Administrative Procedure 5.1.14-P (Non-Employee Meals, Refreshments and Accommodations) may be charged to a procurement card if approved by the by the dean or department head that has management and budget authority of the program.

  2. In such instances, supporting documentation as to the bona fide business purpose with the itemized receipt shall be filed with the cardholders pay statement.

  3. KCTCS travel rates must be used for any travel reimbursement.

  4. Please see Administrative Procedure 5.4.26-P (Speaker’s Fees and Incentives for Sponsored Activity Participants).



  1. A member of the Kentucky Fire Commission may submit reasonable and actual expenses with a receipt for each expense on a Travel Voucher per Administrative Procedure 5.8.1-P, Section 14.2 and KRS 95A.020 (4).

  2. Fire Commission reimbursements are subject to KCTCS procedures.



  1. Travel expenses of interviewees for a KCTCS position may be reimbursed at KCTCS travel rates to a maximum limit of $2,500.00 unless the KCTCS Vice President for Administrative Services grants an exception.
  2. A Travel Expense Voucher (BA3) should be used to claim the reimbursement as authorized in Administrative Procedure 5.8.1-P, Section 14.2.
  3. The most reasonable means of travel and lodging should be utilized for interview trips, in accordance with Administrative Procedure 5.8.1-P.