Administrative Policies
Travel Abroad Policy
Policy Number:
Current Effective Date: 05/01/2018
Original Effective Date: 05/01/2018
Revision Dates: 05/01/2018
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: Initial Creation
Responsible Official: Chancellor
References: Administrative Procedure
1. Purpose
Travel abroad experiences can be a value-added experience for KCTCS students and employees. However, such programs have the potential to expose KCTCS students and employees to increased risks of harm, including grievous bodily harm or death, and create unreasonable legal liabilities for the college, the System, and the individual KCTCS employees involved. It is therefore of great importance that travel abroad experiences organized by KCTCS Colleges or employees be appropriately planned and vetted before the beginning of any such travel experience.
2. Scope
This Policy applies to all KCTCS colleges and employees and students planning covered travel abroad experiences by, through, or on behalf of a KCTCS entity. This is a mandatory policy and procedure.
3. Policy
It is the policy of KCTCS that no KCTCS employee may plan or begin a travel abroad experience until he/she has successfully completed the KCTCS Travel Abroad Review and Approval Procedure, Procedure, and the KCTCS Chancellor and College President have approved the travel abroad experience. KCTCS employees must plan ahead of time to ensure that KCTCS takes reasonable measures to protect the safety and security of KCTCS students, employees, and other stakeholders, and ensure the travel abroad experience provides appreciable educational value to the institution. Neither KCTCS nor the College guarantees a particular result or outcome to any stakeholder.
4. Procedure
Administrative Procedure implements this policy.