Administrative Procedures
Alcoholic Beverage Use
Procedure Number: 5.4.17-P
Current Effective Date: 08/01/2017
Original Effective Date: 07/01/2008
Revision Dates: 07/01/2008, 01/01/2015, 05/25/2017
Revision Number: 3
Revision Summary: Prior Business Procedure 4.20
Responsible Official: Director of Procurement to Payment
1. Purpose
To address compliance with alcoholic beverage use on KCTCS property.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. General
The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on KCTCS property (owned or leased) is subject to Kentucky statutes, county and city ordinances, and KCTCS business procedures.
The KCTCS President delegates to each College President/CEO the administration of the possession, storage, consumption and/or use of alcoholic beverages at his/her respective college.
4. Approved Locations, Functions, and Forms
The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on KCTCS property is permitted only in those facilities or locations approved by the College President/CEO.
- Designation of facilities is at the discretion of the College President/CEO.
- May include outdoor space.
Each event that serves alcoholic beverages shall have a designated sponsor approved in writing by the College President/CEO.
- Sponsor can be an individual 21 years or older.
- Sponsor can be an organization or association recognized by the college.
- Student organizations are prohibited from being a sponsor.
Prior to events, person(s) requesting permission to serve alcoholic beverages shall complete and submit Form BA21.
- Upon approval of the BA21 Form, the event sponsor shall sign BA22 Form to agree to comply with the alcohol policy.
- Sponsor shall provide a copy of applicable Alcoholic Beverage Control Board permits as required under KRS 243.
- Sponsor shall submit a copy of all required local permits.
Copies of BA21, BA22, Alcoholic Beverage Control Board permits and required local permits shall be retained and filed with the college event/facility coordinator.
5. Required Licenses
Sponsor shall obtain (or ensure its caterer obtains) the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board permit required by KRS 243.
- Sponsor shall submit the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board permit and local required permits to the College President/CEO.
- All servers and users of alcoholic beverages shall be 21 years or older.
6. Event and Food Requirements
All events approved for serving alcoholic beverages shall be limited to a duration of no more than five (5) hours with alcoholic beverage service discontinuing at least one hour prior to the end of the event.
- Events where alcoholic beverages are served shall also serve non-alcoholic beverages and food.
- Visibly intoxicated and/or disorderly individuals will not be served or permitted to consume alcoholic beverages.
At events where alcohol is being provided via a special temporary license issued for a nonprofit or charitable event, the college may require additional precautions:
- The use of trained persons to dispense alcoholic beverages.
- Stricter limitations on times of service.
- Use of security to assist in ensuring compliance with this procedure.
- Additional expense incurred for additional precautions will be the responsibility of the event sponsor.
For all instances and events, alcoholic beverages will be kept on college property in a secure locked location.
Events serving alcoholic beverages shall be closed to the general public and admission shall be by invitation only.
- Sponsor is required to submit a list of invited guests to the college.
- College will retain and file guest list prior to the event.
- Event promotions and advertisements shall not indicate alcohol will be served or consumed.
7. Alcohol Purchase for Instructional Use
Alcohol for instructional use in programs of study may be purchased with institutional funds.
- Purchase of alcohol by the college is subject to approval by the College President/CEO.
- Requests shall include bona fide educational purpose of the use of the alcohol prior to the purchase of the alcohol.
- Requesting employee is required to make the alcohol purchase and seek reimbursement
or make direct billing arrangements to the college.
- Use of procard is prohibited for the purchase of alcohol in any instance.
- College President/CEO approval shall be attached to any request for reimbursement or payment.
Alcohol purchased for instructional use shall be tagged and kept in a secure locked location.
- Business units are encouraged to keep an inventory log for alcohol use with corresponding dates.
- Alcohol for purposes other than instructional use shall be purchased with non-KCTCS funds regardless of location and event.
For community education courses, colleges are encouraged to enter into an agreement with the supplier of the alcohol to offer the course on the supplier’s premises.
- Alcohol related community education courses offered on the college campus shall obtain
prior to the start of the course:
- Alcoholic Beverage Control Board permit from the contracting supplier or college offering the course.
- Required licenses.
- Necessary local permits required by the county or locality where the course is being
- Courses can only be held in facilities located in “wet” territory.
- Course instructor shall maintain a list of students registered for the course.
- Only students registered for the course are allowed to participate in the course.
- KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services should be consulted at the beginning of course planning where alcohol may be used.