4.2 Advisory Committee | KCTCS

Section I

Advisory Committees

Policy Number: 4.2

Current Effective Date: 07/01/2020

Original Effective Date: 07/01/2020

Revision Dates: 02/10/2021, 11/04/2021

Revision Number: 1

Revision Summary: formatting updates and changes to wording

Responsible Official:


Advisory committees may advise the President of the KCTCS, the Chancellor, and the KCTCS Council and Senate. Committees are appointed by the Chancellor and the Chair of the KCTCS Council, with the exception of the KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Promotion (KCTCS Senate ACP) and the KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Appeals (KCTCS Senate ACA); which shall be appointed by the President after consultation with the KCTCS Council. Appointments to the advisory committees shall be made to secure, insofar as possible, a balance among colleges, curricula, and program areas. Each advisory committee shall annually elect a chair.

4.2.1 KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Promotion (KCTCS Senate ACP)

The KCTCS Senate ACP is established for the purpose of providing the KCTCS President and the Chancellor with a systematic and broad base of advisement from both faculty and administration on matters of appointment, promotion, and tenure (where applicable). The primary responsibility of the committee is to advise the KCTCS President and the Chancellor concerning the appointment and promotion of faculty to the ranks of Associate Professor and Professor in the KCTCS colleges and the granting of tenure.

The KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Promotion (ACP) shall consist of one member and one alternate from each college who hold the rank of Associate Professor or Professor appointed by the KCTCS President from recommendations made for each college by the KCTCS Council members. A vacancy for an un-expired term shall be filled in the same manner.

Members will be appointed for two-year terms.

A minimum of five members shall read each file and make promotion recommendations to the KCTCS President (with the committee vote and signature of each member in attendance). The committee shall give in writing the reason(s) for a negative recommendation.

4.2.2 KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Appeals (KCTCS Senate ACA)

The KCTCS Senate ACA shall consist of eight members (5 members and 3 alternates). The KCTCS President shall appoint the members from recommendations made for each college by their respective KCTCS Council member. Members shall be appointed for two-year terms.

The committee shall determine if it has jurisdiction.

The bases for all appeals shall be as defined in the KCTCS Board of Regents Policy and the KCTCS Administrative Policy

Faculty denied promotion have 30 days to file an appeal following receipt of the final letter to deny promotion from the college president. The appeal shall be addressed to the Chancellor in writing and shall state/explain the reason(s)–as described above including inadequate consideration and/or incomplete procedure. *see policy 2.6 of the KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures.

All KCTCS faculty who believe their academic freedom has been violated or other matters as outlined in the Administrative Policy have been denied may appeal to the KCTCS Senate ACA through the Chancellor.

The Chancellor has ten calendar days following the receipt of the appeal to notify the committee. The committee has thirty calendar days from receiving the appeal to make a recommendation to the KCTCS President.