Promotion in Rank (All Eligible Faculty) | KCTCS

Administrative Policies

Promotion in Rank (All Eligible Faculty)

Policy Number: 2.6

Current Effective Date: 05/01/2023

Original Effective Date: 04/30/1999

Revision Dates: 05/15/2002, 06/23/2004, 03/22/2005, 05/10/2007, 01/23/2008, 02/27/2012, 09/22/2014, 12/09/2021, 05/01/2023

Revision Number: 9

Revision Summary: revision of requirements for faculty letters of support

Responsible Official: Chancellor


2.6.1 Definition of Faculty Eligible for Promotion in Rank

Faculty as defined in Board of Regents Policy 2.1.1 are eligible for promotion in rank with the exception of the rank of Lecturer.

2.6.2 Promotion in Rank Process (All Eligible Faculty)

Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) colleges and their programs can be no greater than the quality and performance of their faculty members. The promotion procedures and criteria (criteria is found in Administrative Policy 2.1) offer minimum standards and requirements that should be exceeded in most, if not all, cases. These have been developed solely for the purpose of improving the comprehensive community and technical college programs by continually upgrading the quality and performance of faculty members.

In conducting procedures for appointment, promotion, granting of tenure (where applicable), and termination of appointment affecting faculty members not assigned to a division, the appropriate chief academic officer or student services officer shall handle those procedural steps which are assigned to a division chairperson.

The president/ceo of the college, after consultation with the appropriate division chairperson/director of library services and /or chief academic officer or chief student services officer, is responsible for initiating the promotion process by inviting a faculty member to prepare a vita and appropriate supporting materials. The invitation letter to the faculty member should be issued on or before May 31 with the portfolio format. With the assistance of the faculty member and the division chairperson, the president/ceo of the college is responsible for gathering supporting materials and submitting the promotion file.

The president/ceo of the college has the responsibility for ensuring that each promotion file is complete and contains the advice of the appropriate division chairperson, and six or more letters, including Associate and Professor division members. For librarians and counselors, the six (6) letters shall include their discipline colleagues with at least associate and professor rank. Letters should be addressed and sent to the college president/ceo. The college president/ceo also has the responsibility, along with the division chairperson, for ensuring that the college president's/ceo’s recommendation includes remarks, if applicable, that one (1) or more of the letters of recommendation in a promotion file may be affected by personal bias. Each president/ceo of a college shall ensure that the College Advisory Committee on Promotion (CACP) reviews and advises on some or all recommendations to appoint or promote.

The college presidents/ceos are delegated authority to make appointments, reappointments, and terminal reappointments to the ranks of Instructor and Assistant Professor without reference to the College Advisory Committee on Promotion (CACP). These actions are reported by the college president/ceo to the Chancellor. Recommendations for appointment to the ranks of Associate Professor and Professor, with or without tenure, must be forwarded to the Chancellor.

The KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Promotion (KCTCS Senate ACP) will make its recommendation to the KCTCS President or designee, the Chancellor. The positive recommendation by the KCTCS President will be given final action by the Board of Regents.

Whenever a promotion is disapproved and stopped by the president/ceo, the Chancellor, or the KCTCS President, the faculty member will be informed in writing by the president/ceo of the college of the action taken. The KCTCS President or designee, the Chancellor, shall report the KCTCS Senate ACP’s recommendation and the decision to the college president/ceo in writing with reason(s) for the disapproval. The reason(s) for the disapproval shall be included in a written letter from the college president/ceo to the faculty member. A conference shall be called by the college president to discuss, informally, the disapproval and reason(s). The director of library services/division chairperson and/or chief academic officer or chief student services officer may be included in the discussion at the request of either the college president/ceo or the faculty member. Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor

After review by the local College Advisory Committee on Promotion, the president/ceo of the college will make a recommendation, either affirmative or negative, in writing to the Chancellor as specified in annual promotion timelines.

Individuals being considered for the rank of Associate and Professor who have a negative recommendation from the college president/ceo will be notified by the president/ceo of that recommendation and, in the case of a Professor candidate, be given the opportunity to submit a promotion file directly to the KCTCS Senate ACP.

Those individuals with tenure , seeking the rank of Professor, who choose not to have their files reviewed by the KCTCS Senate ACP will thereby begin a new six (6) year period beginning July 1 of the year in which the choice is made.

Individuals for whom an affirmative recommendation is made by the college president/ceo and those who choose to have their file reviewed, even though there is a negative recommendation by the college president/ceo, will be considered for promotion in the usual manner.

Individuals being considered for promotion to either Associate Professor or Professor are expected to complete a promotion review notebook. The recommendations by the local College Advisory Committee on Promotion on all promotions shall be signed by all members of the committee and the vote of the committee given. Promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor or Professor

Proposals for promotion to Associate Professor will follow the process described in Section 2.6.2. In each case, the president/ceo of the college will either approve the proposal and forward an affirmative recommendation to the Chancellor or disapprove and stop the proposal and then inform the faculty member in writing and also notify the appropriate chief academic officer or chief student services officer and the appropriate division chairperson/director of library services. When the Chancellor receives the promotion file containing the president's/ceo’s recommendation, the Chancellor will obtain a related recommendation from the KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Promotion (ACP) and then will either approve the proposal and forward an affirmative recommendation to the President of the KCTCS or disapprove and stop the proposal and notify the president/ceo of the college. When the President of KCTCS receives the Chancellor's recommendation, the President of KCTCS will either approve the proposal for promotion and make an affirmative recommendation to the Board of Regents for final action or disapprove and stop the proposal and inform the Chancellor who, in turn, will notify the president/ceo of the college of this action in writing with reason(s). In a case where the Board of Regents takes final action, the President of KCTCS, through the Chancellor, will inform the president/ceo of the college about the Board's action. The president/ceo of the college, in turn, will notify the faculty member in writing with reason(s) and also inform the chief academic officer or chief student services officer and the appropriate division chairperson/director of library services. Promotion from Instructor to Assistant Professor

The president/ceo of the college has been delegated authority to approve or disapprove promotions from Instructor to Assistant Professor. An approved action will be communicated through the Chancellor to the President of KCTCS who will report it to the Board of Regents of KCTCS. In case of disapproval of such a promotion, the president/ceo of the college will inform the faculty member in writing and notify the chief academic officer or the chief student services officer and the division chairperson/director of library services.

Tenure Track: An individual shall not remain as an Instructor for more than three (3) years. If after that period promotion to a higher rank cannot be justified, the individual’s appointment shall not be renewed. Failure to Support Administrative Action for Promotion

Whenever a recommendation to promote is disapproved by either the Chancellor or the President of KCTCS, this decision must be reported to the president/ceo of the college with supporting reasons in writing, and an opportunity provided for a thorough discussion among the concerned parties. The president/ceo of the college shall notify the faculty member in writing of the decision and shall include the reason(s). The president/ceo of the college will initiate the discussion with the faculty member. The director of library services/division chairperson, chief academic officer, and/or chief student services officer may be included in such a discussion at the request of the president/ceo of the college or the faculty member. Any related appeals through administrative channels and/or the KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Appeals (KCTCS Senate ACA) must be initiated in writing by the faculty member within thirty (30) days after being notified in writing by the president/ceo of the college of the decision to disapprove the recommendation to promote.

The faculty member’s appeal shall be in writing, shall be addressed to the Chancellor, and sent through the college president’s office. It shall state and explain the appeal under inadequate consideration and/or incomplete procedure. (See KCTCS administrative policies and procedures regarding faculty appeals through the KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Appeals.)

The KCTCS Senate ACA shall follow formal hearing appeal procedures developed by the committee. Promotion Committees

  1. College Advisory Committee on Promotion (CACP) (All Colleges)

    This committee shall be comprised of a representative from each of the divisions and one representative from the non-teaching faculty (librarian/counselor). Members of the committee shall be at the Associate Professor rank or above.

    The college president/ceo shall, after consultation with faculty, appoint the committee. Committee representatives who have direct responsibility for required faculty performance evaluations shall not participate in the consideration of said faculty member’s files.

    If representation from a division or the non-teaching faculty is not feasible, the president/ceo shall appoint an additional representative from the remaining eligible faculty.

    In addition to the appointed committee members, the college president/ceo shall appoint the CACP Chair for a two-year term. The CACP Chair may be reappointed for one additional two-year term.

    Terms of CACP members – Appointed members shall serve a one-year term. Appointed members may be reappointed on an annual basis to serve up to three consecutive years.

    The committee shall submit a recommendation to the college president/ceo (with the committee vote and signature of each member in attendance). Reasons for the recommendation, including strengths and weaknesses will be noted.

    The college president/ceo shall review the portfolio and the recommendation and, in the case of a candidate for Associate Professor or Professor, forward the portfolio with the president/ceo’s letter of recommendation to the Chancellor.

    Upon review by the CACP, promotions from Instructor to Assistant Professor may be approved by the college president/ceo and a letter submitted to the Chancellor with a copy to the faculty member.

    In the event a candidate for Associate Professor or Professor is denied at the local level, the college president/ceo shall send the Chancellor a letter stating such denial with a copy to the faculty member.

    In the case of a candidate for Professor, the college president/ceo shall contact the faculty member in writing to present the option of submitting the portfolio for review by the system committee (KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Promotion) in the regular system portfolio review process.

  2. KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Promotion (KCTCS Senate ACP)

    This committee shall consist of one member and one alternate from each college who hold the rank of Associate Professor or Professor appointed by the KCTCS President from recommendations made by each college by the KCTCS Council. A minimum of five members shall review each file.

    Terms – In the initial appointment, eight (8) members and eight (8) alternates will be appointed for two-year terms; eight (8) members and eight (8) alternates will be appointed for a one-year term. Thereafter, members will be appointed for two-year terms.

    The committee shall make a recommendation to the KCTCS President (with the committee vote and signature of each member in attendance). The committee shall give in writing the reason(s) for a negative recommendation.

    The KCTCS President or designee, the Chancellor, shall report the committee’s recommendation and the decision to the college president/ceo in writing. The college president will notify the faculty member in writing. In the event of a decision to deny, the reason(s) shall be included in the letter from the college president/ceo to the faculty member.

    A conference shall be called by the college president to discuss the negative recommendation/reason(s).

  3. KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Appeals (KCTCS Senate ACA)

    This committee shall consist of seven members (5 members and 2 alternates). The KCTCS President shall appoint the members from recommendations made by each college by their respective KCTCS Council member. In the initial appointments, four (4) members shall be appointed for two-year terms; and three (3) members shall be appointed for one-year terms. Thereafter, members shall be appointed for two-year terms.

    The committee shall decide whether to hear the appeal.

    The committee shall use a formal appeal hearing format developed by the committee.

    Faculty denied promotion have 30 days from receipt of the final letter to deny promotion from the college president to file an appeal.

    The basis for all appeals shall be inadequate consideration and/or incomplete procedure.

    The appeal, which is to be sent through the college president’s office, shall be addressed to the Chancellor in writing and state/explain the facts for the reason(s) for the appeal – inadequate consideration and/or incomplete procedure. Promotion Timelines

  1. On or before May 31, the college president/ceo shall invite faculty members to become a candidate for promotion by sending them an invitation letter and a copy of the portfolio format.

  2. Timelines –Standard Promotion Process for Assistant, Associate Professor, Professor:
    • Annual Performance Reviews for Promotion Candidates – January through the first week of February.
    • Deadline for submitting promotion folders to CACP– on or before Monday of the second week of February.
    • Deadline for CACP to forward to college president/ceo– last day of the first week of March.
    • Deadline for college president/ceo to forward to Chancellor – third week of March.
    • KCTCS Senate ACP Committee meets the second week of April.
    • Appeal Timeline: Once written notice of a disapproval is received, a faculty member has 30 working days to appeal the decision. Professorship in Memorium

Should a faculty member have been invited up for promotion to any rank by their College President/CEO; and should the faculty member pass away during the invitation year; the College faculty may vote to award the deceased faculty member with a Professorship in Memorium.

If the faculty votes in favor of this honor, the College Chief Academic Officer or President will inform the KCTCS Chancellor, and the honor will be recorded in the Human Resources report to the Board of Regents during the next scheduled regular meeting. The College may provide a certificate to the honoree’s family as desired.