Administrative Procedures
Non Purchase Order Vouchers with Origin Code "Pay"
Procedure Number: 5.4.20-P
Current Effective Date: 07/01/2024
Original Effective Date: 07/01/2008
Revision Dates: 01/01/2015, 05/30/2017, 07/23/2021, 07/31/2023
Revision Number: 5
Revision Summary: update for consistency with procard thresholds
Responsible Official: Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
1. Purpose
To provide the necessary information required to electronically process and approve invoices by creating a PAY voucher.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. PAY Vouchers
Non Purchase Order payments from supplier invoices are referred to as PAY vouchers.
- PeopleSoft electronic workflow is used for approving and processing voucher payments.
- PAY vouchers are entered when a business unit is requesting payment for goods or services that do not require action or approval by KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services.
Each supplier invoice is entered as a single regular voucher.
- Invoice numbers should be entered exactly as it appears on the supplier’s invoice.
- Invoice numbers are required on all vouchers.
- If the invoice does not have an invoice number and there is an account number then the account number plus date (MMDDYYYY) should be used as the invoice number.
- If there are not any other identifying numbers on the invoice that the supplier would recognize, then use the business unit and the date (MMDDYYYY).
Supplier invoices are to be entered into PeopleSoft immediately upon receipt.
- If the invoice is missing information or the voucher cannot be entered completely, the voucher can be saved as “incomplete” (recycle status) along with comments for later follow-up.
Payments can only be made to suppliers that are in an approved status within PeopleSoft.
- If the supplier is not listed as an approved supplier in PeopleSoft, KCTCS utilizes a customized platform to register new suppliers. The cloud-based platform is a supplier registration portal within PeopleSoft and can be accessed at https://systemoffice.kctcs.edu/suppliers/registration.aspx.
KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services shall grant approval prior to submitting a PAY voucher over $7,500.
- Prior approval is not required if a permanent approval has been granted.
- Prior approval is not required if the PAY voucher amount is $7,500 or less.
- Items that are considered capital equipment (fund 61) or items to be placed in KCTCS’ asset management inventory cannot be paid via a PAY voucher (requisition only).
4. Form Requirements
When no invoice exists, a completed BA850 form should be attached to the PAY voucher within PeopleSoft for documentation purposes.
- Examples:
- Honorarium
- Stipend
- Student Refund
- The PeopleSoft supplier number shall be included on the completed BA8 form.
- A list of established suppliers is available in PeopleSoft.
- A list of established suppliers is available in PeopleSoft.
- BA850 forms submitted as an invoice shall have a control number.
- Control number is made up of the business unit and the date (MMDDYYYY).
- Control number should also be used as the PAY voucher invoice number.
- Completed BA850 forms shall include a written explanation and a bona fide business purpose in the description section of the form.
5. Allowable Goods and Services - No Dollar Limit
The following goods and services may be vouchered with an invoice or completed BA850 Form for payment request with no maximum dollar limit.
- Student Financial Aid (prior approval of the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Financial
Support Services is required).
- Student Refunds (prior approval of the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Treasury
and Accounting is required).
- Cataloged Library Materials.
- Utilities. (Utilities are recommended, where possible, to be paid via bank draft or
procurement card including landline telephones and cell phone bills.)
- Accreditation fees.
- Advertising.
- Fuel Credit Care.
- Reimbursement of Imprest Cash (requires documentation noted in Administrative Procedure 5.3.6-P).
- Honorariums (see Administrative Procedure 5.4.22-P).
- Payments to Research Subjects.
- Catering Services ** (includes working meals and meeting meals).
- Meeting rooms and refreshments**.
- Postage*.
- Dues*.
- Membership Fees*.
- Subscriptions*.
- Registration fees* (shall be charged to account 50112 In-State registration fees or
50122 Out-of-State registration fees).
- Student accommodations* (Pre-payment requires KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO prior approval).
KCTCS encourages payment with a KCTCS procurement card for commodities labeled with a single asterisk (*) in section 5.1. If a PAY voucher is submitted for any of these commodities, the requestor shall indicate justification for not using the procurement card in the comments.
KCTCS encourages payment with a KCTCS Level II procurement card for commodities labeled with a double asterisk (**) in section 5.1, if permitted by Administrative Procedure 5.4.2-P (Procurement Card).
When submitting a PAY voucher for meeting rooms, meals, and refreshments, a manual BA850 form with required supporting documentation shall be attached to the voucher in PeopleSoft. See Administrative Procedure 5.1.13-P section 4.11 for requirements.
For instructions on commodities not listed above, please see Administrative Procedure 5.4.3-P (Requisitions).
A request for an exception for allowable commodities should be made in writing (email is acceptable) to the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO or his/her designee.