Administrative Procedures
Use of KCTCS Facilities by Outside Agencies or Groups
Procedure Number: 5.2.4-P
Current Effective Date: 07/12/2024
Original Effective Date: 01/01/2006
Revision Dates: 07/01/2010, 08/28/2017, 10/12/2018, 03/15/2022, 07/12/2024
Revision Number: 5
Revision Summary: remove references to KBEMS being part of KCTCS
Responsible Official: Vice President/CFO
References: Administrative Policy 3.3.16, Administrative Policy 3.3.15
1. Purpose
To outline KCTCS guidelines controlling the use of KCTCS facilities by outside agencies or groups.
2. Scope
2.1 This procedure applies to all KCTCS colleges, the System Office, and the Kentucky Fire Commission.
2.2 This procedure does not apply to free speech expressions otherwise governed by Administrative Policy 3.3.15 Campus Speech Policy.
3. Definitions
Facilities – Buildings and grounds owned or leased by KCTCS, including all colleges locations, the System Office, and Fire Commission locations.
KCTCS Units and Groups – Budgeted units within the KCTCS, recognized student organizations, and college affiliated organizations.
- College affiliated organizations are those organizations administered through a unit of the college to complement the college mission as well as those organizations granted the right to operate on campus by virtue of a contractual arrangement or other special recognition granted by college leadership and as approved by the KCTCS Chancellor.
Non-KCTCS Groups – Those groups that are neither included in KCTCS units and groups not co-sponsored by a college’s community service program or otherwise hosted or invited by a KCTCS unit.
Facility Administrator - The representative of the college, System Office, or Fire Commission authorized to administer the use of their facilities.
4. Guidelines
The responsibility for management and allocation of space within KCTCS will be with the KCTCS President with the input of the Chancellor.
- In order to promote operational efficiency and to provide administrative flexibility within KCTCS, the KCTCS President, except as noted in section 5.4.3-P, delegates this function to the College President for their respective college, the Vice President/CFO for the System Office, and the Executive Director of the Fire Commission for their respective locations.
Non-KCTCS groups or agencies may apply for the use of KCTCS facilities in accordance with the processes for renting or using the space for events that are not otherwise governed by campus speech policies.
When a non-KCTCS group uses KCTCS facilities, a written agreement between the group and the facility administrators will be negotiated in advance, stating the conditions and charge for the use of the facility and setting forth the responsibilities of the group and the facility.
- Facility administrators may contact the Office of Facilities Support Services for an agreement template.
KCTCS facilities will be made available to KCTCS units and groups and non-KCTCS groups only after it has been determined that the facility has not been scheduled and is not otherwise expected to be used for academic functions.
The use of a KCTCS college or unit’s name by a non-KCTCS group in a manner that is inconsistent with the role of the facility being used is prohibited.
Solicitations of individual faculty, staff, or students by any college unit or group, or any non-KCTCS group, for subscriptions, sales of merchandise of any kind, publications, or services at any KCTCS facility or property (other than by the authorized auxiliary enterprises, eating places, or vending operations of the facility) are prohibited except upon written permission of the facility administrator.
All applications from KCTCS units and groups and non-KCTCS groups will be considered in order of receipt.
- Scheduled academic activities, business activities, and community service functions have first priority for the use of a KCTCS facility.
- Such scheduled activities will not be pre-empted for use by non-KCTCS groups.
Events may be subject to cancellation in the best interest of the facility. The unit or group holding the reservation will be given notice as far in advance as possible.
5. Fees
Fees may be charged for use of KCTCS facilities as developed by facility administrators. Fees may include the cost of personnel, equipment, and consumable supplies expended during usage sufficient to cover all costs involved.
Funds collected from the non-KCTCS groups for the use of facilities will be deposited in an appropriate general fund income account.
Fees will be reflected in the agreement between the parties.
6. Insurance
All non-KCTCS groups must provide certification of liability insurance coverage. KCTCS and/or the college will be named as an additional insured on the Certificate of Liability Insurance.
- In cases where federal, state, or local government bodies are self-insured, proof of liability insurance is not required.
Any organization or group using a KCTCS facility will take proper care of the facility and its equipment and may be financially responsible for any damage.