Administrative Policies
Kentucky Community and Technical College System Policy and Procedural Guidelines for the Management and Use of Facilities
Policy Number: 3.3.16
Current Effective Date: 03/15/2022
Original Effective Date: 04/30/1999
Revision Dates: 10/28/2004; 03/15/2022
Revision Number: 2
Revision Summary: update to reflect current practices and legal obligations
Responsible Official: KCTCS President
References: Administrative Policy 3.3.15; Administrative Procedure 5.2.4-P
1. Purpose
This policy establishes the parameters for use of KCTCS facilities by agencies or groups, including those that are not part of or affiliated with the System.
2. Scope
2.1 This policy applies to all KCTCS colleges, the System Office, the Kentucky Fire Commission, and the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services (KBEMS).
2.2 This policy does not apply to free speech expressions otherwise governed by Administrative Policy 3.3.15 Campus Speech Policy.
3. Definitions
- KCTCS Facilities - Buildings and grounds owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and
assigned to the various colleges within the Kentucky Community and Technical College
System, the System Office, the Kentucky Fire Commission, and the Kentucky Board of
Emergency Medical Services (KBEMS).
- College or System Units and Groups - Budgeted units within the Kentucky Community
and Technical College System, recognized student organizations, and college affiliated
- Non-Affiliated Groups - Those groups that are neither included in B above nor co-sponsored by a college’s community service program or otherwise hosted or invited by a KCTCS unit.
4. Policy
- The KCTCS President shall be responsible for management and allocation of space within
the Kentucky Community and Technical College System with the advice and input of the
KCTCS Chancellor in accordance with Board of Regents and administrative policies and
procedure and the Rules of the KCTCS Senate.
- In order to promote operational efficiency and to provide administrative flexibility
within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, the KCTCS President hereby
delegates this function to the College Presidents and other appropriate administrators.
- The System’s facilities shall be used in accordance with state and federal law.
- KCTCS facilities that are offered for use by non-affiliated groups shall be made available
in a content-neutral manner in accordance with the best interests of the facility
and established rules for use.
- Non-affiliated groups shall apply for use of KCTCS facilities using the process established
by the college or administrative unit.
- College facilities shall be made available to college units/groups and non-affiliated
groups only after it has been determined that the facility has not been scheduled
and is not otherwise expected to be used for academic functions.
- There shall be no charge to the State’s other public higher education institutions
for the use of KCTCS facilities for educational purposes during normal hours of operation.
Fees may be charged for the use of facilities outside of the normal operational periods
established by the college and for other than educational purposes.
- When KCTCS facilities are used by a non-affiliated group, a written agreement between
the group and the administrative unit shall be negotiated in advance stating the terms
of use and the responsibilities of the parties.
- Facility use by a non-affiliated group is not an endorsement of the group or its message,
and the group shall not use the name of the college or KCTCS entity in a manner that
implies endorsement.
- Administrative Policy 3.3.15 Campus Speech Policy governs the use of KCTCS space for free expression activities, including any lawful
demonstration, meeting, or assembly.
- Solicitations by any college unit or group, or any non-affiliated group, for subscriptions, sales of merchandise of any kind whatsoever, publications, or services upon KCTCS property (other than by the authorized stores, food service operators, or vending operations) are prohibited except upon written permission of the College President.
5. Procedure
Administrative Procedure 5.2.4-P implements this policy.