Administrative Procedures
Brand Standards Procedure
Procedure Number: 4.22-P
Current Effective Date: 05/07/2020
Original Effective Date: 05/07/2020
Revision Dates: 0
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: creation of new policy and procedure
Responsible Official: KCTCS President
References: Administrative Policy 4.22
1. Purpose
To describe the process for Brand Governance, updates and changes to the KCTCS Brand Standards.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS Colleges and the System Office.
3 Procedure
3.1 Items Subject to Guidelines
The following is a list of items covered by the brand guidelines. Materials developed by faculty for use in the classroom are not included in KCTCS brand standards.
- Authentic Identity/Brand Promise
- KCTCS and College Logos
- Brand Colors
- Brand Fonts
- Editorial Style Guide
- Photo/Video
- Writing for Marketing/Julie
- Business Materials (email signatures, business cards, stationery etc)
- Promotional Materials
- Vehicle Signage
- Advertising
- Exterior Signage
- Campaigns
- Workforce Solutions
- Fire Commission & KBEMS
- System initiatives such as Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship and GED Plus
- See the full list at brand.kctcs.edu
3.2 The Branding and Governance Advisory Committee
The KCTCS Marketing Branding and Governance Advisory committee is comprised of system
office and college representation assigned by the peer team co-chairs. The committee
is charged with providing oversight and strategic direction regarding systemwide marketing
and branding protocols, guidelines and initiatives. The duties of this committee are
outlined in the Marketing Peer Team Governance Document.
3.3 Marketing Peer Team
The Marketing Peer Team is a standing body whose formal membership consists of the System Director of Marketing and all college marketing leads. The purpose of the Marketing Peer Team is to collectively guide and provide leadership support for systemwide marketing and branding efforts that protect and promote the community and technical college brand.
3.4 College Marketing Leads
The head of the Marketing/Public Relations department at each college is the expert on the college brand. They are entrusted with brand management at all levels. This department has the authority to review and should approve all materials before publication or production for brand compliance.
3.5 Review and Revisions to Brand Guidelines
The brand guidelines will be reviewed on an annual basis by the System Office Marketing Staff, Marketing Peer Team and the Branding and Governance Advisory Committee. Any one of these individuals or groups may request a change to the brand guidelines. A Change Request Form, available on the Marketing Peer Team site, should be completed and submitted to the Associate Director of Marketing. This request will be presented to the Brand Governance committee for review and recommendation then presented to the Marketing Peer Team for feedback and approval.
3.6 Brand Standards Applications
The KCTCS brand standards apply to all external communications developed or authorized
by any faculty or staff member. These brand standards do not apply to instructional
materials used in the classroom.
3.7 Violations of Brand Standards
Any violations of brand standard guidelines should be reported to the local college marketing lead or staff at the System Office. These violations will be taken seriously and mediated by the Branding and Governance Advisory Committee. All mediated violations will be reported to the President’s Leadership Team.