Administrative Procedures
Procedure Relating to Implementation of Online Learning and Instructional Support
Procedure Number: 4.14-P
Current Effective Date: 04/04/2023
Original Effective Date: 04/04/2023
Revision Dates: 0
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: new procedure
Responsible Official: Chancellor
References: Administrative Policy 4.14
1. Purpose
This procedure describes the responsibilities required to implement online learning instructional support.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to staff of System Office, Home College, and Delivering College, and describes Online Student responsibilities.
3. Procedure
3.1 System Office Responsibilities
The System Office will:
- Assist in the tracking of student success, course history, and effectiveness of support.
- Manage the assessment of technologies provided by the System Office for use in KCTCS
online courses.
- Maintain a system-wide homepage that includes links to each college’s online learning
- Have the Executive Director of Online Learning or designee serve as KCTCS representative
to appropriate state and regional committees related to online learning.
- Support the need to provide faculty and students 24/7 access to learning management
system (LMS) support.
- Support training in the use of online tools and instructional design support.
- Ensure faculty and staff have access to appropriate training in online learning policies
and procedures.
- Provide system-wide coordination and support for colleges participating in online learning activities including the publishing of a guide for implementing online learning.
3.2 Delivering College Responsibilities
The Delivering College will:
- Provide teaching faculty for programs and classes delivered at a distance. (Internet
faculty from a delivering college for KCTCS Online courses will be considered adjunct
faculty to the home colleges for accreditation purposes.)
- Receive 100% of the tuition and course charge revenue for courses delivered online.
- Determine faculty compensation and faculty load for online courses.
- Assign unique section numbers for KCTCS online courses and enter the appropriate PeopleSoft
instruction mode.
- When offering a new online course, follow approved quality assurance standards and
guidelines as recommended by the Online Learning Peer Team for continuous online course
evaluation and improvement.
- Execute student evaluation of instruction instrument.
- Provide students’ final grades to home college.
- Communicate ISBN for identified textbooks through local college Bookstore Managers
or directly submit course and book information to the bookstore 24/7 at KCTCS Online
Learning Bookstore.
- Will, in cooperation with System Office, post files of credentials for faculty teaching
online and via other distance modalities in the KCTCS enterprise content management
system. The credentials will be captured as a true copy in accordance with KCTCS policies
and procedures, and accessible only by appropriate HR personnel and Chief Academic
- Will conduct proctoring, when it is required, through the System’s chosen online proctoring
tool; exceptions will be made for licensing and certification exams that require in-person
proctoring (e.g., NOCTI exams).
- For exams that require face-to-face proctoring, the delivering college will communicate
proctoring requirements to the approved proctoring resource database at the beginning
of each semester.
- Communicate proctoring procedures and inform the students of their responsibility
for the proctored assessment.
- Cancel classes and will notify home college and students that the class is canceled.
- Schedule KCTCS online classes using appropriate instruction mode in KCTCS’s appropriate
enterprise software and at local colleges’ websites.
- Manage any appeals related to the course in alignment with the Code of Student Conduct and College Appeals Board processes.
3.3 Home College Responsibilities
- The Home College will:
- Provide student affairs including advising, admission, enrollment, drop/add, withdrawals,
library, bookstore, tutoring, assessment and placement, and testing.
- Assist students in the complaint and appeal process by referring them to the Chief
Academic Officer at the delivering college. The formal college board appeal process
follows the Student Code of Conduct and will be managed at the delivering college.
- Distribute funds to students receiving financial aid.
- Collect all tuition and fees.
- Recommend that the student be awarded a credential.
- Maintain resources to accommodate students participating in online learning activities
including assistance with proctored assessments and appropriate facilities to accommodate
programs offered by the home college.
- Provide networked computer facilities to accommodate students taking Internet classes.
- Provide student affairs including advising, admission, enrollment, drop/add, withdrawals,
library, bookstore, tutoring, assessment and placement, and testing.
- Home College bookstores may provide online ordering and purchasing for identified KCTCS online courses through the KCTCS Online Learning Bookstore.
3.4 Online Learning Student Responsibilities
The online learning student will:
- Identify a Home College. The degree-seeking student applies for admission at the Home
- Schedule testing for any required proctored testing.
- Secure all books, eResources, and other materials.
- Activate their KCTCS user account.