Administrative Procedures
Behavioral Intervention Team Procedure
Procedure Number: 3.3.27-P
Current Effective Date: 02/11/2020
Original Effective Date: 02/11/2020
Revision Dates: 0
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: Creation of new policy and procedure
Responsible Official: Vice President, Student Services
References: Administrative Policy 3.3.27
1. Purpose
This Procedure implements Behavioral Intervention Team Policy 3.3.27.
2. Scope
2.1 This Procedure applies to all KCTCS students, employees, and volunteers, regardless of whether the conduct is engaged in by students, employees, or volunteers.
2.2 This Procedure does not apply to noncredit training activities conducted at employer facilities.
3. Procedure
**If you believe that there is an immediate threat to an individual or the campus community, contact 911 or appropriate local first responders.
3.1 Guiding Principles
- The BIT is a resource to assist in proactively providing a safe academic environment
for employees and students and to address concerns before they escalate to serious
- The BIT is not punitive and is not a disciplinary body, but rather serves as the central
point of contact for threat assessments involving students and employees.
- The BIT will develop specific strategies to proactively manage potentially harmful
or disruptive behavior while considering the safety and rights of all parties and
in order to minimize the disruption to the college community.
- The BIT will make recommendations to the appropriate administrators to take timely,
suitable action in accordance with KCTCS policies, procedures, and applicable law.
Concerns with college personnel will be addressed under the direction of the College’s
Office of Human Resources.
- At the discretion of the college president, the BIT may include representatives from
members of the safety and security department, student affairs, academic affairs,
human resources, disability services, and other areas as necessary.
- The BIT may confer with KCTCS Student Services and be advised by KCTCS legal counsel.
- The BIT shall meet, at a minimum, once per semester and thereafter as needed.
- Each college will publish its local BIT processes via print and electronically.
- Colleges may create broader threat assessment teams to assess and address potential
risks and threats posed by others who are not students or employees.
- The BIT may also function as a threat assessment team, or the college may create a separate threat assessment team.
3.2 Identifying and Reporting Risks
- All individuals are encouraged to be alert to the possibility of campus disruptions,
particularly acts of violence.
- Employees and students are encouraged to make safety their highest concern and should
report all acts and threats of violence.
- All reports will be handled in a confidential manner, with information released only
on a need-to-know basis within the campus community and in accordance with federal
and state laws and regulations.
- Retaliation against any person who, in good faith, reports acts or threats of violence
pursuant to this or any other applicable law or policy is strictly prohibited.
- Every reasonable effort will be made to protect the safety and anonymity of anyone
who comes forward with concerns about a threat or act of violence.
- Each college shall create and publicize procedures via print and electronically for
reporting incidents to the BIT.
- Colleges are encouraged to provide a way in which anonymous reports may be submitted to the BIT.
3.3 Confidentiality of Records
- BIT members may share information about a student or employee being monitored by the
BIT as necessary to protect the health, safety, and privacy of the monitored individual
or other persons, and to recommend a course of action in accordance with applicable
legal and professional standards of confidentiality.
- Confidentiality of information and records considered by the BIT shall be maintained in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and KCTCS policies and procedures, including the release of information pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) for students.
3.4 Training
- All BIT members shall attend relevant training at least on an annual basis.
- Such training shall include information regarding the role of the BIT on campus, reporting procedures, confidentiality requirements, policies and laws regarding student discipline, due process, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the threat assessment model used by the college.