Administrative Policies
Dual Credit Policy
Policy Number: 4.16
Current Effective Date: 07/01/2023
Original Effective Date: 07/21/2022
Revision Dates: 07/01/2023
Revision Number: 1
Revision Summary: minor revisions to section 3.3
Responsible Official: Chancellor
References: 13 KAR2:020, Administrative Policy 4.13
1. Policy
This policy establishes criteria for dual credit students to enroll in dual credit course work at KCTCS colleges.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all students in dual credit course work. Individual colleges may have other criteria for Early/Middle College Students.
3. Policy
KCTCS promotes the advancement of its students’ education by offering dual credit to eligible students. Dual credit students generally follow KCTCS policies as they apply to any student; however, as dual credit students are classified as non-degree seeking students, enrolled in college level course work, there are enrollment and admission policies specific for dual credit students.
3.1 Student Eligibility
- To enroll and obtain college credit in a dual credit course at KCTCS, a student must:
- Be a Kentucky high school student (public, private, or homeschooled). Exceptions may be considered for other students if recommended by the school faculty/counselor and approved by the Chief Academic Officer at the college.
- Complete the postsecondary institution’s application for admission.
- Meet the postsecondary institution’s dual credit requirements for admission.
- Be admitted to the participating postsecondary institution as a dual credit student.
- Enroll in one or more eligible dual credit course/s.
- Dual Enrollment. Students who want to take a course that is not eligible for or offered
for dual credit may do so as a dually enrolled student. For these courses, students
must adhere to the admission requirements required of non-degree/non-credential student.
Tuition for a dual enrollment course is the standard KCTCS tuition rate.
- Homeschooled Students. Kentucky high school homeschooled students can enroll in dual credit courses provided they meet the KCTCS Assessment & Placement Policy and provide the college with a transcript demonstrating their current grade level. Colleges are required to maintain high school transcripts on each homeschooled student and mark their grade level in PeopleSoft on the high school panel upon initial enrollment. Students cannot change their high school grade level after enrollment. Once a student has completed their second semester as a high school senior they are no longer eligible to enroll in a KCTCS college as a dual credit student.
3.2 Admission Requirements
Admissions to dual credit course work is governed by 13 KAR 2:020: Guidelines for admission to the state-supported postsecondary education institutions in Kentucky.
High school students must meet postsecondary admissions requirements. All students must be admitted to and enrolled or accepted for enrollment at the College and complete the college’s dual credit application. Dual credit students are classified as non-degree seeking students and must meet the KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy. Additional information related to dual credit students is outlined in Appendix I of the policy. The college shall not apply additional admission or placement requirements to dual credit students beyond those spelled out in that policy. Limited admissions programs such as Early or Middle College programs will follow those program admission requirements.
3.3 Addendum for Enrollment into Technical Education Dual Credit Courses
Students who do not have the minimum unweighted cumulative high school 2.0 GPA the KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy requires for enrollment into technical course work may enroll in technical courses through:
- An ACT Composite Score of 16; OR
- An ACT Mathematics 16 and Reading 16; OR
- Any accepted equivalent from the KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy AND
- Any course-specific requirements noted in the KCTCS Course Catalog.
For technical courses that do not have a placement requirement students may enroll with the recommendation of the High School Administrator.
Ninth grade students who do not have a GPA may enroll in one technical course per semester that does not have a placement requirement with the recommendation of the High School Administrator.