Administrative Policies
KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy
Policy Number: 4.13
Current Effective Date: 01/06/2025
Original Effective Date: 02/02/2000
Revision Dates: 06/19/2001, 03/16/2004, 10/04/2005, 08/30/2006, 05/10/2007, 10/29/2009, 01/31/2011, 02/27/2011, 03/01/2011, 04/25/2013, 04/09/2014, 06/19/2014, 03/02/2015, 06/22/2016, 05/07/2018, 03/01/2019, 06/26/2019, 07/15/2019, 03/02/2022, 11/04/2024, 01/06/2025
Revision Number: 21
Revision Summary: Update language related to Adult Ed program
Responsible Official: KCTCS Provost and Vice President of Student and Acadmic Affairs
References: 13 KAR 2:020
1. Purpose
This policy describes the assessment and placement policy by which students are eligible to enroll in KCTCS coursework.
2. Scope
This assessment and placement policy specifically applies to all credential-seeking students, students who transition from non-credential seeking to credential seeking, and students who are undecided about their choice of program as of Fall 2022, except students identified under 3.5 B Certificate and Diploma-Assessment and Placement Exemptions.
Assessment and Placement Guidelines specific to dual credit high school students are found in 4.13 APPENDIX I
3. Policy
3.1 General Provisions
- Students enrolling in a college credit course for the purpose of earning credit applicable
toward an educational credential who meet the college readiness benchmarks as identified
by the Council on Postsecondary Education’s (CPE) College Readiness (see 4.13 APPENDIX
III) Indicators may enroll in college-level coursework.
- A credential-seeking student who does not meet the College Readiness standards established
by CPE may be required to enroll in no more than one (1) developmental course in each
curriculum pathway (Reading, Writing, and Mathematics) in areas for which the student
has not met the academic readiness standards. A developmental course means a course
that prepares a student for college-level study and does not award credit toward a
credential or degree (13 KAR 2:020).
- A student shall have access to a corequisite or credit-bearing content course in the
curriculum pathway (English or mathematics) within the first academic year of enrollment.
Corequisite course is defined as a course that includes enhanced academic supports,
such as additional hours of instruction, tutoring, mentoring, or advising that awards
credit toward a credential or degree (13 KAR 2:020).
- Students with 12 or more credit hours at the 100 level or above in general education
courses with a 2.0 GPA are exempt from reading placement requirements and are considered
college ready in reading. However, all students must meet individual course pre-requisites
such as those for entry-level English and mathematics courses.
- Primary subject-level placement charts for reading, English and mathematics shall
state the minimum score on the subject-specific domain for common tests used within
KCTCS. Placement scores indicate minimum academic levels required for placement into
KCTCS developmental courses, corequisite courses, entry-level reading, English and
mathematics courses, and some programs. Colleges shall not require higher than the
KCTCS placement scores listed. Placement charts do not indicate course sequences.
- All exam scores remain an indicator of academic readiness for a minimum of twelve
(12) months from the date of administration. An institution shall not determine academic
readiness using scores received from exams taken more than four (4) years prior. Administered
placement tests, specific course selection, and course sequences may differ by college
insofar as this policy allows. Students should refer to their respective colleges
for details.
- A final high school GPA, as used for placment, does not have an expiration date.
- Approved methods of assessment and placement are:
- Accuplacer
- Cumulative unweighted high school GPA
- EdReady Diagnostic
- EdReady Study Path
- GED College Readiness
- TABE 9/10-A (Discontinued as of December 31, 2021)
- Wonderlic
3.2 Special Provisions
- College Discretion One-Level Advancement or “One-Up”
KCTCS Colleges, at their discretion, may place credential-seeking students who score within one placement level below the system-wide standard into an entry-level college corequisite course or pathway-appropriate developmental course. - Alternative Remediation
Students scoring below the college readiness standards may be eligible for high quality basic skills instruction through Kentucky Adult Education. Students with college readiness scores below the benchmark can take the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) at the local Adult Education location to determine eligibility. Additionally, student may take advantage of various pre-enrollment interventions available at many KCTCS colleges. - Accommodations
Students with disabilities may request accommodations consistent with the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. - High School and Home-Schooled Students
Assessment and Placement Guidelines specific to dual credit students are in 4.13 Appendix I. Home-Schooled students will follow these same guidelines. - Waivers
A college may establish procedures to exempt students from assessment and placement criteria. The procedure must include the conditions under which a waiver will be granted, including clearly identifying the students being granted a waiver and the reason for the waiver. The college’s waiver policy must be on file at the college and in the KCTCS Provost and Vice President of Student and Academic Affairs Office. - Prison Education Programs (PEP)
A college may establish procedures to exempt PEP students from assessment and placement criteria. The procedure must include the process the college will implement to support students’ success in courses in which they are enrolled. The PEP waiver policy must be on file at the college and in the KCTCS Provost Office.
3.3 Associate Degree-Seeking Students
- Mathematics Placement
- For students who do not have the CPE required minimum college readiness indicators
for their chosen pathway (see 4.13 Appendix III), below is the KCTCS Mathematics Placement
Level Chart. Each test refers to the minimum score required on the appropriate subject-
specific domain of the indicated test for each Placement Level. Placement charts do
not indicate course sequences. Only common tests are listed. For placement using older
or uncommon measures, see 4.13 Appendix II.
- Change in Quantitative Reasoning/Math Pathway: KCTCS colleges may establish procedures to address developmental or prerequisite math needs for students who change programs and consequently QR/Math pathways. Placement into a corequisite course in the new pathway is strongly recommended. If student has a 2.5 high school GPA the student would automatically be afforded the opportunity of a corequisite course per CPE Implementation Guidance
- For students who do not have the CPE required minimum college readiness indicators
for their chosen pathway (see 4.13 Appendix III), below is the KCTCS Mathematics Placement
Level Chart. Each test refers to the minimum score required on the appropriate subject-
specific domain of the indicated test for each Placement Level. Placement charts do
not indicate course sequences. Only common tests are listed. For placement using older
or uncommon measures, see 4.13 Appendix II.
Mathematics Placement Level | ACT Mathematics | SAT Mathematics | HS GPA | KYOTE | EdReady Diagnostics | EdReady Study Path | KCTCS Courses |
27 | 640 | CALCULUS 15 | MAT 175, MAT 174, MAT 170 | |||
Precalculus | 23 | 560 | COLLEGE ALGEBRA 15 | 69 | 94 | MAT 171, MAT 160, MAT 159 | |
22 | 540 | 3.2 | COLLEGE ALGEBRA 14 | 65 | 86 | MAT 161, MAT 155, MAT 154, MAT 150 |
19 | 510 | 3.0 | COLLEGE ALGEBRA 7 or MATH PLACEMENT 22 |
55 | 68 | STA/MAT 151, MAT 146, MAT 141, PHI 250, MAT 150 with MAT 100, MAT 126 |
AAS Mathematics and College Algebra Associated Developmental |
18 | 490 | 2.8 | MATH PLACEMENT 18 | 50 | 63 | MAT 116, MAT 110, MAT 105, MAT 085 |
Quantitative Reasoning Corequisite OR Associated Developmental |
16 | 430 | 2.2 | MATH PLACEMENT 12 | 41 | 59 | MAT 146 with MAT 146S, MAT 126 with MAT126S, MAT 116 with MAT 116S, MAT 110 with MAT 110S, MAT 105 with MAT 105S, OR MAT 075, MAT 071, MAT 065 |
Meta-Major Pathway Corequisites OR Associated Developmental |
14 | 360 | 1.0 | MATH PLACEMENT 6 | 33 | 53 | MAT 161 with MAT 161S, STA/MAT 151 with MAT 151S, MAT 141 with MAT 141S OR MAT 062, MAT 061, MAT 055, MAT 011 |
Adult Education | N/A | N/A | MATH PLACEMENT 0 – 5 |
0-32 | 0-52 | Refer to Adult Ed or Pre-Enrollment Interventions |
NOTE: A student may enroll in any course listed in the indicated placement level. "S" indicates a corequisite option.
- Reading Placement
- The pathway to complete READING basic requirements for a credential will, at most,
require one developmental course to be followed by a reading corequisite or no further
reading courses required.
- For institutions offering Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) developmental courses,
a student shall be placed into whichever is LOWER, the Reading Course Placement or
the English Course Placement, but will at no time be required to take more than one
developmental course per pathway.
- Below is the Reading Placement Level Chart. Each test refers to the minimum score required for the appropriate subject-specific domain of the indicated test for each Placement Level. Only common placement tests are listed. For Reading placement using older or uncommon measures, see 4.13 APPENDIX II.
- The pathway to complete READING basic requirements for a credential will, at most,
require one developmental course to be followed by a reading corequisite or no further
reading courses required.
Reading Placement Level | ACT Reading | SAT *Reading **Evidence-based Reading & Writing |
HS GPA | Wonderlic Verbal | EdReady Diagnostic Reading and Writing |
EdReady Study Path Reading and Writing |
KCTCS Courses |
24* 480* |
3.0 | 325 | 70 | 95 | No Reading Course Required |
Reading Corequisite or Reading Course | 16 |
440** |
2.2 | 265 | 56 | 72 | RDG 100 Corequisite with General Education or College Success Course[1]; IRW 100 Corequisite with ENG 101; IRW 095[2], RDG 185, RDG 030 |
Developmental | 11 |
390** |
<2.2 | 205 | 35 | 43 | IRW 085, RDG 020 |
Adult Education | 0-10 | 0-380** | 0-200 | 0-34 | 0-42 | Refer to Adult Education or Pre-Enrollment Interventions |
1 The corequisite general education course may vary by institution. To assist with
selection of corequisite courses and student registration, general education courses
that currently have a reading prerequisite will allow registration with concurrent
enrollment in RDG 100 or IRW 100.
2 Students who place at the Corequisite Level, but not lower, for both Reading and
English, shall be placed in either IRW 095 which will satisfy both the reading requirement and prerequisites for ENG
101, OR a college-level reading course and/or corequisite English and reading courses. At
no time shall a student take both IRW 095 and a corequisite or college-level reading
or English course in the same term.
- English Placement
- The pathway to complete English (Writing) basic requirements for a credential will,
at most, require one developmental course to be followed by ENG 101 or ENG 101 corequisite.
- For institutions offering Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) developmental courses,
a student shall be placed into whichever is LOWER, the Reading Course Placement or
the English Course Placement, but will at no time be required to take more than one
developmental course per pathway.
- Below is the English Placement Level Chart. Each test refers to the minimum score or level required for the appropriate subject-specific domain of the indicated test for each Placement Level. Only common placement tests are listed. For English placement using older or uncommon measures, see 4.13 APPENDIX II.
- The pathway to complete English (Writing) basic requirements for a credential will,
at most, require one developmental course to be followed by ENG 101 or ENG 101 corequisite.
English Placement Level | ACT English | SAT *Writing & Language **Evidence-Based Reading & Writing |
HS GPA | Wonderlic Verbal | EdReady Diagnostic Reading and Writing | EdReady Study Path Reading and Writing | KCTCS Courses |
3.0 | 310 | 70 | 95 | ENG 101 |
English Corequisite OR Developmental for ENG 101 | 14 | 440** | 2.2 | 240 | 56 | 72 | ENG 101 Corequisite with ENG 100 OR IRW 100, IRW 095, ENC 091 |
Developmental | 12 | 390** | <2.2 | 205 | 35 | 43 | IRW 085, ENC 0963, ENC 090 |
Adult Education | 0-11 | 0-380** | 0-200 | 0-34 | 0-42 | Refer to Adult Education or Pre-Enrollment Interventions |
3 Students who place at the Corequisite Level, but not lower, for both Reading and English, shall be placed in either IRW 095 which will satisfy both the reading requirement and prerequisites for ENG 101, OR a college-level reading course and/or corequisite English and reading courses. At no time shall a student take both IRW 095 and a corequisite or college-level reading or English course in the same term.
3.4 English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Some KCTCS colleges offer instruction to non-native English speakers. Any ESL student
who does not meet college readiness levels in English or reading shall take a language
placement assessment, currently the Michigan English Placement Test (MEPT)4. ESL students who do not meet college readiness levels in mathematics shall take
the institution’s current mathematics assessment tool.
- In the ESL Course Placement Chart for the ESL categories of reading, writing, listening/speaking and grammar, each test refers to the minimum score required. Please refer to the specific institution’s ESL program guidelines for course options.
ESL Placement Level | ACT | MEPT | Reading | Writing | Listening/Speaking |
ESL COLLEGE READINESS | Reading 20 English 18 | EPT 715 | No Placement | ENG 101 corequisite with ENG 100, or ENG 101 (if ESL Reading Completed) | No Placement |
ESL Level 3 | EPT 605 | Any 100 Level HUM corequisite with RDG 1006, or ESL 030 | ESL 130 | ESL 110 | |
ESL Level 2 | EPT 415 | ESL 120 corequisite with RDG 1006, or ESL 020 | ESL 091 | ESL 100 or ESL 012 | |
ESL Level 1 | EPT 305 | FYE corequisite with RDG 1006, or ESL 010 | ESL 090 | ESL 011 | |
ESL Level 0 | EPT 0-295 | Refer to Adult Education or Pre-Enrollment Interventions |
ESL Placement Level | ACT | MEPT | Reading | Writing | Grammar |
ESL COLLEGE READINESS | Reading 20 English 18 |
EPT 707 | No Placement | ENG 101 | No Placement |
ESL Level 4 | EPT 607 | ESL 053 | ESL 063 | ESL 063 | |
ESL Level 3 | EPT 507 | ESL 052 | ESL 072 | ESL 082 | |
ESL Level 2 | EPT 407 | ESL 051 | ESL 071 | ESL 081 | |
ESL Level 1 | EPT 217 | ESL 031 | ESL 041 | ESL 041 | |
ESL Level 0 | EPT 0-207 | Refer to Adult Education or Pre-Enrollment Interventions |
4 Formerly referred to as CaMLA (Cambridge Michigan Language Assessment)
5 Writing sample may be required for BCTC.
6 Where available, special sections of corequisite and RDG 100 classes dedicated to
ESL students will be designated.
7 Writing sample is required for JCTC.
3.5 Certificate and Diploma-Seeking Students
- Certificate and Diploma Minimum Standards (See Exemptions Below)
- KCTCS has determined minimum academic standards for placing students in certificate and diploma programs. Some certificates embedded within associate degree programs may have placement levels less than those required for the associate degree and other certificates may require higher assessment and placement levels as determined through the curriculum approval process. All course prerequisites and selective admissions requirements must still be met.
- Certificate or Diploma Minimum Standards (Students should meet one of the following):
- ACT Composite Score of 16
- The equivalent of ACT Mathematics 16, ACT Reading 16, and ACT English 14 as indicated on the Placement Tables found in section 3.3 of this policy
- Earned 12 college-level credit hours within the last 7 years
- Completed the appropriate developmental and/or corequisite course sequence(s).
- Met Ability to Benefit standards (students who have not obtained a high school diploma
or its equivalent) by completing a Department of Education approved exam with appropriate
scores or satisfactorily completing 6 credit hours or the equivalent coursework applicable
toward a degree or certificate offered by the institution making the determination.
- Certificate and Diploma Assessment and Placement Exemptions
- KCTCS grants an exemption from assessment and placement criteria for any student enrolled
in a credential or program that requires 18 credits or less, or is listed below. However,
any course prerequisites must still be met.
- Colleges using the waiver process described in section 3.2 of this policy may exempt
students enrolled in select certificate and diploma programs from assessment and placement
- If a student has successfully completed all course work for a certificate or diploma, the student shall then be exempt from assessment and placement criteria, thus allowing the student to earn the qualifying credential.
- KCTCS grants an exemption from assessment and placement criteria for any student enrolled
in a credential or program that requires 18 credits or less, or is listed below. However,
any course prerequisites must still be met.
4.13 Appendix I: Assessment and Placement of Dual Credit High School Students
All Colleges will utilize this placement guideline/policy as written
13 KAR 2:020 governs the requirements for general education courses. To help maximize high school student success in dual credit courses and subsequent college/university coursework upon high school graduation, and to maintain the integrity of college-level coursework, this policy has been developed to assess and place 9th through 12th grade high school students in dual credit classes. All KCTCS Colleges will follow these guidelines as written, which align closely with the CPE Admissions and Placement Regulation and align with but do not completely match the general provisions of the KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy. Limited admissions programs such as Early or Middle College programs will follow those program admission requirements.
Requirements for enrollment into General Education Dual Credit Courses
Dual credit students must meet the CPE college readiness indicator appropriate for any course for which they enroll AND any course-specific requirements noted in the KCTCS course catalog.
Exception: Dual credit students in the 12th grade who assess/place into an English, Math or Reading course with a supplemental course may enroll in that option if offered by their KCTCS College for dual credit. Both courses are eligible for any available dual credit tuition waiver and dual credit scholarship. All other students must meet the established readiness indicators to enroll in an English, Math, or Reading course.
Requirements for Enrollment into Technical Education Dual Credit Courses
Students must meet:
- A high school grade point average (GPA) of 2.0;
- AND any course-specific requirements noted in the KCTCS course catalog.
There are additional placement options for students to enroll in technical courses outlined in the Dual Credit policy.
4.13 Appendix II: Course Placement for Older or Uncommon Measures
- The following placement charts are for reference to older placement tests no longer being offered but still within the four (4) year period for placement, or for reference to less common measures or pilot measures. Manual prerequisites overrides may be needed for student enrollment based on some of these measures, especially for courses below college readiness.
Mathematics Placement Level | ACT MATH | Accuplacer/Next Gen Advanced Algebra Functions (AAF) | ALEKS | GED College Readiness MATHEMATICAL REASONING | TABE 9/10 - A | Wonderlic QUANTITATIVE |
Precalculus | 23 | 52 | N/A | N/A | 355 | |
COLLEGE ALGEBRA (CA) COLLEGE READINESS | 22 | 46 | 175 | N/A | 340 | |
College Algebra Corequisite OR QUANTITATIVE REASONING (QR) COLLEGE READINESS | 19 | 250 | 30 | 165 | N/A | 300 |
College Algebra Associated Developmental | 18 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 280 | |
Quantitative Reasoning Corequisite OR Associated Developmental | 16 | N/A | N/A | 10.2 | 270 | |
Meta-Major Pathway Corequisites OR Associated Developmental | 14 | N/A | N/A | 6.4 | 250 | |
Adult Education | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0-6.3 | 0-245 |
Reading Placement Level | ACT READING | Accuplacer/NextGen | Accuplacer/Classic Reading | GED College Readiness Reasoning through the Language Arts | TABE 9/10-A Reading | KYOTE READING |
READING COLLEGE READINESS | 20 | 250 | 80 | 165 | 12.5 | 20 |
Reading Corequisite or Reading Course | 16 | 60 | N/A | 10.0 | 12 | |
Developmental | 11 | 41 | N/A | 6.0 | 6 | |
Adult Education | 0-10 | 0-40 | N/A | 0-5.9 | 0-5 |
English Placement Level | ACT ENGLISH | Accuplace/Next Gen | Accuplacer/Classic WritePlacer | GED College Readiness Reasoning through the Language Arts | TABE 9/10-A Reading | KYOTE WRITING |
ENGLISH COLLEGE READINESS | 18 | 250 | 5 | 165 | 12.8 | 6 |
English Corequisite or Developmental for ENG 101 | 14 | 4 | N/A | 9.0 | 5 | |
Developmental | 12 | 2 | N/A | 6.1 | 3 | |
Adult Education | 0-11 | 0-1 | N/A | 0-6.0 | 0-2 |
4.13 Appendix III: Council on Postsecondary Education College Readiness Indicators
Beginning Fall 2022-Spring 2025, all public postsecondary institutions in Kentucky will use the indicators of readiness established by the Council on Postsecondary Education as measures of college academic readiness. Upon admission to a public postsecondary institution, students scoring at or above the established scores or grades will not be required to complete developmental coursework and will be allowed entry into college credit-bearing coursework that counts toward degree credit requirements.
Students not meeting established college readiness indicators but who have a 3.0 cumulative, unweighted high school GPA may enroll in a college-level gateway course in a readiness area. Students not meeting established college readiness indicators and who do not meet the high school GPA cutoff should enroll in either corequisite or developmental courses according to the tables above.
Area | ACT | SAT | KYOTE | GED College Readiness | Accuplacer/Next Gen | ALEKS | EdReady Diagnostic |
English (Writing) | 18 | 22 | 6 | 165 | 250 | 70 | |
Reading | 20 | 24 | 20 | 165 | 250 | 70 | |
Math (Quantitative Reasoning) |
19 | 510 | 22 | 165 | 250 | 30 | 55 |
Math (College Algebra) |
22 | 540 | 14 | 175 | * | 46 | 65 |
Math (Calculus) |
27 | 640 | 15 | N/A | * | 76 | * |
*Institutions may determine readiness at these levels based on institutional data, as long as students have met the quantitative reasoning benchmark in one of the identified measures.