Administrative Policies
Political Activity and Employee Public Service
Policy Number: 3.4
Current Effective Date: 09/27/2024
Original Effective Date: 06/22/1998
Revision Dates: 06/22/1998, 09/27/2024
1. Purpose
The Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) is a non-partisan organization focused on serving the educational and training needs of Kentucky citizens and businesses without regard to political affiliation. This policy defines the conditions by which KCTCS employees may engage in political activities or hold public office.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. Definitions
- “Political Activities” or “campaigning” means promoting or opposing any partisan political
activity, political party, or candidate for public office (local, state, or national),
including oneself. For purposes of this policy, political activities does not include
promoting or opposing political activities or candidate for elected office within
the Kentucky Community and Technical College System such as election of Board of Regents
representatives or other elected offices throughout KCTCS.
- “KCTCS Property” means any property owned, leased, or controlled by KCTCS.
- “System Resources” means supplies, materials, equipment, telephones, printing or copying services, the System mail or (e)mail service, human resources, real property and other tangible and intangible assets.
4. Political Activity
- KCTCS respects the right and responsibility of employees as individual citizens to
engage in local, state, and national politics. However, because the System is a public
agency, its faculty, staff, and administrators may only engage in political activities
or hold public office if they are able to do so within the applicable law and System
policies and procedures, and while meeting the obligations of their position with
the System. This policy is not intended to prohibit KCTCS employees from freedom of
political association or freedom of speech but such associations and speech shall
not be exercised in the employee’s official capacity as a KCTCS employee. Examples
of prohibited political activities include, but are not limited to:
- Engaging in political activities on KCTCS property during regular working hours or
at official System functions or while engaged in work activities or attending work
functions for KCTCS.
- Depicting their personal views as representing KCTCS when engaged in political activities.
- Attempting to coerce other employees, students, legislators, or others to participate
in or support their political activities during working hours and/or utilizing KCTCS
- Using their position to solicit financial contributions, requesting campaign assistance,
or influencing the vote or political activities or their subordinates or students.
- Engaging in political activities on KCTCS property during regular working hours or
at official System functions or while engaged in work activities or attending work
functions for KCTCS.
- As a public agency, KCTCS has an obligation to be neutral in election processes and
may not engage in the public support of a specific candidate or party for local, state,
or national office.
- Nothing in this policy shall be construed to prohibit employees from participating in KCTCS sanctioned advocacy.
5. Political Office
- Like other citizens, KCTCS employees are free to engage in political activities so
far as they comply with applicable conflict-of-interest laws and meet their job-related
obligations. Elective and appointive part-time services in public office and on public
boards and commissions, to which members of the faculty and staff are prepared to
provide service while actively employed, shall be governed by policies on outside
employment and faculty consulting and external workloads.
- At the earliest opportunity, employees who are considering campaigning for, accepting
appointment to, or holding public office shall discuss potential conflicts or work
arrangements with their supervisor and notify the Human Resources Office.
- When necessary, leaves of absence without pay may be approved by the employee’s supervisor
for the duration of an election campaign or a term of public office; provided that
there has been a timely application for leave and that the requested leave is limited
to a reasonable period of time. The terms of a leave of absence for this purpose shall
be set forth in writing. The leave shall not affect unfavorably the tenure status
of a faculty member, except that the time spent on such leave from academic duties
does not count as faculty probationary service or staff probationary period unless
agreed to otherwise.
- Regarding part-time service in public office while actively employed, see KCTCS administrative
policies and procedures regarding outside employment and external workloads.
- When necessary, leaves of absence without pay may be approved by the employee’s supervisor
for the duration of an election campaign or a term of public office; provided that
there has been a timely application for leave and that the requested leave is limited
to a reasonable period of time. The terms of a leave of absence for this purpose shall
be set forth in writing. The leave shall not affect unfavorably the tenure status
of a faculty member, except that the time spent on such leave from academic duties
does not count as faculty probationary service or staff probationary period unless
agreed to otherwise.
- KCTCS employees shall not use KCTCS resources to conduct political activities, except that KCTCS physical facilities may be used in the same manner as non-employees in public service. KCTCS employees shall follow the same policies and procedures that affect non-employees in terms of the use of KCTCS space for partisan political activities.