Administrative Policies
Policy Number: 2.1
Current Effective Date: 06/17/2021
Original Effective Date: 04/30/1999
Revision Dates: 05/15/2002, 06/23/2004, 03/22/2005, 10/12/2005, 01/23/2008, 11/20/2009, 08/24/2010,
02/28/2011, 12/14/2011, 09/22/2014, 06/17/2021
Revision Number: 11
Revision Summary: technical edit regarding documentation
Responsible Official: Chancellor; Vice President, Administrative Services
References: Faculty, Faculty Rank, and Faculty Titles
2.1.2 Full-Time Faculty
A full-time faculty member is an employee of a KCTCS college who is qualified for appointment to one (1) of the academic ranks listed in Policy Subsection 2.1.3 and ordinarily has full-time teaching duties or has other teaching related duties (e.g. research, academic administration, librarians, counselors) equivalent to a full-time teaching load and fulfills the duties and responsibilities of a faculty member. Librarians (Faculty)
Librarians perform specific duties as assigned by the director of library services or the chief academic officer. A college’s academic programming encompasses four general areas: pre-baccalaureate, occupational/technical, developmental, and continuing education/community service. Librarians assist in achieving educational objectives relevant to these areas.
The library services philosophy supports the general philosophy of an open access college: to assist individuals through college programs to realize their full potential as educated citizens. Toward that end, the duties included in any job description encompass all functions assigned to the librarian as reflected on the annual planning document agreement. Each librarian may, in addition, be given by the director of library services specific assignments that are in keeping with institutional priorities, program needs, and individual expertise. The basic concept of library services is that each college provides a library program to which each individual librarian contributes as student and faculty needs emerge and institutional change occurs. The librarian is evaluated by the director of library services.
General Responsibilities may include:
- To assist with the planning, organization, and evaluation of library and information services.
- To offer quality library and information services.
- To instruct library users to access and evaluate information.
- To remain informed on current trends for library and information services.
- To participate in professional organizations and professional development opportunities.
- To serve on assigned college and KCTCS committees.
- To meet professional standards and ethics that are in accordance with state regulatory statutes and/or the American Library Association (ALA) standards.
Master’s or Doctoral Degree in Library and Information Sciences from an American Library Association accredited program. The librarian will be evaluated by the director of library services. Counselors (Faculty)
Counselors employed by KCTCS colleges are expected to address specific duties as assigned by the chief student services officer or chief academic officer. The college’s academic programming encompasses four general areas: developmental, continuing education/community service, occupational/technical, and pre-baccalaureate. The counselor shall be prepared to assist students in achieving educational objectives relevant to these areas.
The counseling program’s philosophy is supportive of the general philosophy of an open access college: to assist individuals, through college programs, to realize their full potential as educated citizens. Toward that end, the duties shall encompass all functions normally assigned to the counselor as reflected on the annual planning document agreement. Each counselor may, in addition, be given other assignments that are in keeping with institutional priorities, program needs, and individual expertise.
The counselor will be evaluated annually by the chief student services officer or other designated supervisor.
General Responsibilities may include:
Academic and Career Exploration
- To provide academic and career/life planning, counseling, assessment, and development.
- To assist prospective transfer students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university.
- To assist prospective students seeking an occupational/technical certificate, diploma, and degree within KCTCS colleges.
- To periodically engage in teaching (e.g., human development courses, psychology, etc.), as academic credentials allow.
Personal Growth Programs and Other Areas that Affect the Complete Development of an Educated Person
- To provide referrals to appropriate community agencies.
- To promote the total development of each individual student.
- To be accountable for meeting professional ethical standards as stated by the American Counseling Association (ACA).
- Master’s Degree in Counseling/Counselor Education or in a related field.
- Knowledge and skill competencies in the following areas: human growth and development, helping relationships, career and lifestyle development, social and cultural foundations, student affairs practice in higher education, and assessment.
Preference may be given to:
- Applicants with a doctorate in Counseling/Counselor Education or in a related field.
- Graduates of a CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs) accredited program.
- Substantial experience (3 years) in student affairs practice in higher education.
2.1.3 General Criteria for Ranks (KCTCS Faculty Hired 2004 and Thereafter; All Other Full-Time Faculty Who Select This Criteria)
Faculty Hired in Former UK Personnel System or Prior to 2004 in a Community College are grandfathered under 2003-2004 promotion criteria. (See Attachment A)
Faculty Hired in Former Kentucky TECH System or Prior to 2004 in a Technical College are grandfathered under 2003-2004 promotion criteria. (See Attachment B)
For eligibility for promotion in rank, see administrative policy 2.6. Instructor or Lecturer
The title Instructor designates a person whose services are primarily teaching or other teaching-related duties (e.g. research, academic administration, librarians, counselors), advising, community service, professional development, and institutional service based on the planning document agreement.
The title Lecturer designates a person whose services are for specific teaching or other teaching-related duties (e.g. instructional design, online teaching and/or facilitation, laboratory or clinical facilitation). Other academic duties and service may be considered and will be based upon the planning document agreement.
In occupational/technical programs where an academic degree is not available, two (2) years of occupational experience, professional preparation in the field, or registration or certification by a recognized agency may be presented in lieu of educational attainment.
The minimum academic degree for faculty teaching in professional, occupational and technical degree areas must be at the same level at which the faculty member is teaching.
The typical combination is a baccalaureate degree with appropriate work experience. In the pre-baccalaureate program, faculty must meet the credential qualifications as stated in the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ Principles of Accreditation. Assistant Professor
Promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor will be made when the colleagues, the division chairperson/director of library services, the chief academic officer, or the chief student services officer, and the president/ceo of the college determine that the individual has a current capacity for quality teaching or other teaching-related duties, quality student relations, and community service. The individual will also have demonstrated an interest in professional development and in fulfilling the mission of the college.
The evaluation of the individual’s performance should be determined by the use of current objective evaluative instruments used at the college. This rank is a recognition of increased quality and depth of performance and achievement rather than length of service. Associate Professor
Promotion to Associate Professor will be made only after an indication of continuous improvement and contribution as a faculty member. The individual shall have compiled a record of achievement in all assigned areas of activity and have demonstrated leadership in one or more of these. The individual shall also have contributed to the overall fulfillment of the college mission.
The evaluation of the individual’s performance should be determined by the use of current objective evaluative instruments used at the college. This rank is a recognition of increased quality and depth of performance and achievement rather than length of service. Professor
Promotion to the rank of Professor will be awarded to an outstanding faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in assigned areas of activity and in professional development as related to the mission of the college. This person shall also have been recognized for educational or professional leadership activities extending beyond the local college level.
The evaluation of the individual’s performance should be determined by the use of current objective evaluative instruments used at the college. This rank is a recognition of increased quality and depth of performance and achievement rather than length of service. Review Periods (All Eligible Faculty)
Track A: (Continuing Status/Continued Status/Term Contract Status)
Full-time faculty at the rank of Instructor shall serve three (3) years at the rank of Instructor to be eligible for promotion to Assistant Professor. Full-time faculty at the rank of Lecturer will not be eligible for promotion in rank. Faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor shall serve three (3) years at the rank of Assistant Professor to be eligible for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor. Faculty at the rank of Associate Professor shall serve six (6) years at the rank of Associate Professor to be eligible for promotion to the rank of Professor.
Track B: (Tenure Track/Tenure Status)
An individual shall not remain as an Instructor for more than three (3) years. If after that period promotion to a higher rank cannot be justified, the individual's appointment in the Kentucky Community and Technical College System shall not be renewed. Non-tenured appointments at the Assistant Professor or Associate Professor level shall not exceed seven years including previous full-time service at the rank of Instructor or higher at other institutions of higher learning, except that no more than three (3) years of previous service may be counted against this seven year probationary period. Reviews shall follow the usual procedures for promotion and must be completed in time for the individual to be notified of the result in accordance with the KCTCS policies and procedures or as otherwise set forth in the individual's Letter of Appointment. Assistant Professors must either be promoted at the end of the probationary period or shall not have their appointments renewed.
2.1.4 Types of Appointments Applicable to All Faculty
All recommendations for appointment to the faculty of KCTCS colleges must be supported by a file containing a complete vita of the candidate and official college transcripts. These recommendations must originate with the chief academic officer or the appropriate administrative officer in concert with the college’s and KCTCS’ hiring procedures after due consultation with the appropriate faculty members. Established criteria shall form the basis for judgment at all steps of the appointment process.
The precise terms and conditions concerning each appointment shall be stated in writing on an official appointment record. Visiting Professors
The designation "visiting" before an academic title indicates that the holder of the title has a limited temporary appointment for an academic year, semester, or summer term.
The visiting title used should be appropriate to the appointee's home base position, i.e., Visiting Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, Visiting Assistant Professor, or Visiting Instructor. Where professorial rank or title does not appear to be suitable, the title "Visiting Lecturer" should be used. A visiting appointment may be full-time or part-time, salaried or unsalaried. The appointment is by definition a temporary one and the visitor is not eligible for staff benefits, except that those with salaried full-time appointments are eligible for health insurance coverage. The visiting title does not include eligibility for membership in the Senate. Membership, with or without voting privileges, may be extended to a visiting appointee by the faculties of the college and the division to which the appointee is assigned. Voluntary Faculty
Voluntary faculty members are those appointed by a KCTCS college president/ceo who receive no stipend or salary and who devote only a part of their time to a program. Usually such faculty members are engaged in private practice or business, but they may hold full-time positions with other institutions and agencies. Voluntary faculty members are not eligible for tenure, for usual benefits available to full-time faculty members, or for membership in the Senate. Faculty membership, with or without voting privileges, may be extended by a college to one (1) or more of its voluntary faculty.
Voluntary faculty may be appointed by the president/ceo of a KCTCS college and reported to the Chancellor. A Voluntary Faculty Data Form shall be completed and is maintained at the college. The college compiles a list of voluntary faculty from the completed Voluntary Faculty Data Forms, which should be forwarded to the Chancellor at the earliest opportunity for processing and reporting to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System President. Since the affiliation of Voluntary Faculty with the college is not documented in the payroll system, completion of the Voluntary Faculty Data Form and submission of the list of voluntary faculty to the System Office is necessary to formalize the association. The Voluntary Faculty Data Form should be completed prior to assumption of duties.
Each spring, voluntary faculty members for the following academic year should be appointed or reappointed at the same time the college is appointing or reappointing full-time faculty members. Voluntary faculty members may be appointed or reappointed for periods determined by the college president/ceo.
When reporting voluntary faculty appointments, a cover letter, or letter of transmittal, should accompany the form.
Signed copies of each Appointment Form, if utilized, are returned to the college. Part-Time Faculty– (Less Than Full-Time)
Part-time faculty are employed by the college to meet the needs of the instructional program. Term contracts are given to the part-time faculty who are appointed by the president/ceo. The employment of part-time faculty members provides expertise which enhances the educational effectiveness of the college. Typically, part-time faculty members are not eligible for membership in the Senate. Membership, with or without voting privileges, may be extended to a part-time faculty member in the faculty of the college and in the division to which the individual is assigned. Emeritus Professors
Upon retirement, tenured status, continuing status, and continued status faculty members may retain their titles with the designation "emeritus" at the discretion and approval of the respective college president/ceo.
In addition, the respective college president/ceo will determine the privileges to be given to the emeritus designated faculty member.Access to such privileges shall be limited to those resources that are owned, managed, and/or controlled at the local college level. Retired Faculty Employment
Official retirees may be hired as a temporary part-time or full-time faculty member in one of two (2) ways:
- using an approved fee schedule at the part-time per course instruction rate. Such an appointment shall be treated as a temporary part-time per course faculty appointment. The standard Appointment Form must be completed. Appropriate credentials must be on file at the college. No approval is needed outside the college; or
- with the approval of the Chancellor, the President of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System and the Board of Regents. Such an appointment may be temporary full-time or part-time, for a maximum length of one (1) year. Reappointment for each subsequent year also requires approval of the individuals listed above and of the Board of Regents. This process requires planning to meet published Board of Regents’deadlines. The Board of Regents must approve the appointment prior to the effective date of the appointment. The standard Primary Faculty Appointment and Assignment Form is used to initiate this process. Appropriate credentials must be on file at the college.
In all cases the college should contact the KCTCS Human Resources Office to verify the status of the potential employee, and to check on benefit implications (social security earnings, Medicare, etc.), and should then advise the retiree. The retiree may also wish to consult with the KCTCS Human Resources Office to check on benefits implications.
2.1.5 Failure to Support Administrative Action for Promotion (All Eligible Faculty)
Whenever a recommendation to promote is disapproved by either the Chancellor or the President of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, this fact must be reported back to the president/ceo of the college with supporting reasons in writing, and an opportunity provided for a thorough discussion among the concerned parties. The president/ceo of the college shall notify the faculty member in writing of the decision not to promote and shall include the reason(s) for the decision. The president/ceo of the college will initiate the discussion with the faculty member. The director of library services/division chairperson, chief academic officer, and/or chief student services officer may be included in such a discussion at the request of the president/ceo of the college or the faculty member. Any related appeals through administrative channels and/or the KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Appeals (KCTCS Senate ACA) (for the ranks of Assistant, Associate, or Professor) must be initiated in writing by the faculty member within thirty (30) days after being notified in writing by the president/ceo of the college of the decision not to approve a recommendation to promote.
The faculty member’s appeal, which is sent through the college president’s office, shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the Chancellor. It shall state and explain the basis of the appeal under inadequate consideration and/or incomplete procedure. (See KCTCS administrative policies and procedures regarding faculty appeals through the KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Appeals.)
The KCTCS Senate ACA shall follow formal hearing appeal procedures developed by the committee.
2.1 Administrative Policy Attachment A
Although it would be impossible to specify the exact criteria for judging an appointment or promotion to any one particular rank, a few general statements are made as guides to review committees.
Instructor in the Community Colleges
The title Instructor in the Community Colleges designates a person whose services are contracted primarily for teaching, advising, and community service, including professional development, and institutional service (all areas on the planning agreement). The individual should have an understanding of and a belief in the purposes of a community college.
In the pre-baccalaureate program, faculty must meet the credential qualifications as stated in the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Criteria for Accreditation Manual.
In technical programs where an academic degree is not available, two (2) years of occupational experience, professional preparation in the field, or registration or certification by a recognized agency may be presented in lieu of educational attainment. In technical programs where an academic degree is available, it is expected that the individual shall have at least a bachelor's and preferably a master's degree where appropriate.
Assistant Professor in the Community Colleges
Appointment or promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor in the Community Colleges will be made when it has been determined by colleagues, the Division Chairperson, and the President of the Community College that the individual has a current capability for good teaching, good student relations, and community service; and that the individual has demonstrated a genuine concern in fulfilling the purposes of a community college.
The evaluation of the individual's performance should be determined by the use of current objective evaluative instruments.
Associate Professor in the Community Colleges
The promotion to Associate Professor in the Community Colleges will be made only after an indication of continuous improvement and contribution as a faculty member. The individual shall have demonstrated definite leadership in assigned areas of activity and in the overall development of the program of the applicable community college. The individual also shall have earned recognition for educational leadership.
Professor in the Community Colleges
A promotion to the rank of Professor in the Community Colleges should be an indication that the individual is an outstanding, mature faculty member who has been recognized for leadership in the applicable community college and the Community College Branch; and who has demonstrated excellence in assigned areas of activity, in professional development, and in the total program of the applicable community college. It should always be stressed that this rank is a recognition of quality, and depth of performance and achievement rather than length of service.
2.1 Administrative Policy Attachment B
Definition of Faculty Eligible for Promotion – Technical Colleges
- A person who spends at least 50% of his/her time in a teaching capacity; 50% of his/her responsibilities are related to an instructional program. (Verify)
- Division/department chairs who are employed in an administrative division/department chair capacity and who do not teach will not be considered for promotion in rank. Division/department chairs from faculty ranks who are assigned division/department chair responsibilities will be required to meet the 50% clause.
- Division/department chairs must teach 50% of their time to be considered for promotion in rank.
- Librarians who hold a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Sciences from an American Library Association accredited program are eligible for the ranks of Librarian IV (Instructor), III (Assistant Professor), II (Associate Professor), and I (Professor).
- Faculty classified as part-time by Human Resources (HR) are not eligible to participate in the credentials and promotions process nor faculty governance.
Certificate and Diploma Programs: Promotions – Technical Colleges
Instructor to Assistant Professor – Technical Colleges
Performance Effectiveness: Good recommendations would consist of all required components from the following:
- Successful completion of mentorship, KCTCS New Teachers Institute or have previous successful teaching experience
- Student course evaluations**
- Personal (annual) evaluations
- Course Syllabi
- Classroom Observations
- Advising ***
- Community Service and Institutional Service
** Student course evaluations: faculty in correctional settings will have the student course evaluations completed by on-site administration.
***Advising: Non-occupational program faculty may submit materials which document collaborative or subject area information which supports the advising process.
- Any combination of field-related experience, i.e. licensure, certification, apprenticeship, NOCTI, continuing education, ASE, A+, AWS, MACS, etc.
- One year postsecondary diploma is equal to one year of work experience.
- Two year postsecondary diploma is equal to two years of work experience.
- An Associate Degree is 7000 hours or 3.5 years of full-time, field-related work experience.
- An Associate degree equivalent can also be 64 college credit hours.
Work Experience*: 2 years
*Work experience must be field-related work experience.
Teaching Experience: 3 years, 3 of which must be KCTCS*.
*KCTCS teaching experience includes teaching in the technical (KY TECH) or community college system prior to the establishment of KCTCS.
Professional Activities: Professional organization membership, campus committee membership, awards and recognition, etc.
Assistant Professor to Associate Professor – Technical Colleges
Performance Effectiveness: Must be rated as Very Good.
The portfolio would include appropriate and sufficient documentation from the following
required components to support the promotion. The Campus Peer Review Committee (CPR) would review and determine if the criteria were met.
- Student evaluations of instruction**
- Personal (annual) evaluations
- Course Syllabi, proof of varied teaching modalities
- Professional development, 25 hrs. per year
- Advising***
- Community Service and Institutional Service
- Campus participation: Senate, college-wide committees
- Awards and recognition, published articles, or presentations at workshops and conferences.
** Student course evaluations: faculty in correctional settings will have the student course evaluations completed by on-site administration.
***Advising: Non-occupational program faculty may submit materials which document collaborative or subject area information which supports the advising process.
Education: Bachelor’s or equivalent* with 12 semester hours in teaching or related field.
*Equivalent of a Bachelor’s degree is defined as:
- Any combination of field-related experience, i.e. licensure, certification, apprenticeship, NOCTI, continuing education, ASE, A+, AWS, MACS, etc.
- One year postsecondary diploma is equal to one year of work experience.
- Two year postsecondary diploma is equal to two years of work experience.
- An Associate Degree is 7000 hours or 3.5 years of full-time, field-related work experience.
- An Associate degree equivalent can also be 64 college credit hours.
- A Bachelor’s degree equivalent is 14,000 hours or 7 years of full-time, field-related work experience.
Work Experience*: 2 years.
*For those in academic areas, one year of college equals two years work experience
up to two years of education substituting for four years work experience.
Teaching Experience: Six years, three of which must be in KCTCS*.
*KCTCS teaching experience includes teaching in the technical (KY TECH) or community college system prior to the establishment of KCTCS.
Recognized Leadership: Must be evaluated as Very Good.Local Senate committee officer or chair or major Senate committee, accreditation committee standard chair, officer in faculty council, attended leadership academy, representative to board of directors, student organization advisor, officer in professional organization. (Examples that may be used to meet this requirement)
Minimum Time in Previous Rank*: Three years as Assistant Professor. Note: Faculty hired prior to academic year 2000-01 may also demonstrate that initial appointment criteria for Assistant Professor has been met to fulfill part of this three year requirement for the initial promotion in rank. (Thereafter, time in the promoted rank must be served.)
Associate Professor to Professor – Technical Colleges
Performance Effectiveness: Must be rated as Excellent.
The portfolio would include appropriate and sufficient documentation from the following required components to support the promotion. The Campus Peer Review Committee (CPR) will review and determine if the criteria were met.
- Student evaluations of instruction**
- Personal (annual) evaluations
- Course Syllabi, proof of varied teaching modalities
- Professional development, 25 hrs. per year
- Advising***
- Community Service and Institutional Service
- Campus and System or District participation: local and system or state or national
- Awards and recognitions, published articles, or presentations at conferences and workshops.
- Professional memberships
** Student course evaluations: faculty in correctional settings will have the student course evaluations completed by on-site administration.
***Advising: Non-occupational program faculty may submit materials which document collaborative or subject area information which supports the advising process.
Education:Bachelor’s degree in teaching or related field.
Work Experience*: 2 years.
*For those in academic areas, one year of college equals two years work experience up to two years of education substituting for four years work experience.
Teaching Experience: 10 years, 6 of which must be under KCTCS*. *KCTCS teaching experience includes teaching in the technical (KY TECH) or community college system prior to the establishment of KCTCS.
System/District Leadership: Must be evaluated as Excellent.
Minimum Time in Previous Rank*: 6 years as Associate Professor Note: Faculty hired prior to academic year 2000-01 may also demonstrate that initial appointment criteria for Associate Professor has been met to fulfill part of this six year requirement for the initial promotion in rank. (Thereafter, time in the promoted rank must be served.)
AAS and AAT Programs and Courses: Promotions – Technical Colleges
Instructor to Assistant Professor – Technical Colleges
Performance Effectiveness: Good recommendations would consist of required components of the following:
- Successful completion of mentorship, KCTCS New Teachers Institute or have previous successful teaching experience
- Student course evaluations**
- Personal (annual) evaluations
- Course Syllabi
- Classroom Observations
- Advising***
- Community Service and Institutional Service
** Student course evaluations: faculty in correctional settings will have the student course evaluations completed by on-site administration.
***Advising: Non-occupational program faculty may submit materials which document collaborative or subject area information which supports the advising process.
Education: Bachelor’s or equivalent* in teaching or related field.
Work Experience*: 2 years.
*For those in academic areas, one year of college equals two years work experience
up to two years of education substituting for four years work experience.
Teaching Experience: 3 years which must be under KCTCS*.
*KCTCS teaching experience includes teaching in the technical (KY TECH) or community college system prior to the establishment of KCTCS.
Professional Activities: Professional organization membership, campus committee membership, awards and recognition, etc.
Assistant to Associate Professor – Technical Colleges
Performance Effectiveness: Must be rated as Very Good
The portfolio would include appropriate and sufficient documentation from the following required components to support the promotion. The Campus Peer Review Committee (CPR) would review and determine if the criteria were met.
- Student evaluations of instruction**
- Personal (annual) evaluations
- Course Syllabi, proof of varied teaching modalities
- Professional development, 25 hrs. per year
- Advising***
- Community Service and Institutional Service
- Campus participation: i.e. Senate or college-wide committees
- Awards and presentations, published articles, or presentations at conferences and workshops.
** Student course evaluations: faculty in correctional settings will have the student course evaluations completed by on-site administration.
***Advising: Non-occupational program faculty may submit materials which document collaborative or subject area information which supports the advising process.
Education: Bachelor’s or equivalent* with 18 semester hours in teaching or related field.
Work Experience*: 2 years.
Teaching Experience: 6 years, 3 of which must be under KCTCS*.
*KCTCS teaching experience includes teaching in the technical (KY TECH) or community college system prior to the establishment of KCTCS.
Recognized Leadership: Must be evaluated as Very Good.
Local Senate committee officer or chair or major Senate committee, accreditation committee standard chair, officer in faculty council, attended leadership academy,
representative to board of directors, student organization advisor, officer in professional
Minimum Time in Previous Rank*:3 years as Assistant Professor.
Note: Faculty hired prior to academic year 2000-01 may also demonstrate that initial appointment criteria for Assistant Professor has been met to fulfill part of this
three year requirement for the initial promotion in rank. (Thereafter, time in the promoted rank
must be served.)
Associate Professor to Professor – Technical Colleges
Performance Effectiveness: Must be rated as Excellent.
The portfolio would include appropriate and sufficient documentation from the following
required components to support the promotion. The Campus Peer Review Committee (CPR) would review and determine if the criteria were met.
- Student evaluations of instruction **
- Personal (annual) evaluations
- Course Syllabi, proof of varied teaching modalities
- Professional development, 25 hrs. per year
- Advising***
- Community Service and Institutional Service
- Campus and System or District participation: local and system or state or national
- Awards and recognitions or published articles or presentations at conferences and workshops
- Professional memberships
** Student course evaluations: faculty in correctional settings will have the student course evaluations completed by on-site administration.
***Advising: Non-occupational program faculty may submit materials which document collaborative or subject area information which supports the advising process
Education: Bachelor’s degree required plus Master’s degree or Master’s equivalent* in teaching or related field.
*Equivalent of a master’s degree is defined as:
- Any combination of graduate education and teaching experience above the required ten years.
- Two years of additional teaching experience equals 15 graduate credit hours.
- Two years teaching experience equals one year of education with a maximum of four years teaching experience substituting for two years of education.
Work Experience*: 2 years.
Teaching Experience: 10 years, 6 of which must be under KCTCS*. *KCTCS teaching experience includes teaching in the technical (KY TECH) or community college system prior to the establishment of KCTCS.
System/District Leadership: Must be evaluated as Excellent.
Minimum Time in Previous Rank*: 6 years as Associate Professor. Note: Faculty hired prior to academic year 2000-01 may also demonstrate that initial appointment criteria for Associate Professor has been met to fulfill part of this six year requirement for the initial promotion in rank. (Thereafter, time in the promoted rank must be served.)
Related Information: COE/SACSCOC Requirements for AAS/AAT Degree Programs and Courses
- COE Requirements: (COE Handbook, p.51, B)
4. Faculty members who teach general education courses in Associate Degree programs hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree with 15 hours or 23 quarter hours in the teaching discipline. (In exceptional cases, evidence of outstanding professional experience or creative achievement in the field may be considered in lieu of formal academic requirements.)
5. Faculty members who teach in technical areas of associate degree programs hold a minimum of an Associate Degree. (In exceptional cases, evidence of outstanding experience and skills in the technical field may be considered in lieu of formal academic requirements.) - SACSCOC Requirements: (Criteria, pp. 43-44)Each full-time and part-time faculty member teaching courses in professional, occupational and technical areas other than physical activities courses that are components of associate degree programs designed for college transfer, or from which
substantial numbers of students transfer to senior institutions, must have completed
at least 18 graduate hours in the teaching discipline and hold a master’s degree, or
hold the minimum of the master’s degree with a major in the teaching discipline.
In exceptional cases, outstanding professional experience and demonstrated contributions to the teaching discipline may be presented in lieu of formal academic preparation for faculty members teaching both transfer and non-transfer courses in these areas. Such cases must be justified by the institution on an individual basis. - Other Regulating Bodies:
Where other regulating bodies or accrediting agencies are a factor, those criteria must be met. (ex. Allied Health, Nursing) - KCTCS Policy on Collaborative Program Development:
Kentucky Community and Technical College (KCTCS) collaborative program development processes shall meet criteria specified by the accrediting bodies of the respective community and technical colleges and any required programmatic standards. (Board of Regents Policy 4.12, approved 9/16/98)
For collaborative programs, faculty must meet both SACSCOC/COE requirements or document an exception.