- Instructor discusses alleged offense and the proposed sanction with the student -
within 10 calendar days of the alleged offense
- Student appeals in writing to division chair* - within 10 calendar days
- Division Chair resolves case? - within 10 calendar days
- Yes - End of case. All parties notified in writing.
- No - Division Chair notified student, instructor and CEO
- CEO Resolves Case? - within 10 calendar days
- Yes - End of case. All parties notified in writing.
- No - CEO notifies student, instructor and division chair; refers case to Appeals Board
- within 10 calendar days
- Appeals Board Chair invites instructor, division chair, CEO to submit written statements
- within 5 calendar days
- Statements filed - within 10 calendar days
- Appeals Board decides to hear case? - within 10 calendar days
- No - End of case. All parties notified in writing - within 4 calendar days
- Yes - Hearing held, decision made, all parties notified - within 20 calendar days
- End of case.