Section VII
Disposition of Alleged Violations of Student Rights/Academic Offenses of Students
Policy Number: 5.0
Current Effective Date: 07/01/2018
Original Effective Date: 07/01/2018
Revision Dates: 04/14/2021
Revision Number: 1
Revision Summary: formatting updates
Responsible Official:
5.1 In Cases Involving Alleged Violations of the Academic Rights of A Student (2.0)
5.1.1 Responsibility of the Division Chair*
The division chair shall attempt to resolve all cases of student appeal to the satisfaction of the student and the instructor. If the division chair cannot resolve the matter within fifteen (15) calendar days after the appeal is filed, the division chair shall refer the matter to the chief executive officer or designee, and shall notify in writing the student, instructor, and chief executive officer.
5.1.2 Responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer
If the chief executive officer or designee is unable to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of the instructor and student, the chief executive officer or designee shall notify the student, instructor, and division chair in writing within ten calendar days of the date on which the case was forwarded by the division chair. The chief executive officer or designee shall also notify the student of the next step to appeal the decision to the College Appeals Board.
5.2 In Cases Involving Alleged Student Academic Offenses (section 3.0)
5.2.1 Responsibility of the Instructor
Within ten (10) calendar days of the occurrence of an alleged student academic offense the instructor shall submit in writing to the division chair* a description of the activity that resulted in the accusation of academic dishonesty and the sanction implemented when a failing grade is assigned. (Copies of letters shall be forwarded to the chief academic and student affairs officers.)
An instructor shall notify the student in writing of the academic offense, explain the sanction, and inform the student of her/his right to appeal the fact of guilt and/or severity of the sanction when a failing grade is assigned.
If the student appeals the severity of the sanction and/or the fact of guilt, the instructor may confer with the appropriate division chair* to determine appropriate sanctions for the student.
All academic misconduct actions must be reported to the chief academic officer for record keeping purposes.
5.2.2 Responsibility of the Division Chair*
The division chair shall attempt to resolve all cases referred by student appeal to the satisfaction of the instructor and the student. If the division chair upholds the decision of the instructor, the student may appeal, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days of notification of the division chair’s decision, to the chief executive officer or designee.
5.2.3 Responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer
Upon reviewing the basis of the student appeal, the chief executive officer or designee should attempt to resolve the case. If not resolved, the chief executive officer must refer the case to the College Appeals Board within 10 calendar days.
*chief academic officer responsibility if the student’s instructor is also the division chair (in case of a distance learning course, the instructor, division chair, chief executive officer, and all other roles shall be those of the college offering the course, the KCTCS Delivering Institution)