3.28 Administrative Office Technology | KCTCS

Section IV

Administrative Office Technology

Policy Number: 3.28

Current Effective Date: 07/01/2020

Original Effective Date: 07/01/2020

Revision Dates: 04/13/2021

Revision Number: 1

Revision Summary: formatting updates

Responsible Official:


3.28.1 System Guidelines

Technical Standards

The Administrative Office Technology program prepares students to work in an office environment of people, process and technologies with accuracy and efficiency. In order to increase the likelihood of success in the program and future employability, it is recommended that applicants possess sufficient:

  1. visual acuity, such as is needed to read and assess information;
  2. auditory perception to receive and interpret verbal communication from individuals and groups;
  3. gross and fine motor coordination to perform business machine, office and computer tasks;
  4. communication skills (speech, reading, writing) to interact effectively with individuals and groups; and
  5. intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement their duties in a responsible manner.

3.28.2 College Guidelines
