Section IV
Collision Repair Technology
Policy Number: 3.26
Current Effective Date: 07/01/2020
Original Effective Date: 07/01/2020
Revision Dates: 04/13/2021
Revision Number: 1
Revision Summary: formatting updates
Responsible Official:
3.26.1 System Guidelines
3.26.2 College Guidelines Bluegrass Community and Technical College
Enrollment in the Collision Repair Technology Program may be limited because of available laboratory facilities, as well as limited faculty and financial resources.
Technical Standards
In order to be considered for admission or to be retained in the program, all applicants should possess:
- Sufficient auditory perception to receive verbal communication and for diagnosis and repair of automobile bodies and structural systems;
- Sufficient gross and fine motor coordination necessary for the manipulation of equipment;
- Sufficient communication skills (speaking, reading, writing) to interact effectively with others in training sessions and in automotive collision repair facilities; and
- Sufficient intellectual and emotional capacity for effective functioning in training sessions and in automotive collision repair facilities.
Admissions Committee
Selection of students for the Collision Repair Technology Program will be made by the President of the College or the President's designee, after considering the recommendations of an Admissions Committee, which is to be appointed for this purpose. College membership on this committee shall consist of the following:
- Admissions Officer
- Technical faculty member
- Collision Repair Technology Program Coordinator
- Three members at large, to include a counselor and a general education faculty member.
- Division Assistant Dean
Terms for the technical faculty member and the three at-large members are to be two- year, staggered terms.
In order to be considered by the Admissions Committee, each applicant for the fall semester must submit the following credentials by March 1st for the admitting fall semester and if applicable, by October 1st for the admitting spring semester. The college may extend this date due to extenuating circumstances.
- An application for admission to the college;
- An official high school transcript indicating the applicant has completed or will complete an approved four-year high school curriculum or a passing GED official score report and official transcripts of all postsecondary education, if applicable;
- The ACT or Compass score report showing the student has met the minimum KCTCS requirements for the program; and
- A completed documentation packet for Collision Repair Technology.
Preference will be given to:
- Kentucky residents and applicants within the KCTCS service area.
- Applicants who are area center or KCTCS transfer students or have dual/transfer/articulated
- Applicants who have completed a technical program with a diploma or degree from BCTC
and wish to enroll into the Collision Repair Technology program at the next available
date after completion of the previous credential.
- Applicants scoring higher on an ACT, COMPASS, or equivalent placement exam.
- Applicants who have completed developmental or higher courses.
- Applicants who have completed some or all general education requirements toward an
AAS degree in Collision Repair Technology.
- Applicants who have completed at least 12 credit hours of post-secondary education
(non-remedial) with a 2.4 or higher grade point average (on a 4.0 scale).
- Applicants which have completed an industry practicum or shadowing program (sixty
hour minimum).
- Applicants with industry work experience (minimum six months, as outlined by the National
Institute for Automotive Service Excellence [ASE]).
- Applicants who have a valid driver's license.