2.0 Procedures for Processing Credit Courses and Programs | KCTCS

Section III

Procedures for Processing Credit Courses and Programs

Policy Number: 2.0

Current Effective Date: 07/01/2020

Original Effective Date: 07/01/2020

Revision Dates: 03/19/2021, 11/04/2021

Revision Number: 1

Revision Summary: formatting updates and changes to wording

Responsible Official:


Application for initiating new credit courses or academic programs, changes in existing courses or academic programs or dropping existing courses or academic programs must be processed in a prescribed manner. Separate formats are used for new programs, courses, changes in courses, and dropping of courses. Official formats to be used may be obtained from the Provost/Chief Academic Officer (CAO) or the KCTCS web site.

New courses or programs and changes in courses or programs may be initiated by a college faculty. For a course to be granted or reaffirmed for General Education Status for all KCTCS colleges, it must first be reviewed by the KCTCS Senate Curriculum Review Committee and then approved by the KCTCS Council. The same process will be followed for approving Cultural Studies Status for existing General Education courses. For new career programs, an ad hoc advisory committee must be used in determining the needs for a program, as well as for recommending program content. (See Section III, 3.0)

The college faculty will send its proposal(s) to the KCTCS Curriculum Review Committee, KCTCS Rules Committee, and KCTCS Senate Council to the Secretary of the KCTCS Senate 21 days prior to the meeting of the committee. The proposals will be distributed to the committee members 14 days prior to the meeting. (See Section I, 2.3, 4.1.1 and 4.1.2) Use of the proper format shall ensure that the following information is included in the proposal. Send one electronic copy and one printed copy to the Secretary of the Senate or designee.

2.1 New Course or Course Change

When course changes are submitted, new course numbers are to be selected and submitted with the proposal. These course numbers will be used only in the event that not all KCTCS colleges approve the course changes. The changed course will be assigned the new number and the existing course will maintain the old number.

Proposals shall include the following:

  1. name of course, credit hours, hours of lecture and/or hours of laboratory
  2. catalog description of course
  3. justification for course
  4. prerequisites and/or co-requisites
  5. complete course outline (two level)
  6. learning outcomes

2.2 New Curricula or Curricula Modification

Proposals shall include the following:

  1. adequate justification for the curriculum or curriculum modification
  2. curriculum and sample schedule
  3. specific proposals as appropriate for (new, changed, or dropped) courses

2.3 Rules Related to Special Program Regulations

Justifications for special requirements which would limit continuation in a program, such as the minimum grade of "C" in program courses, shall be clearly identified. A rationale for such requirements shall be provided at the time the proposal is initially submitted to the KCTCS Curriculum Review and KCTCS Rules Committees. For programs which have previously been approved by the KCTCS Council, such special requirements or additions must have KCTCS Rules and Council approval prior implementation. (See Section IV, 3.0)

2.4 Course Inventory

Courses can be removed from the course inventory only by action of the KCTCS Curriculum Review Committee and the KCTCS Council.

A list of all courses not offered by any KCTCS college during a two-year period will be submitted to the KCTCS Curriculum Review Committee, at its last meeting of the academic year, for approval be be removed from the KCTCS catalog. A list of all courses not offered during a four year period will be submitted to the KCTCS Curriculum Review Committee, at its last meeting of the academic year, for approval to be removed from the KCTCS course inventory. Upon approval by the KCTCS Curriculum Review Committee both lists will be forwarded to the KCTCS Council for final approval. 

2.5 Procedures for Offering State-Supported Universities' Lower Academic Division Courses

In order for a college to offer a lower academic division course (100 or 200-level) from a state-supported university, a faculty member, division chairperson, or local ad hoc committee will present the proposal to offer such a course to the college curriculum review committee. Approval by the college faculty and notification to the Secretary of the KCTCS Senate are required before such a course can be implemented.

The course proposal submitted for approval by college faculty requires the following:

  1. name of course, credit hours, hours of lecture and/or hours of laboratory
  2. catalog description of course
  3. justification for course
  4. prerequisites and/or co-requisites
  5. complete course outline (two level)
  6. learning outcomes

The college will document notification to the appropriate university department of its intent to offer that course.

2.6 Procedures for Offering New Courses on a Pilot Basis

In order for a college to offer new courses on a pilot basis, a faculty member, division chairperson, or local ad hoc committee will present the course proposal to the college curriculum review committee. Approval by the college faculty and notification to the Secretary of the KCTCS Senate are required before each course can be implemented.

The course proposal submitted for approval by college faculty requires the following:

  1. name of course, credit hours, hours of lecture and/or hours of laboratory
  2. catalog description of course
  3. justification for course
  4. prerequisites and/or co-requisites
  5. complete course outline (two level)
  6. learning outcomes

This approval does not allow the course to be taught more than two terms during the initial two-year period. If the course is to be taught for a longer period of time, the proposal must be reviewed by the KCTCS Curriculum Review Committee and the KCTCS Council.

2.7 Procedures for Offering Speical Topics Courses

Courses designed to require a topic or subtitle must have a course outline, learning outcomes, activities/experiments (if applicable) on file with the chief academic officer of the college.

After a topic has been added to the KCTCS catalog, the topic may be offered for a two-year period. To offer a topic beyond the initial two-year period, the topic must be approved as a new course through the KCTCS curriculum approval process.

Note: Courses that have topics in the KCTCS course catalog as of August 1, 2006 will begin their two-year period beginning in Fall 2006. Courses with the following numbers are exempt from this rule: FRT 090-099 and BIT 190-199.

2.8 Curriculum Approval

The KCTCS Faculty Senate Curriculum Review Committee reviews and
recommends changes or endorses the curriculum brought forth by the faculty
and sends it to the KCTCS Faculty Senate Council which either approves or
rejects the course/curriculum proposal.