3.0 KCTCS Council | KCTCS

Section I

KCTCS Council

Policy Number: 3.0

Current Effective Date: 07/01/2020

Original Effective Date: 07/01/2020

Revision Dates: 02/10/2021, 11/04/2021

Revision Number: 1

Revision Summary: formatting updates and changes to wording

Responsible Official:


The KCTCS Senate delegates to its Council and/or its committees the largest degree of authority in handling recurring and routine matters in order that meetings of the KCTCS Senate may be devoted largely to communication and consideration of matters of educational policy. The KCTCS Council shall consist of elected and ex officio members.

3.1 Purpose and Function

The KCTCS Council shall serve as an executive committee for the KCTCS Senate in exercising the functions of the KCTCS Senate. The KCTCS Council shall also serve in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor on all matters relative to the welfare of the System which the Chancellor may bring to the KCTCS Council or which it may suggest for discussion. The Chancellor shall provide a report to the KCTCS Council on the disposition of any advisory resolutions passed by the KCTCS Council.

3.2 Composition

  1. Elected Membership: The elected membership of the KCTCS Council shall consist of one senator from each college chosen from among the elected members of the KCTCS Senate at the time of their election by the faculty of the college and one student elected by and from the student members of the KCTCS Senate.
  2. Ex Officio Membership: The ex officio membership shall consist of the Chancellor, the Secretary of the KCTCS Senate, college faculty member(s) elected to the KCTCS Board of Regents, and the Chairs of the standing committees of the KCTCS Senate. Ex officio members of the KCTCS Council shall enjoy all privileges of elected members with the exception of voting privileges.

3.3 Terms

The term of office for the senator elected to the KCTCS Council shall be for two (2) years and the senator shall be eligible for re-election to the KCTCS Council, except that the senator may not serve more than two consecutive terms. After serving two terms, the senator shall be ineligible for election to the KCTCS Council for a period of one year. The term of a KCTCS Council member may not exceed this individual’s term as a member of the KCTCS Senate.

3.4 Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy among the elected membership of the KCTCS Council, the college needing representation shall conduct an election to fill the vacancy.

3.5 Meetings

The KCTCS Council shall meet in regular session at least once each semester at a time and place designated in a call by the Chancellor. Special sessions may be called by the President of the KCTCS or by the Chancellor or on the written petition of the majority of colleges. In the event a duly elected KCTCS Council member is unable to attend a KCTCS Council meeting, an alternate from the duly elected senators from the college shall attend, notifying the chair and the secretary prior to the meeting.

3.6 Officers

The officers of the KCTCS Council shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair and the Secretary of the KCTCS Senate. The Chair and the Vice Chair shall be elected from the elected membership of the KCTCS Council and shall serve for one year. The Chair and the Vice Chair of the KCTCS Council shall be elected by the majority of the membership present during the August KCTCS Council meeting. If there is no majority on the first ballot, the Chair and the Vice Chair will be elected by a majority vote from a runoff election of the top two (2) candidates for each position. In the case of a tie in the runoff election, the election shall be determined by lot. The Chair and the Vice Chair may be elected to no more than two consecutive terms. The Chair shall preside at the KCTCS Council meetings and the meetings of the KCTCS Senate.

3.7 Secretary

The Secretary of the KCTCS Senate shall serve as Secretary to the KCTCS Council. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings and electronically circulate them to all members of the KCTCS Senate.