KCTCS Board of Regents Policies
7.7 Naming Colleges
As authorized by KRS 164.350, the KCTCS Board of Regents has naming authority for KCTCS colleges, college buildings, and facilities.
Choosing appropriate names for colleges of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) is of the utmost importance in conveying to the public the value of postsecondary education and training, the strong support of the public and private sectors for the Vision and Mission of KCTCS, and an image of the highest integrity and excellence.
Establishing policies and guidelines for naming colleges will serve the following ends:
- Assist the colleges, the KCTCS President, and the KCTCS Board of Regents in selecting suitable names for all KCTCS colleges.
- Encourage participation in the naming process by the KCTCS Board of Regents, System staff, community, college boards, administration, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends.
- Communicate clearly the considerations involved in naming colleges.
7.7.1 General Guidelines
- All KCTCS colleges should carry, as part of their names, remarkable associations of the proposed name with either the history of the college and/or System, the geographical location, the city and/or region in which the college(s) is located, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the nation, or with the advancement of knowledge and learning.
- Those who present recommendations for college names should take into account the following:
- How it contributes to advancing the Vision and Mission of KCTCS.
- The potential impact on the accreditation status of the college.
- How the name(s) will be treated when two or more institutions have consolidated functions, programs, and services.
- The impact the proposed name might have on other colleges within the System and/or other organizations or entities that are affiliated with the college that carry similar names. • The impact on all internal/external displays of the college name and graphic image (logo, letterhead, printed materials, building and highway signage, web page, print and media advertising, etc).
- The impact on the internal and external recognition, perception, and acceptance of the proposed name.
- How it promotes uniformity among the names of KCTCS colleges.
- The budgetary impact.
- Special consideration should be given to the background of the original name before recommending new names for existing colleges.
- Considerable discretion and historical perspective should be observed before proposing college names that will most likely remain memorable long beyond the lifetime of those who propose the name.
- The naming of colleges for persons in active service to the college or the System, whether as an employee or as a volunteer, is prohibited. The same holds true for elected officials at the local, state, or national level.
- Off-campus sites and branch campuses should ordinarily be given names that describe their geographical location, regardless of other names that may also be given them.
- Regardless of the name being requested for a college, whether existing or new, it shall include the words “Community and Technical College.”
- Consultations between all interested parties should precede recommendations to the KCTCS Board of Regents.
The duty of recommending college names shall be vested in a Naming Advisory Committee appointed by and reporting to the KCTCS President. The KCTCS President shall develop the procedures to implement Naming Colleges.
(SIGNED) 03/23/2007
(SIGNED) 03/23/2007