KCTCS Board of Regents Policies
6.1 KCTCS Code of Student Conduct
The Board of Regents for the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) authorizes the KCTCS President to promulgate policies and procedures that establish the appropriate definition of a student at KCTCS and govern the conduct of individuals who meet that definition of student.
The KCTCS President shall exercise the Board’s delegated authority to direct the creation of and permit subsequent revisions to a Code of Student Conduct (Code) that will set forth the standards expected of students as well as the rights and privileges provided to students as part of their educational experience at KCTCS. In the exercise of this delegated authority, the President may designate the appropriate KCTCS Vice President to act within the internal governance structure of KCTCS for the purpose of creating and/or revising a Code.
The Code shall address student rights to the privacy of their educational records as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) and in Kentucky Revised Statutes 164.283. The Code shall provide notice to students of activities deemed improper or illegal at KCTCS and shall include both disciplinary and academic offenses. It is not required that the Code’s enumeration of standards, expectations, and offenses be exhaustive. The Board of Regents may also impose sanctions for acts that are detrimental to the student body of any or all of our colleges as well as for acts of contumacy, insubordination, or immoral conduct as provided for in KRS 164.370, all offenses that may carry academic or disciplinary sanctions. However, the Code shall contain procedures that provide minimum due process requirements as appropriate to the offense alleged and the sanction sought.
Due process rights for students may vary but in all cases that result in suspension or expulsion of a student, the Board of Regents shall require procedures that comply with KRS 164.370 wherein students may be suspended or expelled for disobedience to the rules of KCTCS or for other conduct of a serious nature. In all cases of suspension or expulsion the final appeal shall be to the Board of Regents.
06/28/2002, 09/16/2016
(SIGNED) 09/16/2016
(SIGNED) 09/16/2016