KCTCS Board of Regents Policies
4.9 Kentucky Community and Technical College System Policy on Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
To be the nation’s premier community and technical college system, KCTCS shall develop, implement, and maintain a broad-based process that measures institutional effectiveness. The process shall assess functions, services, and programs in order to provide data to demonstrate the following:
- How well KCTCS is fulfilling its mission “to improve the employability and quality of life of Kentucky citizens….”
- The progress KCTCS is making toward the accomplishment of its strategic plan articulated in goals and stated vision and guided by its values;
- The responsiveness of KCTCS to the statewide planning and accountability efforts expressed in documents such as The Public Agenda for Postsecondary Education in Kentucky of the Council on Postsecondary Education; and
- The responsiveness of KCTCS to stakeholders, including students, employers, faculty, staff, K-12 schools, four-year colleges and universities, accrediting agencies, government agencies, elected officials, and others.
The KCTCS strategic goals shall be used to determine the measurement of institutional effectiveness while considering internal and external factors and including comprehensive, systematic planning and evaluation in all major components, including educational programs, educational support services, financial and physical resources, and administrative procedures.
The institutional effectiveness process shall include performance measures as determined for the strategic plan and may include others as determined at KCTCS colleges.
The process shall provide KCTCS with quantitative and qualitative data that can be used for systematic decision making; for the continuous improvement of functions, services, and programs; and for the realization of systemwide strategic goals.
As the chief executive officer of KCTCS, the President is authorized to promulgate administrative procedures and to ensure that the System infrastructure is adequate for policy implementation.
03/10/2006, 09/17/2010
(SIGNED) 09/17/2010
(SIGNED) 09/17/2010