KCTCS Board of Regents Policies
Compensation of Non-Banded Employees/Executive Level Compensation
Policy Number: 2.11
Current Effective Date: 12/03/2021
Original Effective Date: 12/03/2021
Revision Dates: 0
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: new policy
Responsible Official: Board of Regents and KCTCS President
References: KRS 164.365, Board Procedure 2.11-P
1. Purpose
In support of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System’s mission, vision and values, this policy sets compensation ranges for executive level employees. The goals of this policy are to promote transparency, to ensure compliance with the statutory duties of the Board of Regents, and to attract and retain highly qualified, talented, and diverse employees for the students of this Commonwealth.
2. Scope
In accordance with KRS 164.365, the Board of Regents shall establish the compensation and benefits of executive level employees, specifically College Presidents and Cabinet Members of the System Office. This policy does not apply to the KCTCS President’s salary as this salary is established by the Board at the time of hire based on market research and any increases thereafter are set by the Board based on performance evaluation and current market standards.
3. Policy
To effectively exercise its statutory obligation, the Board shall require the creation and implementation of official Board Procedure(s) outlining the ranges for salaries and supplemental compensation of executive level employees. The KCTCS President shall follow the ranges for salary and supplemental allowances set forth in the official Board Procedures in determining the compensation and benefits of executive level employees. The KCTCS President may only deviate from the established ranges for salary and allowances set forth in the Procedures by providing prior written justification to the Board. The Procedure(s) shall, at a minimum, include:
- a method for establishing pay bands for executive level employees, considering market factors, the level of responsibilities for each position, and the required credentials as specified in the job description;
- a minimum salary level, a market salary level, and a maximum salary level for each pay band applicable to executive level employees;
- a method for establishing allowances of supplemental compensation with minimum and maximum amounts for those allowances;
- a process for the board to ratify actions related to executive level compensation;
- a method for the President to request prior approval from the Board to deviate from the established pay bands and ranges of supplemental compensation.
This policy allows for the KCTCS President to take action regarding salary increases, overloads, allowances and any other compensation in between Board meetings while ensuring the Board is fully informed about executive level compensation.
4. Procedure
Board Procedure 2.11-P implements this policy.