KCTCS Board of Regents Policies
1.4 Internal Governance Structure: KCTCS Senate
The KCTCS Senate "shall have the primary responsibility for determining academic policy and curricula development that shall be recommended to the president of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KRS 164.580)." The make-up and functions of the Senate shall be specified in the Rules of the Senate and shall include the following:
- academic policies and curriculum;
- courses and other academic offerings;
- procedures governing admissions, classification, probation, dismissal, and graduation of students;
- academic terms and sample calendars;
- criteria for appointments, reappointments, promotions, and granting of tenure; and
- candidates for degrees, diplomas, and certificates.
1.4.1 Senate Council
The Senate delegates to the Senate Council and/or its committees the largest degree of authority in handling recurring and routine matters in order that meetings of the Senate may be devoted largely to communication and consideration of matters of educational policy.
The Council serves as an executive committee for the Senate in exercising the functions of the Senate. The Council also serves in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor on matters relative to the welfare of the System. The make-up and functions of the Senate Council are found in Rules of the Senate.
1.4.2 The Faculty
The Faculty of the colleges is defined in Board Policy 2.1. An individual may have appointments to more than one Faculty; in such instance, one appointment shall be designated by the appropriate administrative officer as the primary one.
The Faculty shall hold regularly scheduled meetings. In addition, it shall meet in special session on the call of the President of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, the Chancellor, the president of the college, or at the request of a prescribed number of its membership. Each college Faculty shall establish the quorum for the transaction of business. Copies of minutes of college Faculty meetings shall be made available to the Faculty.
Consistent with the Kentucky Community and Technical College System procedures and the Rules of the Senate, the Faculty as defined in Section 2.1.1 of each college shall establish its own rules, including an organizational structure necessary for the performance of the Faculty’s functions, subject to the review and approval of the college president. Copies of the rules of the Faculty and a description of the Faculty’s committee structure shall be made available, and a copy filed in the college president’s office. A copy of the bylaws of the Faculty is also to be filed in the Office of the Chancellor.
Within the limits established by the procedures of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System and the Rules of the Senate, the Faculty of a college shall determine the educational policies of that college. It shall make recommendations to the Senate on matters which require the action of that body, and it may make recommendations on other matters to the Senate, to the Chancellor, or to the President of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. Faculties of Divisions
The faculty of a division shall consist of a chairperson and the members of the division who are members of the Faculty of the college. The division faculty has the responsibility for the internal policies of the division, insofar as these policies do not conflict with those of the other divisions, with the rules of the Faculty of the college of which it is a part, or with the Rules of the Senate. It should hold regularly scheduled meetings and is authorized, with the approval of the president of the college, to establish rules for procedure and a committee structure to deal with matters for which it has responsibility. It should establish, with the division chairperson and the president of the college, procedures to be used within the division in advising on the appointment of new members of the division, promotions, reappointments, terminal appointments, decisions not to reappoint, post-retirement appointments, the granting of tenure (where applicable), and the procedures to be used on the division level in faculty performance evaluations and in the preparation of budget requests.
The division chairperson shall preside over all division faculty meetings, except as the division chairperson may delegate this function, and shall be an ex officio member of all division committees. Copies of minutes of division faculty meetings shall be made available to the faculty of the division and the president of the college.
1.4.3 Authorization
At no time will the bylaws, rules, and policies of the Faculty Senate be in conflict with the bylaws and policies of the Board of Regents of KCTCS.
(SIGNED) 05/14/2004
(SIGNED) 05/14/2004