Board Policies and Procedures
Procedure for Establishing Quorum and Voting
Procedure Number: 1.3-P
Current Effective Date: 03/14/2024
Original Effective Date: 03/14/2024
Revision Dates: 0
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: Implementation of new procedure
Responsible Official: KCTCS Board of Regents, Parliamentarian/General Counsel
References: Board Bylaws, KRS 164.321, KRS 164.340, KRS 45A.340, KRS 164.390, Board Policy 5.2
1. Purpose
This procedure provides the method for establishing a quorum for all meetings of the Board and its committees and sets rules regarding voting.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all duly appointed and elected members of the KCTCS Board of Regents during their terms of service on the Board and any individuals appointed to serve on Board committees.
3. Procedure
All meetings of the Board and its committees shall be conducted in accordance with the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, unless a Board policy, procedure, or bylaw conflicts. In that case, the Board policy, procedure, or bylaw shall prevail.
3.1 Meetings of the Board
- Meetings shall include regular, special, and emergency meetings as defined by state
- Meetings shall include those of the full Board as well as any and all committee meetings as established by authority of Chair, Executive Officers, or the full body of the Board.
3.2 Quorum
A quorum is established when a simple majority of the members of the Board are in attendance, through video teleconference or in person.
- Transactions of Business: The Board may conduct business when at least eight members
of the Board are in attendance.
- Matters Before the Board Impacted by Vote Weight: No appropriation of money shall
be made nor any contract that requires a disbursement of money shall be authorized,
and no person shall be hired or terminated unless at least eight full votes are counted
in favor of the action. Since faculty, staff, and student members carry half votes,
it may require more than eight members to pass such motions.
- Committees: Any committee of the board shall establish quorum when a simple majority of the Committee’s voting members are in attendance.
3.3 Voting
Unless otherwise contained in Board policy, procedure or bylaw, voting shall be conducted as follows:
- Consent Agenda: The Policy and Planning Committee will establish the consent agenda
for each Board of Regents meeting, to contain routine items that may all be passed
by a single motion.
- Consensus Vote: For routine matters such as adjourning the meeting or approving the
minutes that have been available for review prior to the meeting, the motion may pass
by consensus, where no formal vote is taken, and lack of objection is considered an
aye vote.
- Roll Call Vote: For action items before the Board or committee, a roll call vote shall
be taken. Once a motion has been made and seconded, the Parliamentarian will conduct
a roll call vote.
- All Regents shall be seen and heard when making a motion or casting a vote. Motions
and votes shall not be counted if the Regent cannot be seen or heard.
- Votes shall be counted according to the weight specified in KRS 164.321.
- All Regents shall be seen and heard when making a motion or casting a vote. Motions
and votes shall not be counted if the Regent cannot be seen or heard.
3.4 Recusal and Abstention
Regents Regents who recuse themselves or abstain from voting shall not be counted toward the quorum or the majority for that particular vote. The minutes of the meeting shall reflect the vote to recuse or abstain.
- Recusal: Pursuant to KRS 45A.340, KRS 164.390, and Board Policy 5.2, if a Regent has or becomes aware of a conflict of interest, the Regent shall recuse
themself from the discussion and any vote on the matter.
- Abstention: While voting is a duty of service to KCTCS, there may be instances where
Regents do not feel they can properly and in good conscience carry out that duty.
A vote to abstain is neither a vote for nor against the motion. When the Parliamentarian
calls the Regent’s name, that Regent will reply “abstain.” The Regent may explain
their vote, but a reason is not required.
- Motions: A Regent who makes a motion may not subsequently abstain or recuse from the vote if the original motion has not been amended.