Administrative Procedures
Student Preferred First Name Procedure
Procedure Number: 6.3-P
Current Effective Date: 11/09/2022
Original Effective Date: 11/09/2022
Revision Dates: 0
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: implementation of new procedure
Responsible Official: Chancellor
References: Administrative Policy 6.3
1. Purpose
This procedure describes how students may request to use a preferred first name rather than their legal first name in KCTCS records and systems.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all KCTCS colleges and students except dual credit students.
3. Procedure
- Preferred first names may only contain alphabetical characters (a-z).
- First time students may request to use a preferred first name on the online admission
application. The applicant may request to use the preferred first name in PeopleSoft
and for the creation of the username and email address.
- Currently or previously enrolled students may request to use a preferred first name
in Student Self-Service to be shown in PeopleSoft. To change their username and email
address, students must also request the change in the User Account Center.
- For student workers, changes to preferred first name in Student Self Service will
also be reflected on a limited number of pages in Employee Self Service when the systems
- A preferred first name request may be denied in accordance with Section 3(B) of the
Student Preferred First Name Policy.
- Students should be aware that any change to a preferred first name while actively
taking a class may negatively impact their ability to access systems such as Blackboard,
PeopleSoft, etc. therefore it is recommended that any name change take place when
students are not actively engaged in courses.
- Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the college may disclose
directory information about students without their prior consent, including preferred
name (See Administrative Policy 6.2). Students may opt out of the release of directory information through Student Self-Service.
- Students should be prepared to reference their legal name and provide corresponding
information if needed by the college for business purposes.
- Students may return to using their legal name using the name change process in Student
Self-Service and the User Account Center.
- Students who believe their preferred first name change was denied for discriminatory reasons may file a complaint under the Student Harassment or Discrimination Grievance Policy and Procedure.