Administrative Procedures
Nurse Aide (KNAT) and Medication Aide Testing and Training Charges
Procedure Number: 5.7.9
Current Effective Date: 07/30/2024
Original Effective Date: 06/01/2015
Revision Dates: 07/08/2015, 10/12/2018, 07/30/2021, 05/07/2024
Revision Number: 4
Revision Summary: update to new process
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
Procedure Number: 5.7.9
Current Effective Date: 07/30/2024
Original Effective Date: 06/01/2015
Revision Dates: 07/08/2015, 10/12/2018, 07/30/2021, 05/07/2024
Revision Number: 4
Revision Summary: update to new process
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
1. Purpose
To outline allowable charges and provide necessary guidance for nurse aide testing and training (KNAT) and Medication Aide training and testing programs to assure compliance with federal and state laws and regulations, contracts, and KCTCS fiscal interests.
2. Scope
This procedures applies to all nurse aide testing and training (KNAT) courses or equivalent courses, Medication Aide training and testing courses or equivalent courses, and the Methods of Instruction course.
3. General
Nurse aide and medication aide training and testing are self-supporting through charges to individuals or companies to take the course or test.
Fees associated with nurse aide testing and medication aide testing are split between the testing institution and the KCTCS System Office of the nurse aide coordinator.
The Department for Health and Family Services Department of Medicaid Services caps the amount of nurse aide training at $200 for nursing home sponsored students enrolled in MNA 100. Workforce training with LTC facility employees will be enrolled in MNA 100 and charged using the $200 fee model.
To offset the administrative support provided for the nurse aide program by the KCTCS System Office, an Administrative Recharge is assessed for students enrolled in courses listed in 3.7.1 through 3.7.5. Students that are dropped from courses listed in 3.7.1 through 3.7.4 after the college’s published refund period are subject to the KCTCS Administrative Recharge
Methods of Instruction, a course to qualify nurses to teach nurse aides in approved care facilities, is to be, at a minimum, cost recovery. However, the cost cannot exceed $250 per qualified attendee.
Kentucky Medication Aide (KMA) Training and Testing are to be, at minimum, cost recovery.
--NOTE: KMA Testing and Training are separate item types in PeopleSoft Student Financials.
Courses impacted by these guidelines:
3.7.1 Nursing Assistant Skills I - NAA 100
3.7.2 Advanced Nursing Assistant – NAA 125
3.7.3 Medicaid Nurse Aide – MNA 100
3.7.4 Health Care Basic Skills I with Clinical – HST 104
3.7.5 Kentucky Medication Aide – KMA 100
3.7.6 Methods of Instruction for Nurses (MOI)
High School health science students [students of the Office for Career Technical Education (KY OCTE) and the Kentucky Department of Education] taking the course as dual credit are to be assessed the full cost of attendance for nurse aide training. A college may waive all or any portion of the cost of attendance. The KCTCS System Office administrative recharge as outlined in 3.4 and 5.1 is applicable to the college regardless of whether the college waives any or all of the cost of attendance.
All nurse aide testing candidates are checked against PeopleSoft student financials to ensure a test candidate is in good financial standing. In good financial standing is defined, as the test candidate’s account does not have a financial hold or balance outstanding. If a test candidate has a delinquent balance, testing is refused until the candidate’s account is in good standing. For third party sponsored test candidates, the financial hold may be temporarily removed and reinstated after the candidate is entered in PeopleSoft in situations where community relations with the third part demand.
The college business office is to collect payment for nurse aide and medication aide training and/or testing.
The college business office may invoice third party payers for facilities that send their employees for testing when the facility is allowed to be invoiced. Documentation of testing is to be sent from the local nurse aide coordinator to the college business office to facilitate billing. Individual employees that are no-shows will still be billed to the facility.
4. PeopleSoft Class Setups and Charges
4.1 Nursing Home Sponsored Students – Course Fee Applicable
KCTCS codes the course for nursing home sponsored students as MNA100. The college will set up the Nurse Aide class with ZERO (-0- ) tuition, a course fee, professional liability insurance charge, and the charge for the first Competency Evaluation (state test). At the rates designated in the KCTCS Scheduled of Approved Charges. The PeopleSoft Student Financials item types are as follows: 80xxxxx12160* (where xxxxx is college business unit) for the course fee, and 80xxxxx12140 for the charge for the first Competency Evaluation (state test).
4.2 Regular (Non-Nursing Home Sponsored) Students - Regular Tuition Applicable.
- In-State Students - taking Nurse Assistant Skills 1 (NAA100) or Health Care Basic
Skill I with clinical (HST104) or Advanced Nursing Assistant (NAA125) are to be assessed
regular in- state tuition based on the number of credit hours of the course.
- Out-of-State Students taking Nurse Assistant Skills I (NAA100) or Health Care Basic
Skill I with clinical (HST104) or Advanced Nursing Assistant (NAA125) are to be assessed
tuition at the out-of-state tuition rate based on the number of credit hours.
- Out-of-State Contiguous Counties Students – students of contiguous counties of contiguous
states bordering Kentucky taking Nurse Assistant Skills I (NAA100) or Health Care
Basic Skill I with clinical (HST104) or Advanced Nursing Assistant (NAA125) are to
be assessed tuition at the contiguous counties of contiguous states tuition rate.
NOTE: PeopleSoft Financials will show a charge for the first Competency Evaluation (State test) is 80xxxxx12140 regardless of whether the course is for nursing home sponsored students or regular tuition students.
Students that are dropped from courses listed below and referenced in 3.7.1 through 3.7.5 after the college’s published refund period are subject to the KCTCS Administrative Recharge as outlined in 3.4 and 5.1.
To facilitate training, testing, and business processes, the receipt of payment for all charges must be presented to the Nurse Aide Coordinator/Instructor prior to the first day of class. Students who have not paid their tuition and fees or arranged for a payment plan on or before the college’s required payment date are subject to having their registration canceled for nonpayment.
As both nurse aide courses (NAA100 and MNA100) are identical other than cost, both nurse aide courses may be offered within the same college, by the same instructor, for the same hours, and within the same classroom, etc.
Nurse Aide Training Programs | Code | Tuition | Fee | Item Type (Where xxxxx is college business unit.) | Local College Portion | System OfficePortion |
Nurse Aide Training Sponsored by Nursing Facility | Medicaid Nurse Aide MNA-100 | $200.00 | 80xxxxx12160 | $170.00 | $30.00 | |
Nurse Aide Training - All Other In-State Non-Sponsored Individuals | Nursing Assistant Skills I NAA-100 | 3 Student Credit Hours (SCH) | Assessed Tuition less $30.00 | $30.00 | ||
Nurse Aide Training – Out-of-State Students | Nursing Assistant Skills I NAA-100 | 3 SCH See Schedule of Fees | Assessed Tuition less $30.00 | $30.00 | ||
Nurse Aide Training “Contiguous Counties” of Contiguous States Students | Nursing Assistant Skills I NAA-100 | 3 SCH See Schedule of Fees | Assessed Tuition less $30.00 | $30.00 | ||
Health Care Basic Skills I with Clinical In-State Students | Health Care Basic Skills I with Clinical HST104 | 3.5 SCH See Schedule of Fees | Assessed Tuition less $30.00 | $30.00 | ||
Health Care Basic Skills I with Clinical Out-of-State Students | Health Care Basic Skills I with Clinical HST104 | 3.5 SCH See Schedule of Fees | Assessed Tuition less $30.00 | $30.00 | ||
Health Care Basic Skills I with Clinical “Contiguous Counties” of Contiguous States Students | Health Care Basic Skills I with Clinical HST104 | 3.5 SCH See Schedule of Fees | Assessed Tuition less $30.00 | $30.00 | ||
Advanced Nursing Assistant - In-State Students | Advanced Nursing Assistant NAA125 | 6 SCH See Schedule of Fees | Assessed Tuition less $30.00 | $30.00 | ||
Advanced Nursing Assistant - Out-of-State Students | Advanced Nursing Assistant NAA125 | 6 SCH See Schedule of Fees | Assessed Tuition less $30.00 | $30.00 | ||
Advanced Nursing Assistant - "Contiguous Counties" of Contiguous States Students | Advanced Nursing Assistant NAA125 | 6 SCH See Schedule of Fees | Assessed Tuition less $30.00 | $30.00 | ||
Nurse Aide Method of Instruction – MOI | $250.00 | 80xxxxx12120 | $250.00 | $0.00 | ||
Dual Credit Secondary Students* | Nursing Assistant Skills I NAA-100 | 3 Student Credit Hours | Assessed Tuition less Waiver | $30.00 | ||
Kentucky Medication Aide (RX) Training Programs | KMA-100 | Cost Recovery | 80xxxxx12170 | $0.00 |
Assessments | Code | Tuition | Fee | Item Type (Where xxxx is college business unit) | Local College Portion | System Office Portion |
Nurse Aide Testing – Written and Performance Combined | $135.00 | 80xxxxx12140 | $95.00 | $40.00 | ||
Nurse Aide Testing – Written Only | $40.00 | 80xxxxx12140 | $20.00 | $20.00 | ||
Nurse Aide Testing - Oral Written Only | $55.00 | 80xxxxx1240 | $35.00 | 20.00 | ||
Nurse Aide Testing – Performance Only | $95.00 | 80xxxxx12140 | $75.00 | $20.00 | ||
Kentucky Medication Aide Assessment | $50.00 | 80xxxxx12150 | $35.00 | $15.00 | ||
Other Charges | Code | Tuition | Fee | Item Type (Where xxxxx is college business unit.) | Local College Portion | System Office Portion |
Setup Charge for Testing at a Nursing Facility (optional) | $75.00 per Setup | $75.00 | $0.00 | |||
Professional Liability Insurance | $11.00 per term |
5. KCTCS Administrative Recharge
The KCTCS System Office provides administrative support services for the nurse aide program. As the program is cost recovery, the System Office sweeps each college’s budget at a rate of $30.00 per student enrolled in NAA100, NAA125, MNA100, and/or HST104 to recover its administrative support costs of nurse aide training. The System Office also sweeps each college’s budget at a rate of $20 per assessment to recover its administrative support costs of nurse aide testing and $15.00 per assessment for medication aide testing.
The college will need to take into consideration the anticipated cost for nurse aide testing and training and medication aide testing and allocate sufficient expense budget to cover this recharge.
6. Registration
The student, employed by a nursing home paying for the nurse aide training and competency evaluation program, must present documentation of employment and billing information at the time of registration. If there is not adequate documentation form the nursing home to qualify the student under the KCTCS – CHFS Department of Medicaid Services contract, the student must be enrolled in a section of NAA100 and must pay the non-contract (regular student tuition) rate.
Students who have not paid their tuition and fees or arranged for a payment plan on or before the college’s required payment date are subject to having their registration canceled for nonpayment. Students must present a PeopleSoft Student Financials generated receipt for the nurse aide course to the instructor prior to the beginning of the course or the seat is deemed available to be re-sold to the next person on the class waiting list.
7. Records
The Nurse Aide Coordinator or designee shall monitor each class to ensure the course does not exceed the regulatory maximum cap of 15 students per qualified instructor.
Sponsored students are not allowed to sit for the Competency Evaluation unless prior payment arrangements with their sponsoring agency/facility have been made.
The Regional Nurse Aide Coordinator or designee will monitor and retain copies of student receipts and roster for audit and financial control purposes for three (3) years. All other records shall be maintained for five (5) years per KCTCS’ Record Retention Schedule.
8. Testing Payments and Refunds
Nurse Aide testing revenue should be credited to the nurse aide testing item type (80xxxxx12140) – no exceptions.
When the individual is a KCTCS and a test candidate, it is recommended the student pays for both the test and the course simultaneously. This will reduce the number of trips to the business office by the student. Payment of the test at the time of course registration is at the discretion of the student/test candidate.
Test candidates must pay for their test prior to scheduling their test appointment. Payment(s) is/are to be made at the college’s business office. Once payment is tendered, the receipts along with any other necessary credentials are to be brought to the Nurse Aide Coordinator or designee to schedule a test appointment.
Requiring payment prior to the test appointment and in sufficient time to allow a personal check to clear the financial institution helps protect the college/district from returned checks that cannot be collected.
NOTE: Once nurse aide tests are graded, KCTCS has no redress to the credentials to compel collection for a returned check for nurse aide testing. Please notify the System Office nurse aide personnel immediately. Access to the nurse aide testing system may be temporarily revoked until payment is made.
Test appointments will not be given when vouchers or purchase orders are presented unless prior arrangements with the student’s sponsoring agency/facility have been made prior to the test date. Payments received for nurse aide or medication aide testing and training require good communication between the college business office and the Regional Nurse Aide Coordinator.
Individuals who fail to keep their test appointment or meet the colleges required payment date forfeit their test payment. The individual will also be treated as a “no show” if they do not present the required identification documents at the time of testing. Please refer to the “Kentucky Nurse Aide Testing Procedures and Study Guide” for the required documents.
Individuals that are classified as “no shows” will be required to repeat the registration process, including fee payment, in order to be schedule for a new test appointment.
Sponsoring agencies or facilities that are +90 days on the Aging Detail by Business Unit report for Nurse Aide testing and training or KMA testing and training shall be reported to the KCTCS System Office. The KCTCS System Office will request payment on behalf of the college. If payment is not received, the sponsoring agency or facility will be denied testing at all KCTCS testing center locations until payment is received. The college business office must notify the KCTCS System Office when payment is received to lift the testing ban. It is recommended this report be reviewed at a minimum on a quarterly basis.
Requests for refunds for nurse aide test fees paid to the local college may be made to the college business office where the fee was paid. The individual will be required to provide the original receipt and complete the necessary documents to assure fiscal accountability. The business office staff member receiving the request for refund will:
8.9.1 Verify the payment was made and if paid by check or other non-cash method, that the
monies have been received (e.g. the check was not returned or the credit card dishonored).
8.9.2 Notify the Nurse Aide Coordinator of the request.
8.9.3 The Nurse Aide Coordinator will confirm to the business office the test has
not been given and the individual is not currently scheduled for a test. Additionally,
the Nurse Aide Coordinator will assure the person is not tested without additional
test fee payment.
8.9.4 Upon receipt of the Nurse Aide Coordinator’s confirmation the individual has
not tested and a notation made to require the individual to re-register for the test
if they need to test in the 365 day window following training the business office
will initiate the refund request.
8.9.5 Nurse aide testing fees paid via the online testing portal are non-refundable.
9. Rationales
Collecting tuition and all fees at the time of registration simplifies the assessment process for all parties. Payment for the test at the time of course registration is at the discretion of the student/test candidate.
The rationale for the “no show” practice is to offset costs associated with individuals scheduling a test and the college paying an employee(s) to administer the test(s), but not receiving offsetting compensation to pay the employee when the test candidate does not show.
Having the tuition based KCTCS administrative charges budgets prior to the sweep provides the necessary funds when sweeps are conducted.
Following these processes and procedures ensures compliance with the contract between KCTCS and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services Division of Medicaid Services; as well as state and federal regulations.
10. Additional Reference Materials
Nurse Aide reference materials may be found on the KCTCS website at https://kctcs.edu/degrees_training/initiatives/nurse_aide/index.aspx. Materials at this site are available to the general public. Each college’s Nurse Aide Coordinator has access to additional restricted documents to assist in the management of the nurse aide training and testing processes.