Non-Mandatory Charges | KCTCS

Administrative Procedures

Non-Mandatory Charges

Procedure Number: 5.7.6-P

Current Effective Date: 01/01/2019

Original Effective Date: 07/15/2006

Revision Dates: 07/15/2006, 12/01/2009, 10/11/2018

Revision Number: 3

Revision Summary:

Responsible Official: System Director of Financial Services


1. Purpose

To define the charge process for charges based on specific activities.

2. Scope

This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.

3. Definition and Approval


  1. Non-mandatory charge is defined as a charge that is applied for a specific activity.
  2. Colleges submit proposed charges and/or changes to charges to KCTCS Office of Financial Services.
    1. Requested changes/additions require submission prior to the start of the budget development process for future inclusion.
  3. KCTCS Board of Regents must approve all non-mandatory charges.
  4. List of all approved non-mandatory charges are published with the annual budget preparation guidelines.


Standardized Testing and Review

  1. If it is necessary to implement standardized testing as a part of course/program curriculum, the standardized test must be listed in the course materials and the student must purchase course materials through the bookstore or other means available to the student for the purchase of course materials.
    1. No charge shall be assessed by the college to t he student for the standardized testing that is part of the course/program curriculum.
  2. If a program finds it necessary to implement program or course review that is not part of the normal curriculum for which standard tuition is charged, the college shall not assess a charge to the student for such review.


Student Progress Monitoring and Evaluation Charges

  1. Programs may find it necessary to utilize software for student monitoring and evaluation in certain programs.
  2. No charges shall be passed through to the student related to these services.