Administrative Procedures
Waiver of Tuition and Fees
Procedure Number: 5.7.2-P
Current Effective Date: 01/01/2019
Original Effective Date: 09/01/2007
Revision Dates: 09/01/2007, 07/15/2013, 10/11/2018
Revision Number: 3
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: Office of Budget and Financial Planning
1. Purpose
To provide guidance and responsibility for applying and maintaining records for waivers of tuition and fees.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS colleges and employees in all operating areas.
3. General
Waivers only cover tuition and fees; any additional charges must have prior approval.
Tuition and fees at KCTCS colleges can be waived (expensed to the college) provided the student meets specific criteria.
- Each student is eligible to receive only one waiver.
- If the student meets the criteria for more than one waiver, select the waiver that provides the greatest benefit to the student.
- Waivers for tuition and fees fall into two budgetary categories:
- Statutory (Kentucky Revised Statue (KRS State Mandated)
- KCTCS Sponsored Waivers
Documentation for waiving tuition and fees is retained locally for audit purposes.
4. Types of Waivers
Statutory (KRS State Mandated) https://legislature.ky.gov/Law/Statutes/Pages/default.aspx
- KRS 164.284 Senior Citizens
- KRS 164.2841 Survivors of Kentucky Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, or Volunteer Firefighters Killed in Action
- KRS 164.2842 Dependents of Disabled Kentucky Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, or Volunteer Firefighters
- KRS 164.2845 Supervising Teachers and Resource Teachers
- KRS 164.2847 Foster – Adoptive Children
- KRS 164.480*; 164.490*; and 164.500* War Veterans
- KRS 164.505* Tuition for Children, Step-Children and Spouse of National Guard or Armed Services Member Killed in Action
- KRS 164.515* Children, Step-Children, Orphans and Spouse of Disabled National Guard Member, War Veteran, Prisoner of War, Missing in Action, and Armed Services Member
- KRS 164.507* Children, Step-Children, and Orphans of War Veterans Killed in Action
- (*) Individuals eligible for veterans/ waivers noted can obtain a Certificate of Eligibility for Wavier of Tuition from Kentucky Center for Veterans’ Affairs, Room 123 545 South Third St, Louisville KY 40202
- Volunteer Firefighters
- Volunteer firefighters enrolled in fire/rescue training courses coded FRT for credit and/or noncredit are offered at KCTCS colleges are assessed $0.00 and therefore waived
Kentucky Tuition and Fee Waivers
- Enrollment Management
- Each college develops in detail specific articulation agreements for Enrollment Management waivers, in addition justification must include written documentation for the purpose of the waiver and retained on file for audit purposes.
- Support Educational Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK)
- High school students enrolled in a technical program at a KCTCS college.
- Qualified student’s receive up to six credit hours per term.
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO/Presidents Waiver)
- Discretion of college President/CEO.
- Used for unusual catastrophic circumstances.
- Justification must include written documentation for the purpose of the wavier and retained on file for audit purposes.
- Customized Course Waiver (BIT/CED)
- Colleges on exception basis, shall have the authority to provide tuition and fee waivers for course offerings developed and offered on a customized basis.
- Waiver shall be of significant offsetting financial benefit to college.
- Justification must include written documentation for the purpose of and benefit of the waiver signed by college President/CEO or designee and retained on file for audit purposes.
- Out-of-State Contiguous Counties Waiver
- College must comply with and have approved the list of conditions contained in KCTCS Administrative Policies Procedures for Out-of-State Tuition Waiver Policy.
- http://www.kctccs.edu/employee/policies/volll5-4-4-1.pdf
- Metroversity Waiver
- Metroversity is a consortium of private and public colleges in and about Jefferson County, Kentucky.
- Students are eligible for a tuition and fee waiver up to eight credit hours per term.
- Documentation of enrollment at participating Metroversity institution is retained for audit purposes.
- KCTCS Employee Spouse/Dependents Tuition Waiver
- KCTCS Spouse/Dependent waiver is eligible for KCTCS faculty or staff members governed under KCTCS’s personnel rules and regulations.
- Dependents of age 23 or less, as defined by federal student financial aid guidelines.
- Qualified Spouse/Dependent are eligible up to six credit hours per term.
- UKCCS, 151B and/or 18A employees are not eligible for the tuition wavier for their Spouse/Dependents.
- Non-Credit Community and Economic Development Courses
- College may waive tuition and fees for non-credit community and economic development offerings.
- Waiver shall be of significant offsetting financial benefit to college.
- Justification must include written documentation for the purpose and benefit of the wavier signed by college president/CEO or designee and retained on file for audit purposes.
5. Student Financials Posting Procedure
Student Waiver Panel (Auto Waiver Process)
- KRS State Mandated Waivers
- Metroversity
- KCTCS Spouse/Dependent (non-high school dependents)
- College admissions/registrar’s office selects appropriate waiver.
- Student Waiver panel automatically adjusts wavier based on enrollment.
Post Student Transaction Waiver
- KCTCS Spouse/Dependent (Dual Credit Dependents)
- Enrollment Management
- Customized Course Waiver (BIT/CED)
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO/Presidents Waiver)
- Waivers posted for specific amounts
- Waivers are not automatically adjusted based on enrollment.
6. College Approval/Authorization Process
Institutionally sponsored tuition and fee waiver agreements require prior written approval of college president/CEO or designee.
- Waiver agreements include a statement as to the benefit to the college and KCTCS.
- Waiver agreements include the financial impact on the college.
- Documentation retained for audit purposes.
- Agreements are reviewed annually.
- Business Office staff regularly review with college leadership total number of students and dollar amount of waivers provided by the college.
7. Request Form Example
Charges for non-scheduled activities, charges and fines (returned checks, late payment, lost book, etc.) are due at time activity occurs.
Non-scheduled activities, charges and fine are nonrefundable.
8. Blank Request Form