Administrative Procedures
Assessment Centers
Procedure Number: 5.7.10-P
Current Effective Date: 01/01/2019
Original Effective Date: 11/15/2002
Revision Dates: 11/15/2002, 07/01/2010, 10/12/2018
Revision Number: 3
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: System Director of Financial Services
1. Purpose
To define procedures for Assessment Center charges and collection.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
1. Procedure
College Responsibilities
- College assessment centers must maintain a listing of current charges for services.
- Colleges must submit their list of charges to KCTCS Office of Financial Services for annual approval by KCTCS President.
- Approved list of charges shall be available for public view and listed in college publications as deemed appropriate.
- Customized assessment packages negotiated with business/industry, government agencies, local school districts, etc., on a self-supporting basis.
- Procedures regarding cash handling apply to fee/charge collection for assessment centers.