Administrative Procedures
Court Ordered Deductions
Procedure Number: 5.5.7-P
Current Effective Date: 07/01/2017
Original Effective Date: 07/15/2006
Revision Dates: 07/15/2006, 07/01/2010, 05/30/2017
Revision Number: 3
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: Director of Payroll
1. Purpose
This procedure provides direction on the administration of court ordered deductions.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. General
KCTCS is required by law to withhold amounts from an employee’s wages in accordance with official court orders up to the maximum allowable by law. Court orders are satisfied per current federal and state wage withholding laws.
Strictest confidentiality shall be maintained regarding employee court mandated deductions.
4. Processing Requirements
All court ordered deduction paperwork is to be sent immediately to the KCTCS Office Payroll Services for processing upon receipt.
5. Employee Notification
KCTCS Office of Payroll Services will notify the employee of any withholding notices received and corresponding deductions. All inquiries about court ordered deductions should be directed to KCTCS Office of Payroll Services.
6. Child Support Withholding and Lump Sum Payments
Lump sum payments to employees who are currently under an active child support order shall be reported to the KCTCS Office of Payroll Services as soon as the notification of payment is received.
- Per KRS 405.465, KCTCS Office of Payroll Services shall notify the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) of lump sum payments of $150 or greater which are made to employees currently under an active child support order.
- The lump sum payment cannot be made to the employee until CHFS provides the child support withholding amount.