Manual Checks | KCTCS

Administrative Procedures

Manual Checks

Procedure Number: 5.5.6-P

Current Effective Date: 07/01/2017

Original Effective Date: 07/15/2006

Revision Dates: 07/15/2006, 07/01/2010, 05/30/2017

Revision Number: 3

Revision Summary:

Responsible Official: Director of Payroll


1. Purpose

This procedure provides the criteria and record keeping requirements for a manual check.

2. Scope

This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees

3. Manual Checks


Manual Check Request:

  1. Request for manual checks shall be approved by the local payroll office. If approved by the local payroll office, the request shall be sent to the KCTCS Office of Payroll Services via Helpdesk ticket system using form PR91. 
  2. Direct deposit of payroll funds is not available for manual checks. 
  3. The manual check request shall contain the following: 
    1. Two authorized signatures.
      1. College Payroll Administrator 
      2. College Human Resources Manager or College Business Dean
    2. Back up documentation substantiating the payment. 
    3. Reason for the request. 
    4. An employee statement of financial necessity shall accompany request of less than $100.
  4. Approved requests, received by the published deadline on the monthly payroll calendar, will be processed. Requests received after the deadline are not guaranteed to be processed within the current period.

4. Record Keeping


Time and Absence Records:

  1. To ensure complete and accurate time keeping history, employees are required to report all worked and absence time within KCTCS’s electronic PeopleSoft Time and Absence Module including items paid via manual check.