Administrative Procedures
Taxable Awards and Gifts
Procedure Number: 5.5.12-P
Current Effective Date: 01/01/2024
Original Effective Date: 11/01/2006
Revision Dates: 04/01/2010, 05/30/2017, 07/01/2019, 01/01/2024
Revision Number: 4
Revision Summary: update to new dollar limits
Responsible Official: Vice President/CFO
1. Purpose
To outline the taxability of awards and gifts to employees.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. Awards, Prizes, and Gifts
Awards, prizes, and gifts given to employees are generally subject to federal, state, social security, and local tax withholding and are included in the employee’s taxable income.
- The fair market value of goods or services is included as taxable income for tangible
goods or services.
- Gifts excluded as de minimis fringe benefits include: Holiday gifts of small value
(less than $50), so long as they do not consist of cash or cash equivalents.
- Cash equivalents (gift cards) per IRS Publication 15-A are deemed taxable income.
- Prizes, gifts, or awards not purchased by KCTCS, but distributed by KCTCS, are subject to taxation.
4. Length of Service Awards
Length of service awards shall meet the following criteria to be exempt from taxation:
- The award shall be in the form of tangible personal property, which does not include
items such as cash or cash equivalents, vacations, meals, lodging, or tickets to theater
and/or sporting events.
- The award shall not exceed a value of $400.
- The award shall not be presented for less than five (5) years of service on the job
and shall not have been awarded to the same employee within the last four (4) years.
- The award shall be presented in a meaningful presentation that emphasizes the employee’s achievement.