Time and Absence Submission | KCTCS

Administrative Procedures

Time and Absence Submission

Procedure Number: 5.5.1-P

Current Effective Date: 07/01/2017

Original Effective Date: 04/19/2013

Revision Dates: 04/19/2013, 07/01/2014, 05/30/2017

Revision Number: 3

Revision Summary:

Responsible Official: Director of Payroll


1. Purpose

This procedure defines the time and absence reporting responsibilities and reporting methods.

2. Scope

This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.

3. Employee Reporting Requirements


All Employees:

  1. All employees (faculty or staff) shall submit absence requests within KCTCS’s electronic administrative system (PeopleSoft Time and Absence Module).


Non-Exempt Employees:

  1. All non-exempt (hourly) employees shall submit both time worked and absences. Electronic time and absence forms shall be submitted by the established deadline of the last day of the pay period.


Exempt Employees:

  1. Exempt employees who are eligible for either overtime or compensatory time shall complete and submit time worked and absences by the established deadline of the last day of the pay period.
  2. Exempt employees who are benefit eligible are required to submit all leave requests by the established deadline of the last day of the pay period.
  3. Exempt employees who are not eligible for overtime and are not benefit eligible are not required to complete time and absence requests. 
  4. Faculty are required to submit all leave requests by the established deadline of the last day of the pay period.


Supervisor Approval:

  1. All time submissions are to be reviewed and approved (as appropriate) by the employee’s supervisor no later than the business day after the last day of the pay period.

4. Time and Absence Completion


Instructions for use:

  1. Log into PeopleSoft HRMS PRD Self Service using your KCTCS credentials. 
  2. Using Employee Self Service, select the “Time and Absence” link. 
  3. The current PeopleSoft electronic Time and Absence form will display. 
  4. Enter all hours worked or absences for the pay period and select the appropriate corresponding Time Reporting Code (TRC). 
    1. Time entries shall be recorded in quarter (.25) hour increments. 
    2. Time shall be recorded for the day it is actually worked or used. 
    3. All time worked within one workweek is to be paid on that workweek and cannot be flexed into another workweek.
  5. Time and Absence submittals are due to supervisors on the last day of the pay period.
  6. With the submittal of Time and Absence forms, employees are verifying the information submitted is true and accurate.
  7. Time and Absence forms are routed electronically to the employee’s supervisor for review and electronic approval.
  8. The supervisor is responsible for reviewing the information submitted for accuracy no later than the next business day after the last day of the pay period.
    1. If documents are collected outside of KCTCS’s electronic administrative system (PeopleSoft Time and Absence Module), an original supervisor signature on a hard copy of the document is required or an email from the supervisor’s KCTCS assigned email verifying accuracy is required.
  9. Upon selecting the approval button, supervisors are verifying all time submitted is true and accurate. Time and absence submittals are considered legal documents. 
  10. Supervisors may request a temporary delegation of authority through the local payroll office if they will not have access to PeopleSoft to approve employee time by the established deadline.
    1. Permanent delegation of authority to another for approving an employee’s time and absence form is not permitted.

5. Errors


Time and Absence Form Errors:

  1. Payroll staff are required to review time and absence submissions for accuracy and compliance with federal and state labor laws, U.S. and Kentucky Department of Labor regulations, and KCTCS policy and procedure by using audits designed to identify time and absence entries that are non-compliant. 
  2. Any corrections or revisions require resubmission of time and/or absence by the employee and re-approval by the supervisor.