Administrative Procedures
Exception Requests to Business Procedures
Procedure Number: 5.4.27-P
Current Effective Date: 07/23/2021
Original Effective Date: 05/09/2019
Revision Dates: 07/23/2021
Revision Number: 1
Revision Summary: update to new titles
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
1. Purpose
To provide a mechanism for KCTCS employees to request exceptions to internal KCTCS business procedures when necessary for the best interest of KCTCS.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. Background
KCTCS procedures are based on sound business principles, regulatory requirements, or law and are intended to ensure the integrity of all transactions and the appropriate use of KCTCS funds.
KCTCS employees are responsible for being fully knowledgeable of all KCTCS procedures and requirements governing transactions and business activities.
Exceptions cannot be granted to federal laws and regulations (i.e. Internal Revenue Service), state laws, contract provisions, or restrictions imposed by external donors and sponsors.
Requests for exceptions shall be rare and only approved in extenuating circumstances.
Requests for exceptions shall be sufficiently detailed to allow them to be reviewed and approved prior to or after the purchase, event, or travel taking place.
4. Exception Request Process
All requests for exception will be made by emailing the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO, and the email should include information needed to make an informed decision on whether to grant the exception.
- The email should include the procedure reference for which an exception is being requested;
- A complete justification for the request, explaining how KCTCS would benefit for the exception and bona fide business purpose;
- Identify approval was received at the College level prior to submitting (College Business Officer, College President, etc.);
- If need for an appeal beyond the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO, the exception request should be submitted to the KCTCS Vice President of Administrative Services.
- Abuse of the exception process could lead to disciplinary action.
5. Blanket Exceptions
Blanket exceptions:
- Situations may arise in certain organizational units that necessitate a “blanket approval” for specific types of transactions;
- A full explanation and justification for the requested exception shall be submitted as part of the request;
- The blanket exception is valid for one fiscal year, and another request shall be submitted to grant another blanket exception.
6. Documentation
Original documentation of approval should be submitted with any payment for documentation supporting the exception, including the email of approval by the KCTCS Assistant Vice President of Business Services/COO and/or KCTCS Vice President of Administrative Services for audit and approval documentation purposes.