Administrative Procedures
Grant Fund Purchases
Procedure Number: 5.4.25-P
Current Effective Date: 08/01/2017
Original Effective Date: 04/01/2016
Revision Dates: 04/01/2016, 05/30/2017
Revision Number: 2
Revision Summary: Prior Business Procedure 4.28
Responsible Official: Director of Procurement to Payment
1. Purpose
Outline the guidelines for purchases made by KCTCS with grant funds.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. General
Procurement of goods or services:
- All purchasing and contracting requirements from grant funds shall be processed in the same manner as other KCTCS funds.
- KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services shall be contacted prior to a request for purchase where it is required and stated in a grant to follow a procurement and contracting policy other than that of KCTCS.
- In accordance with 2 C.F.R. 200, the Kentucky Community and Technical College System has adopted the procurement standards in 200.317-200.326.