Administrative Procedures
Vehicle Assignment and Fuel Card
Procedure Number: 5.4.15-P
Current Effective Date: 04/13/2021
Original Effective Date: 05/01/2013
Revision Dates: 05/01/13, 01/01/15, 05/27/2017, 08/01/2017
Revision Number: 4
Revision Summary: Supersedes Vehicle Acquisition and Assignment
Responsible Official: Director of Procurement to Payment
1. Purpose
To address the purchase and assignment of vehicles for KCTCS.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. General
Requests for fleet vehicles (vehicles leased through the Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Transportation) are made through the KCTCS Office of Facilities Support Services.
Requests to purchase a KCTCS owned vehicle are made per a requisition to the KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services.
- Vehicle requisitions are reviewed by the KCTCS Office of Facilities Support Services for compliance with KCTCS owned vehicle specifications.
- Vehicle requisitions shall be approved by the KCTCS Vice President for Administrative
- Approval is not required for training vehicles (i.e. CDL trucks) as long as the vehicle purchased remains as a training vehicle and not for daily College operational use.
- For safety purposes, KCTCS does not allow the purchase or rental of 15-passenger vans.
Vehicle operating requirements:
- Seat belts shall be worn at all times by driver and passengers in accordance with state law.
- All persons shall follow state law while driving a KCTCS vehicle, a fleet vehicle, or conducting KCTCS business while using a personal vehicle.
- KCTCS vehicles are for official use only.
- Personal use only permitted if vehicle is permanently assigned and all mileage shall be logged for purposes of tax reporting.
- No family members are to be transported in a KCTCS vehicle without a written waiver from the College President/CEO or System Vice President or equivalent.
- Drivers should perform a pre-trip inspection prior to departing and post-trip inspection upon return of the KCTCS vehicle, and verify the proof of insurance card is in the glove box prior to departing.
4. Vehicle Use Authorization & Assignment
Guidelines for vehicle assignment:
- Driver shall be a current KCTCS employee.
- Driver shall provide a copy of a valid driver’s license.
- Driver shall complete a defensive driving assessment if required by the college, KCTCS President, or their designee.
- Business units may impose additional requirements for approving drivers of KCTCS vehicles.
- Department heads are responsible for ensuring guidelines are followed.
- The number of passengers transported in any vehicle shall not exceed the manufacturer’s specifications and guidelines established by the National Safety Council.
When authorized and licensed, the driver becomes an acting agent for KCTCS and is covered by KCTCS Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Policy.
All qualified and approved drivers are permitted to drive out-of-state.
Permanent vehicle assignment requests shall be submitted with justification to the KCTCS Office of Facilities Support Services.
- Permanent assignments shall be approved by the KCTCS President for individuals that report directly to the KCTCS President.
- Permanent assignments for all other individuals not reporting directly to the KCTCS President shall be approved by the KCTCS Vice President for Administrative Services.
- Mileage logs are required to be kept and submitted to the local payroll office each month within three (3) working days following the calendar month-end.
KCTCS van standards and usage:
- If current owned van is 15 passenger van, back seat passengers are not allowed.
- Passengers limited to 11 without cargo/luggage or 9 with cargo/luggage.
- All passengers shall wear seat belts.
- If current owned van is 15 passenger van, drivers should be certified with the Kentucky Department of Transportation to drive a 15 passenger van.
- No cargo/luggage is permitted on the roof.
- No roof racks may be installed on the van.
- Cargo/luggage inside the van shall be stacked no higher than the top of the van seats.
5. Vehicle Replacement, Accidents, and Repairs
Vehicles that require replacement will be coordinated through the KCTCS Office of Facilities Support Services.
- Corresponding fuel cards are to be sent to the KCTCS Office of Asset Management for cancelation.
Vehicle Accidents:
- If an accident occurs with a state owned motor fleet vehicle, driver should call the
Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Transportation at 502-564-4649 Monday-Friday
between the hours of 7:30am – 4:00pm EST.
- After hours, driver should call Roadside Assistance at 800-241-3673.
- Repairs will be made by Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Transportation.
- If an accident occurs with a KCTCS owned vehicle and the driver is an employee of
a KCTCS college, the driver should contact the college business office. (Contact the
KCTCS Office of Facilities Support Services for System Office vehicles).
- Between the hours of 6:00am – 10:00pm EST, drivers should call the Kentucky SAFE Patrol at 877-367-5982.
- Kentucky SAFE Patrol service is free of charge, available 7 days a week, and includes
the following:
- Covers all interstates and parkways.
- Assists with gas or oil issues.
- Assists with changing flat tires or airing up tires.
- Assists with jumping dead batteries.
- Assists with minor repairs.
- Charges will be incurred if a wrecker is required.
- Driver shall contact a law enforcement agency to obtain an accident report upon the
involvement of any accident.
- A copy of the accident report shall be submitted to the KCTCS Office of Facilities Support Services, Office of Asset Management within five (5) business days.
- Dependent upon damage, repairs will be made by KCTCS.
Use of handheld communication devices while driving are strictly prohibited unless the device is hands free or the driver stops the vehicle to use the communication device.
6. Fleet Fuel Cards
Vehicle Fuel Cards:
- Issued for each fleet car to be used for gas purchases only.
- When a new fleet vehicle is involved, the KCTCS Office of Facilities Support Services
submits requests for new fleet fuel cards to the KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment
- Vehicle fuel cards automatically renew every three years and expired cards are destroyed at that time.
- The KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services will send replacement cards directly to the corresponding college business unit.
- KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services delivers new fuel cards to KCTCS Office of Facilities Support Services to assign to specific vehicles system-wide. The KCTCS Director of Asset Management verifies receipt of the cards and then forwards the new cards to the corresponding department or college.
- Lost, stolen, or damaged cards shall be reported to KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services for replacement.
- Procurement cards shall be sent to the KCTCS Director of Asset Management when vehicles are sold, so the card may be delivered to and canceled by the KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services.
- The commercial fuel card supplier provides a monthly vehicle report/statement to each
college as well as a monthly consolidated vehicle report/statement to each college.
- Each operating unit’s auditor shall review the statements for accuracy, sign the vehicle report as approved to pay, and retain for records.
- All receipts should be reviewed to ensure expenditures incurred do not exceed the fuel capacity of the vehicle.
- Any lost receipts shall be accounted for using a completed BA3c Form and any disputes should be reported to KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services.
- Each operating unit should assign a budget chartfield string to be used as the default and communicate that to KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services.
- When a new fleet vehicle is involved, the KCTCS Office of Facilities Support Services
submits requests for new fleet fuel cards to the KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment
- System Office fuel card process:
- The following items shall be turned into the System Office front desk staff upon return
of KCTCS vehicle:
- Fuel card receipt
- Keys
- Mileage sheet
- KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services provides a monthly Fleet Services report listing fuel card purchases for each System Office fleet vehicle.
- System Office front desk staff and the KCTCS Director of Asset Management will review the report for any discrepancies.
- The following items shall be turned into the System Office front desk staff upon return
of KCTCS vehicle:
- KCTCS Office of Procurement to Payment Services prepares the monthly payment request for the total consolidated statement and makes the payment accordingly.