Administrative Procedures
Facilities Maintenance
Procedure Number: 5.2.6-P
Current Effective Date: 04/04/2023
Original Effective Date: 04/08/2011
Revision Dates: 07/01/2017, 09/27/2019; 04/04/2023
Revision Number: 3
Revision Summary: update project dollar amounts
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
1. Purpose
Guideline for handling maintenance of college facilities that is considered outside routine in which the college is responsible.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. General Policy
- Each college is responsible for routine maintenance of its buildings and grounds.
- Other maintenance is considered to be facilities renovation or repair and is to be considered through the Facilities Maintenance Division of the KCTCS Office of Facilities Management, as described in this procedure.
4. Facilities Condition Inspection
As required by the Council on Postsecondary Education, each KCTCS facility shall be inspected on an annual basis to determine building condition us using the inspection format available from KCTCS Facilities Management.
- This inspection is each college’s responsibility. As requested, KCTCS Facilities Management staff will provide assistance with these inspections.
Inspection records are to be maintained by the College with a copy forwarded to the Facilities Maintenance Division of the KCTCS Office of Facilities Management.
5. Facilities Inventory
Each KCTCS college is required to report any change in the use of facility space to the KCTCS Office of Facilities Management in the format prescribed by Facilities Management.
- This reporting is necessary to maintain an accurate facility inventory for annual submission to the Council on Postsecondary Education.
6. Facilities Renovation and Repair
- Minor maintenance or renovation is any facilities modification estimated to cost $15,000
or less.
- A college is expected to bear the cost of these modifications.
- A college is expected to bear the cost of these modifications.
- Maintenance or renovation projects costing $40,000 and/or requiring consultant services
will be executed through Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet.
- Refer to Business Procedure 5.2.7-P for procedures on Capital Project Administration.
- Facilities modification requests (Form FM97) must be reviewed and approved by the
college’s leadership (president/CEO or business officer) then forwarded to the KCTCS
Office of Facilities Management, System Architect for review and approval.
- The facilities modification request must include the following:
- Identification or funding source or request
- A detailed project description and justification
- A drawing showing existing conditions
- A drawing sufficiently detailing the work to be completed
- An estimated timeline for completion of the project and
- Any other information which may have a bearing on the project
After KCTCS Office of Facilities Management’s review, the information will be forwarded by email to the Commonwealth of Kentucky Finance Cabinet’s Department of Housing, Building, and New Construction (HBC) for a determination as to whether or not this modification warrants the need for an A/E consultant to develop plans and specifications, and to inspect the work during construction.
- Facilities modification warrants the need for an A/E consultant to develop plans
and specifications, and to inspect the work during construction.
- If the response is “no consultant required”, but HBC requests the following additional information, the college will be asked to do one
of the following:
- Using in-house college personnel, add the required information, fill out the HBC plan application form and send the drawings, the form, and $200 minimum plan review fee to HBC for formal review, or;
- Use the information previously prepared to solicit quotes for construction, making
it the responsibility of the winning bidder to prepare the necessary drawings and
specs, fill out the form, submit the $200 fee to HBC for review and approval, and
secure all required state inspections necessary to get an occupancy permit.
- If the response is “consultant required”, KCTCS Office of Facilities Management will
have pre-selected consultants on price contract through the Finance Cabinet in various
geographical locations throughout the state who will be available to prepare the required
documents for submittal; including the “Application Review Form”.
- The college will have to include in their project budget an amount to cover the consultant’s
costs in addition to the plan review fee.
- The college will have to include in their project budget an amount to cover the consultant’s
costs in addition to the plan review fee.
- Any time electrical, HVAC, sprinklers or fire alarms are involved, licensed or certified
individuals or companies will be required to perform the work and will require state
- Any time exit pathways are involved, more scrutiny will be made.
- Storage rooms, mechanical and electrical areas are critically reviewed.
- If the response is “no consultant required”, but HBC requests the following additional information, the college will be asked to do one
of the following:
7. Emergency Maintenance and Repair
- When the breakdown of a building system or item of equipment creates a situation of
imminent danger to building occupants or will force the shutdown of a facility, the
college president/CEO or his designee shall notify the Director of the Division of
Facilities Maintenance within the KCTCS Office of Facilities Management.
- Direction and/or technical assistance will be given to the college regarding procedures to follow to resolve the situation.
8. Establishing a Minor Project Maintenance (MPM)
A college may at times have a project(s) that it wishes to complete that falls within the category of minor project maintenance.
- To establish a minor maintenance project, the following process is to be used:
- Complete Form FM82 – Project Request, checking the box for maintenance.
- KCTCS Facilities Management will assign a project number, i.e., MPMXXXXX.
- Fill in the amount and attach a journal (with the debit side filled in using 90080
as the account.
- A budget in the 0514 pool must be established for this transaction to process.
- Please work with the KCTCS Budget Office to accomplish this.
- Include a justification of request for establishing the project. Justification for
establishing MPM projects may be one of the following:
- Project needs to be done at the college with a total scope less than $600,000 and no consultant is required on the project. Example – Carpet replacement in a building for $40,000. Depending on the timing, work will not be completed in the fiscal year; hence that is why an MPM project is established.
- If a capital project greater than $1,000,000 is going to be established in the next fiscal year and is included in the six-year capital plan and the funding is available, an MPM project can be established for the purpose of accumulating the funding and then transferring those funds to the State when the capital project has been established.
- Establish an MPM project for future maintenance projects to be done at the college within two years. The amount should not exceed $500,000.
- Complete Form FM82 – Project Request, checking the box for maintenance.
Note: Funds that are transferred into fund 61 cannot be returned to fund 01. If a project is complete and funds remain, the remaining funds can be transferred to a new project within the plant fund.