Administrative Procedures
Off-Site Use of Equipment by Employees
Procedure Number: 5.2.5-P
Current Effective Date: 10/01/2018
Original Effective Date: 07/01/2012
Revision Dates: 07/01/2012, 07/01/2008, 11/05/2018
Revision Number: 3
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: Director of Asset Management
1. Purpose
To describe the off-site use of equipment by employees.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS colleges, the Kentucky Fire Commission, and Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services. Based on the necessity to take KCTCS equipment, including computer equipment, off campus for work related use at times, this procedure outlines the appropriate process for that action.
3. General
Departmentally assigned KCTCS equipment shall not be taken off-site for use without the consent of the department head or his/her designated authority.
- System Office staff will be required to obtain approval from their immediate supervisor prior to removal of departmental equipment from the premises.
- The approval for such action should be documented in the form of an email for audit and record keeping purposes.
For equipment other than laptops, the asset management/inventory office must be notified about the equipment’s use and location so that such equipment can be classified under class 9900, Inland Marine insurance for the purposes of insurance coverage.
- Equipment taken off campus that is not classified on inventory as being covered on Inland Marine insurance is not covered against any kind of loss.
4. Procedure for Off-Site Use
Each college and the System Office shall maintain a record of departmentally assigned equipment that is being used by employees off campus.
- The Off-Site Use of Equipment form, FM96, must be completed and available for inspection by the Asset Management Office from KCTCS Facilities Support Services for inventory purposes.
- It is not necessary to maintain a record of individually assigned equipment that is
taken off campus, such as a laptop, as long as the equipment is listed as being assigned
to an employee.
- Upon an employee’s termination of employment, the equipment is to be returned to the college or System Office.
No KCTCS equipment shall be removed from KCTCS operated facilities for personal use or benefit.