Administrative Procedure
Emergency Response / Crisis Management
Procedure Number: 5.2.3-P
Current Effective Date: 01/01/2020
Original Effective Date: 01/01/2020
Revision Dates: 1/1/2020
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: implementation of new procedure
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
References: Administrative Policy 3.3.17
1. Purpose
To describe the emergency response organization, Emergency Operations Plan, and reporting process in dealing with critical incidents at the colleges and System Office.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS colleges and the System Office.
3. Definitions
- After-Action Report (AAR) - A document intended to capture observations of an exercise and make recommendations for post-exercise improvements.
- Critical Incident Notification Manual (CINM) – An internal KCTCS document used to guide the colleges through the notification of key individuals at the System Office during a significant incident.
- Crisis – is a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.
- It is an unplanned event that is expected to lead to a troubling or dangerous situation and requires decisive action.
- Crisis Management Team (CMT) – is a team of staff members, withpre-defined roles and responsibilities, trained
to support response efforts during an emergency or disaster.
- The CMT shall will an Emergency Operations Center to provide support and resources to the Emergency Response Team and/or local response agencies during an emergency or disaster.
- Disaster – is a major event that seriously impacts normal operations for a large area of a
- It typically involves support from multiple jurisdictions in order to respond and recover from the event, which require a greater coordination of efforts.
- Emergency – is a small-scale, unexpected event requiring immediate action in order to save
lives and protect properties.
- External support and resources through local response agencies may be necessary to respond to the event effectively.
- Emergency Operations Center (EOC) – is a physical location from which theCMT
- coordinates and supports emergency operations in the field;
- performs strategic disaster management functions;
- gathers, analyzes, and distributes information; and
- provides resource and material support to response operations in the field.
- Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) – is a flexible, living document that:
- assigns responsibility for carrying out specific actions that exceed routine responsibility during an emergency;
- sets forth lines of authority and organizational relationships and shows how actions will be coordinated;
- describes how people and property are protected;
- identifies available personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources;
- combines all KCTCS crisis management and emergency response/recovery documents, and continuity plans into a single document.
- Emergency Response Team (ERT) – is pre-defined teams of employees trained to coordinate emergency actions and response efforts during small-scale, workplace emergencies (i.e., evacuation, basic first aid, small fire suppression, etc.)
- Incident – an occurrence, natural or human-caused, that requires a response to protect life or property.
- Incident Command System (ICS) - a management system designed to enable effective and efficient domestic incident management by integrating facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications into a common organizational structure.
- National Incident Management System (NIMS) - guides government, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector to work together to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from incidents.
4. Emergency Response Team (ERT)
The ERT is trained to operate in the response phase of an incident. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Facilitating and coordinating student, faculty, and staff actions during campus emergencies.
- Inform and consult with the Crisis Management Team (CMT) during response and recovery efforts.
- Provide assistance to local response agencies, if requested.
- Serve as liaison between local response agencies and the Crisis Management Team.
- Ensuring familiarity with the Emergency Operations Plan and assisting with EOP updates and revisions.
- Participate in AAR evaluations of the organization’s performance during emergency response and recovery efforts and recommend changes to the Emergency Operations Plan as a result of the lessons learned.
- Participate in regularly scheduled training in First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and ‘Stop-the-Bleed’.
- Complete National Incident Management System (NIMS) training including:
- ICS 100 – Introduction to the Incident Command System
- ICS 200 – Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
- NIMS 700 – An introduction to the National Incident Management System
- NIMS 800 – National Response Framework, an Introduction
5. Crisis Management Team (CMT)
The responsibilities of the CMT include:
- Ensure familiarity with the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP).
- Support response and operational functions of the Emergency Response Team.
- Staff the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) while responding to a major emergency or disaster.
- Complete National Incident Management System (NIMS) training including:
- ICS 100 – Introduction to the Incident Command System
- ICS 200 – Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
- NIMS 700 – An introduction to the National Incident Management System
- NIMS 800 – National Response Framework, an Introduction
- It is also recommended to complete Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) IS-775 – Emergency Operations Center Management and Operations, or equivalent.
- Participate in regularly scheduled crisis training exercises.
- Conduct an AAR analysis following any real-world emergency response or recovery operations to improve existing Emergency Operations Plan.
The CMT and ERT can meet as a single group since members of one may be the same as the members of the other and the objectives of each can be discussed concurrently during meetings.
6. Critical Incident Notification
To ensure a clear and efficient flow of communications from the Colleges to the System Office during incidents. Timely notification allows the System Office to provide immediate support to the affected College(s). For notification purposes:
- Appropriate College and System Office staff shall be familiar with the Critical Incident Notification Manual (CINM) and have the most current edition readily available.
- When an incident occurs that falls within the categories of the CINM, the appropriate notifications shall be made to the System Office as soon as possible, and when safe to do so.
- If a significant incident occurs on or near a College campus and does not fall within a specific category of the CINM, a notification shall be given to the System Office Director of Safety and Emergency Services or his/her designee.
- Additional documentation and outside notifications may be required by the affected
College, as noted in specific incidents listed withinthe CINM. Included but not limited
- KCTCS Form FM-84: KCTCS Accident/Injury Report
- KCTCS Form FM-86: KCTCS Fire Drill Form
- KCTCS Form FM-87: KCTCS Fire/False Alarm Report
- Kentucky Office of the State Fire Marshal: Requirement to contact within one hour in the event of a fire or false alarm.
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)/Kentucky Office of Occupational
Safety and Health (KY-OSH): Requirement to contact KY-OSH under specific accident/injury
parameters set forth:
- Fatality – reporting time within 8 hours
- Hospitalization of 3 or more employees within 8 hours
- Hospitalization of 1 or 2 employees within 72 hours
- Loss of eye within 72 hours
- https://labor.ky.gov/standards/Pages/OSH%20Compliance.aspx#What_to_do_in_case_of_an_accident,_amputation,_loss_of_eye,_or_fatality
The KCTCS System Office Director of Safety and Emergency Services shall review the CINM on a continuous basis and ensure all revisions are e-mailed in a timely manner to each College’s Operations staff and College President.
The KCTCS System Office Director of Safety and Emergency Services shall each month provide CINM statistics to the Vice President of Administrative Services.
7. Emergency Operations Plan
Each College and the System Office shall create and maintain current Emergency Operations Plans.
- The Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is a guide the Colleges and System Office shall
use to coordinate response and recovery operations during campus emergencies. Guidance
for the usage ofthe EOP includes:
- Maintaining current editions of the EOP in strategic areas to ensure quick access during campus emergencies.
- Each College shall conduct a review of theEOP at minimum, no later than December 31
of each year and forward the revised copy of itsEOP to theKCTCS System Office Director
of Safety and Emergency Services or his/herdesignee.
- The System Office Director of Safety and Emergency Services shall conduct the review for the EOP designated for the System Office.
- Any additional revisions beyond the annual minimum review shall also be forwarded to the System Office Director of Safety and Emergency Services or his/her designee.
- Colleges are encouraged to regularly conduct a variety of training exercises to test the capabilities and objectives in their respective EOP, and adjust operational considerations based on outcomes of these training exercises.
- Colleges shall incorporate any additional plans related to crisis management, emergency response and recovery actions, and continuity of operations, into the EOP as separate annexes, with the intent of having a single Plan. These additional plans are not required to follow specific formats but shall be included in all annual or other reviews.
- No later than December 31 of each year,the KCTCS System Office Director of Safety
and Emergency Services shall create an annual report for the prior calendar year and
submit it tothe KCTCS Vice President of Administrative Services that will indicate
the most current reviews and/or revision date of each of the College’sEOPs.
- This report shall indicate the revision date of each College’s current EOP.