Administrative Procedures
Accounting Instructions and Memorandums
Procedure Number: 5.1.6-P
Current Effective Date: 11/01/2018
Original Effective Date: 09/01/2009
Revision Dates: 09/01/2009, 04/01/2009, 10/25/2018
Revision Number: 3
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: System Director of Treasury Management and Assistant Treasurer
1. Purpose
To provide guidance on System Accounting Instructions and System Accounting Memorandums.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. Procedure
The KCTCS System Office Accounting will issue System Accounting Instructions (SAI) and System Accounting Memorandums (SAM) as needed.
- The SAI’s and SAM’s will be sent via email to the college business officers and appropriate System Office managers.
- The instructions and memorandums will provide information and/or instructions for
accounting, payroll, and purchasing procedures and/or processes.
- Each unit should distribute these documents as needed.
System Accounting Instructions (SAI)
- System Accounting Instructions will be issued for additions, deletions, or changes to the Chart of Accounts.
System Accounting Memorandums (SAM)
- System Accounting Memorandums will be issued for additions, deletions, or changes to a business process or procedure. Additionally, System Accounting Memorandums will be issued to provide instructions that affect a single college, multiple colleges, all the colleges, and the System as a whole.