Administrative Procedures
Personal Electronic Devices
Procedure Number: 5.1.19-P
Current Effective Date: 01/01/2023
Original Effective Date: 08/01/2009
Revision Dates: 08/01/2009, 10/01/2011, 05/30/2017, 01/01/2023
Revision Number: 4
Revision Summary: added cell phone case as eligible expense (4.4)
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
1. Purpose
To explain the process for issuing and proper usage of KCTCS personal electronic devices (i.e. cell phone, tablet, etc.).
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. General
Issuance of a personal electronic device:
- Employees may be issued a personal electronic device in order to facilitate necessary job related communications.
- KCTCS Office of Technology Solutions will issue devices in accordance with the units’ prevailing primary provider contract with approval from the supervisor.
- Personal electronic devices are provided to employees for non-compensatory business reasons and usage is excludable from employee income as a working condition fringe benefit under section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code.
4. Expense
Business expenses associated with the acquisition and usage of personal electronic devices will be charged to the department ordering the equipment or to an institutional pool account established for that purpose.
Devices obtained through any other source without authorized approval are not considered properly approved for business use and may not be paid from KCTCS funds.
Charges resulting from non-business related usage of a personal electronic device are the responsibility of the employee.
Employee may purchase an economical cell phone case (Otter Box, etc.) for protection purposes.
5. Employee Responsibility for Electronic Device Use
Personal electronic devices are issued by KCTCS for the sole purpose of conducting business and are not intended for personal use.
Approval for devices must be obtained from (as appropriate) the College President/CEO or KCTCS Cabinet Member.
Upon termination, employees must return all personal electronic devices that have been issued to them by KCTCS.
KCTCS will reimburse an employee for business usage of the employee’s personal electronic device with appropriate documentation and supervisor pre-approval.
Business use is defined as any use of a personal electronic device in the course of performing the specific duties of an employee’s job to conduct official business on behalf and for the benefit of KCTCS. Any other use is considered to be personal in nature.
The use of any personal electronic device by an employee while driving a KCTCS vehicle is prohibited, unless the employee is using a headset or hands-free speakerphone or the employee moves the vehicle to a non-traffic portion of the road.