Administrative Procedures
Notary Public
Procedure Number: 5.1.12-P
Current Effective Date: 07/10/2024
Original Effective Date: 08/15/2005
Revision Dates: 08/15/2005, 10/22/2018, 07/31/2023, 07/10/2024
Revision Number: 4
Revision Summary: update Secretary of State website and contact information
Responsible Official: Vice President/CFO
1. Purpose
To outline the process and requirements for the notarization of documents at KCTCS.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. General
A notary public is a public servant appointed by state government to witness the signing of documents and to administer oaths.
Notaries public notarize documents to deter fraud and ensure proper execution.
Certain documents, for legal purposes, require that signatures to the document be notarized.
- For this reason, it is recommended that at least one person at each college and selected personnel at the System Office become a notary public by completing the steps in Application section 4.
4. Application
Complete an online application for the Secretary of State Office or obtain a paper application form from the following mailing address:
Office of the Secretary of State
Notary Commissions
P. O. Box 821
Frankfort, KY 40602--0821
Contact the Notaries Branch of the Office of the Secretary of State at 502-564-3490 or refer to their website for more information.
- The application fee can be charged to a KCTCS procurement card when submitting the online application or requested on a check request form (BA850) if the paper application will be completed.
- The check should then be forwarded with the “Application for a Notary Public Commission.”
- The cost should be charged to account 50970.
5. Appointment
After the application has been processed by the Secretary of State Office, your Certificate of Appointment will be sent to the county clerk in the county of application.
- For a Kentucky resident, the county of application is the county where the applicant resides or is principally employed as designated in line 5.
At the same time, the Secretary of State sends the Certificate of Appointment to the county clerk, a written notice will be sent to you stating that your Certificate of Appointment is in the county clerk’s office.
Within thirty (30) days of receiving your notice, you must:
- Take the oath of office.
- Post bond. (Contact Facilities Support Services for KCTCS Bond information).
- File and record the commission in the Office of the County Clerk of the County, in which the individual has applied to be a notary.
- At the bottom of the “Certificate of Appointment,” a section called the “Certificate of Approval by Official” must be signed by one of the following officials whose jurisdiction or district includes the county of legal residence of the applicant (if a Kentucky applicant); or, whose jurisdiction or district includes the county where the application was made (if an out-of-state resident): circuit judge, county judge/executive, circuit court clerk, county court clerk, magistrate or member of the Kentucky General Assembly. A stamped or reproduced signature is not acceptable. The official must actually sign his or her name.
- The Oath must be returned to the Secretary of State within 30 days after the date
on the Notice of Appointment Letter.
- Upon receipt of the Oath by the Secretary of State, the Governor will issue the Commission to Office.
- Once you have been appointed to the office of Notary Public Special Commission, you should use the following signature format: "I, ______________________, a Kentucky Notary Public Special Commission, for acts performed in or outside Kentucky for recordation in Kentucky; my commission expires: ______________________."
6. Fees and Payment
Any fee charged and all mileage associated with the trip to the official’s office must be paid in advance by the employee and then reimbursed via an Employee Reimbursement Form (BA2).
The employee’s canceled check and a copy of the “Application for Appointment to the Office of Notary Public” with the signed certification statement may be attached to the Miscellaneous Expense Voucher in lieu of a receipt.