Administrative Procedures
Approval Authority for Contracts
Procedure Number: 5.1.11-P
Current Effective Date: 07/31/2023
Original Effective Date: 01/01/2007
Revision Dates: 03/28/2008, 07/31/2023
Revision Number: 2
Revision Summary: update reference to BA850
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
- Section 1.11.1 – General
- Section 1.11.2 – Contracts Requiring Approval of the KCTCS President
- Section 1.11.3 – Contracts requiring the approval of the Vice President
- Section 1.11.4 – Personal Service Contracts
- Section 1.11.5 – Other Contract Approvals
- Section 1.11.6 – Group Lodging Contracts
- Section 1.11.7 – Meeting Room Contracts
- Section 1.11.8 – Filing and Payments of Contracts and Agreements
Section 1.11.1 – General
The KCTCS President or delegated designee must approve all contracts involving the entire KCTCS system. All contracts must comply with any purchasing requirements as defined in Section 4.1 of KCTCS’ Business Procedures. Please reference Business Procedure 1.15 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and/or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) requirements. Business Procedure 4.1; Business Procedure 1.15
The KCTCS President has delegated specific authority for approving contracts for certain services/activities to KCTCS’ administrative officers as indicated below. KCTCS’ Office of General Counsel, prior to execution, must review all contracts listed in Sections 1.11.2, 1.11.3, and 1.11.4., for the purpose of insuring legality and proper legal form. All persons seeking approval of contracts shall submit drafts to the Office of General Counsel as soon as is practical.
Section 1.11.2 - Contracts requiring approval of the KCTCS President
The following contracts require the approval of the KCTCS President regardless of the amount.
- Bond Indenture
- Endowments
- Contracts between KCTCS, as a system and other universities, state or local government agencies.
Section 1.11.3 – Contracts requiring the Vice President Approval
The following contracts require the approval of the KCTCS Vice President of Finance regardless of the amount.
- Banking
- Insurance
- Real Estate Purchases or Leases
- Easements
- Architectural and Engineering Services and Capital Construction Hazardous Waste Disposal
Section 1.11.4 – Personal Service Contracts
All Personal Service Contracts, regardless of the amount must be reviewed by the KCTCS General Counsel and approved by the KCTCS Vice President of Finance. Please reference Business Procedure 4.15 (Personal Service Contracts). Business Procedure 4.15
Section 1.11.5 – Other Contracts Approvals
All contracts not listed above for goods and services must be procured through KCTCS Purchasing. KCTCS Purchasing will be responsible for ensuring compliance with legal procurement requirements.
Section 1.11.6 - Group Lodging Contracts
It is the practice of KCTCS not to pay for accommodations in advance. Please refer to Business Procedure 1.16 for additional information concerning group lodging contracts. Business Procedure 1.16
Section 1.11.7 – Meeting Room Contracts
- The system office or a college may contract for meeting rooms if the meeting expenses will be charged to one chartstring.
- The individual signing the contract on behalf of KCTCS shall:
- Complete a KCTCS Expenditure Transaction Detail Form Form BA850 for Payment following the scheduled event or use a procurement card. When using a procard as a method of payment, an eBA850 form must be submitted in PeopleSoft.
- Attach the audited vendor's invoice, ensuring no additional items were billed to either the check request or procurement cardholder’s statement. Payment shall not include personal charges of employees or other individuals.
- Contracted group meeting rooms are exempt from Kentucky sales tax.
Section 1.11.8- Filing and Payments of Contracts and Agreements
- All approved contracts and agreements that have a financial obligation or commitment, regardless of the amount must be on file with KCTCS Purchasing before payment is made.
- The KCTCS Vice President of Finance or delegated designee will be responsible for final review and approval of all payments as to the appropriateness of documentation and adherence to appropriate policies, procedures and regulations for the approval authority for contracts.