Administrative Procedures
Information Technology Access Procedure
Procedure Number: 4.2.5A-P
Current Effective Date: 01/31/2023
Original Effective Date: 01/31/2023
Revision Dates: 0
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: implementation of new procedure
Responsible Official: Vice President, Technology Solutions
References: Administrative Policy 4.2.5, Administrative Procedure 5.1.5-P
1. Purpose
This procedure protects data integrity by providing approval processes for obtaining access to different types of data systems.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all approved users of KCTCS data systems.
3. Procedure
- Decision Support System (DSS) Dashboards
- College Institutional Research/Institutional Effectiveness (IR/IE) officers must request
DSS access for other employees by submitting the Decision Support System Dashboard
and Report Authorization form through the KCTCS Help Desk. The form captures the type
and level of dashboard access required. The employee and the IR/IE officer are required
to sign the form.
- General access dashboards do not identify individual students or faculty and do not
require additional levels of approval beyond college leadership. These include the
Student Pipeline and Strategic Plan dashboards.
- In order to make the information available on the general dashboards actionable, sub-reports
and/or additional tabs with student- and/or faculty-level data are provided for some
reports. In addition, some dashboards contain sensitive data. College leadership
have the ability to limit access to the individual-level data to those employees who
need it to perform their job duties. Individuals with access to sensitive data may
export and share reports with others as appropriate and subject to compliance with
Administrative Policy 4.2.5 Information and Information Technology Responsible Use Policy.
- Requesting Access
- Access may be requested through the DSS access form KCTCS IR/IE Peer Team - Decision Support System Dashboard and Report Authorization (v.3).pdf (sharepoint.com)which flows through the IR/IE Peer Team member at the individual college. The Office for Research and Policy Analysis (ORPA) will approve access to general access dashboards as well as the sub-reports/tabs with a valid IR/IE peer team member signature, but colleges can include additional approval steps in their local process (there are additional signature options on the form if a college wants to ensure the president and/or chief academic officer also sign off on access before the form is submitted through a Help Desk ticket).
- Some dashboards and subject areas do require additional System Office signoff (e.g., Student Services is responsible for an additional level of signoff for access to student-level accommodations and disability data).
- A security audit will be provided annually to the IR/IE peer team member annually
to review and confirm access levels are appropriate.
- College Institutional Research/Institutional Effectiveness (IR/IE) officers must request
DSS access for other employees by submitting the Decision Support System Dashboard
and Report Authorization form through the KCTCS Help Desk. The form captures the type
and level of dashboard access required. The employee and the IR/IE officer are required
to sign the form.
- PeopleSoft Access. Administrative Procedure 5.1.5-P details the process for obtaining access to the various PeopleSoft modules: Financials, Human Capital Management, and Campus Solutions.